Do You Love Jesus?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(
No, I don't love Jesus, I never met him, if it is a guy.

His dad did tell me to watch out on the jokes...
And these people would be liars as well.

I'm not religious, but anybody who says they "love Jesus" isn't proving anything by spewing out a "yes".........they are just lying to your face.

And, in fact, anybody that says whatever god they worship is "just and loving" is full of crap. I trust religious people as much as I trust a Dementocrat!!
1 Corinthians 1:18
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 2:14
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

I love the Lord Jesus because he first loved me and gave himself as a sacrifice for me as well as all the world. He is the very epitome of goodness and love.

“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,

19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(

There never was a Jesus. He was and is a construct. No Fucking Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man. No Silver City. Fuck religion.
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(

There never was a Jesus. He was and is a construct. No Fucking Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man. No Silver City. Fuck religion.
You will know in a few short years. THIS life is over before you know it.

And, BTW, there is a greater record of Jesus 2,000 years later than there will be of your existence in 100 years
Jesus didn't exactly say, "I was hungry so you gave me a bureaucracy." We as individuals have the responsibility to feed the hungry among us, not push it off on some big government bureaucracy because we can't personally be bothered.

As for the deportation comment, Jesus' actual words were, "Those who do not enter through the gate are thieves and robbers..." We have a welcoming gate.

Let's not misquote Jesus or pull him into politics. In his life he stayed away from politics and spoke to individuals about how to make life better for themself, their family, their community. We do have a responsibility for the hungry, the stranger, the ill....but is the answer to all of this a great big government bureaucracy? Is that the better way?
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(

There never was a Jesus. He was and is a construct. No Fucking Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man. No Silver City. Fuck religion.
You will know in a few short years. THIS life is over before you know it.

And, BTW, there is a greater record of Jesus 2,000 years later than there will be of your existence in 100 years

Fuck your god in his ass with the dick of his bastard son.

When you die, your dead. Fuck god.
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(

There never was a Jesus. He was and is a construct. No Fucking Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man. No Silver City. Fuck religion.
You will know in a few short years. THIS life is over before you know it.

And, BTW, there is a greater record of Jesus 2,000 years later than there will be of your existence in 100 years

Fuck your god in his ass with the dick of his bastard son.

When you die, your dead. Fuck god.
When you die you are dead. But THEN comes the resurrection of the dead AND then will come the JUDGMENT.

Better for you to keep an open mind, but believe the lies you tell yourself. It means nothing to me. I'm not concerned wit changing your mind
Jesus didn't exactly say, "I was hungry so you gave me a bureaucracy." We as individuals have the responsibility to feed the hungry among us, not push it off on some big government bureaucracy because we can't personally be bothered.

As for the deportation comment, Jesus' actual words were, "Those who do not enter through the gate are thieves and robbers..." We have a welcoming gate.

Let's not misquote Jesus or pull him into politics. In his life he stayed away from politics and spoke to individuals about how to make life better for themself, their family, their community. We do have a responsibility for the hungry, the stranger, the ill....but is the answer to all of this a great big government bureaucracy? Is that the better way?

Fair enough question, that's for sure. Helping the unfortunate has to be done smartly and efficiently, and I agree that government handouts is not the best method. Cheers.
Now when I ask that question obviously most everybody in this forum (who isn't a troll) will say yes, but I mean do you show that you love Him? Which I'm guessing that's what He meant when He was asking His disciple (I do believe Simon Peter) that. I say I'm half and half. I try to show Him that I love Him by living the way that He wants me to live, but sometimes I fail miserably with that and rebel and do what I want to do and I feel very guilty and convicted about that as well. :(

In other words. Either you love Jesus, or you're a troll.

Nothing in between.

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