Do you notice that RWs have no respect for freedom of speech that isn't their own?

RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course George Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that weren't there. This didn't stop some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.
I don't respect your speech. Now, how did that hurt you again?
The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.
Did you really just post this?

That isn't some "random woman" moron. That is a professor telling the media to get out of her "safe zone".
You'll have to forgive 000. He's a liberal. Which means he has no idea what is actually going on in the world. This made headline news all over the place and yet liberals have no idea who she is or what she did. Typical.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

I find that on BOTH SIDES there are people who respect freedom of speech and people who don't.
False equivocation only works on inbred Democrats dumbass.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


Okay so you found two people in the first two links advocating for incriminating climate change denial. Is that really something that compares to the examples of collective movements I gave? No not at all.

I will admit the video was funny and entertaining, but it really isn't a relevant example is it?

There are way more than two people idiot. In fact, there are far more people advocating murder for AGW sceptics than there are rwingers wanting to censor leftwinger comments. It is overwhelmingly the progressives, like you, who wish to limit free speech.

Just admit that your OP is shit and move on. I can counter every one of your claims in seconds.

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

Of course these same assholes started the "white tears" meme in 2012....
Do left wingers even understand the concept of free speech? Boycotting is a form of free speech. What left wingers call a "firestorm" about the infringement of the 1st Amendment freedom of religion is "free speech". I mean how freaking dense do low information lefties have to be not to understand the difference between protesting and freaking assault? Assaulting conservative speakers on college campus is an example of an attack on free speech. Creating a list of words that cannot be uttered on college campus and burning books is an example of the left's war on free speech.
The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.
Did you really just post this?

That isn't some "random woman" moron. That is a professor telling the media to get out of her "safe zone".
You'll have to forgive 000. He's a liberal. Which means he has no idea what is actually going on in the world. This made headline news all over the place and yet liberals have no idea who she is or what she did. Typical.

No. He's a progressive. A particularly stupid iteration thereof. He is most certainly NOT a liberal.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course George Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that weren't there. This didn't stop some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.
So I guess you were against the Chick-fi-la boycott or how about the one against North Carolina ? Nah I'm betting your a typical Democratic Party hypocrite who believes everyone has a voice, as long as its spewing Liberal dogma.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

When was the last time a conservative asked for a "safe zone"?


When they applaud a border wall or a ban on all Muslims.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

When was the last time a conservative asked for a "safe zone"?


When they applaud a border wall or a ban on all Muslims.
You need to raise your IQ about 50 points before you can even attempt to reflect the direction this thread has taken.

You idiots got stomped and nobody even had to try.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course George Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that weren't there. This didn't stop some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

The fact that these boycotts failed is proof that such movements are not popular with conservatives.
As opposed of course to liberal boycotts of Papa John's, Walmart and Chic Fil A.

Not to mention their throwing fire, bottles, rocks, pipes and rolling dumpsters at police and their horses.

Libs are funny when they whine about stuff they themselves do.

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