Do you notice that RWs have no respect for freedom of speech that isn't their own?

The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.
There is nothing "random" about that woman. She has come in epitomize the professor-supported fascism and intolerance to free speech and press which pervades college campuses today.
Ok go ahead and elaborate. I'm waiting.
Boycotts against a form of speech is the promotion of fascism.
Could you be any more full of sh#t. Whose FREE speech was lost when Dr. Martin Luther King jr told Negros to NOT ride buses?

Talk about someone making a stupid f#cking ignorant argument. YOU get this months prize.
View attachment 76811
Ok I give up lol. Who lost their freedom of speech?
Who lost their freedom of speech in the ones you listed? NOBODY!
Yes but clearly those in charge of the boycott wouldn't have cared if they lost their right.
People have a RIGHT to boycott it is THEIR money f#ckwad.
Or do you want to take that RIGHT as well? Of course you DO that's why you wrote the drivel sh#t to start with.
Of course boycotting is a right. However, people who boycott against the freedom of speech of others are hypocrites. Enough said.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

I find that on BOTH SIDES there are people who respect freedom of speech and people who don't.
This is true, but this boycott strategy doesn't manifests itself like it does on the rightwing.

Things might appear different, that doesn't take away from the basic premise.
The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.
There is nothing "random" about that woman. She has come in epitomize the professor-supported fascism and intolerance to free speech and press which pervades college campuses today.
Ok go ahead and elaborate. I'm waiting.
It is not my duty to instruct you where you and your teachers have obviously failed. However, I will provide a link about the lovely little fascist:

Why Missouri professor Melissa Click is Public Enemy No. 1 for conservatives right now
The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.
There is nothing "random" about that woman. She has come in epitomize the professor-supported fascism and intolerance to free speech and press which pervades college campuses today.
Ok go ahead and elaborate. I'm waiting.
It is not my duty to instruct you where you and your teachers have obviously failed. However, I will provide a link about the lovely little fascist:

Why Missouri professor Melissa Click is Public Enemy No. 1 for conservatives right now
Wow great. You found an example of a single person promoting fascism. Good for you! She's not part of a movement like the examples I gave, but you'll take anything you get wont you?
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.
<SIGH> Another child left behind. ):
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


Okay so you found two people in the first two links advocating for incriminating climate change denial. Is that really something that compares to the examples of collective movements I gave? No not at all.

I will admit the video was funny and entertaining, but it really isn't a relevant example is it?
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


Okay so you found two people in the first two links advocating for incriminating climate change denial. Is that really something that compares to the examples of collective movements I gave? No not at all.

I will admit the video was funny and entertaining, but it really isn't a relevant example is it?
You have turned the corner from a simple ignoramus to a fool. You doubtless have depths yet to reach.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


Okay so you found two people in the first two links advocating for incriminating climate change denial. Is that really something that compares to the examples of collective movements I gave? No not at all.

I will admit the video was funny and entertaining, but it really isn't a relevant example is it?

There are way more than two people idiot. In fact, there are far more people advocating murder for AGW sceptics than there are rwingers wanting to censor leftwinger comments. It is overwhelmingly the progressives, like you, who wish to limit free speech.

Just admit that your OP is shit and move on. I can counter every one of your claims in seconds.

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course George Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that weren't there. This didn't stop some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

Yea, that's why they violently try to stop rallies when Hillary is speaking. Oh wait, no they don't. That is the left wanting to deny Trump that right.

Boycotting is something done by the left, too. Protesting is also good.

It's the left that goes so far as to try to stop people from speaking and it's the left that is forever trying to make laws to stop people from speaking, as with those who question global warming.

The OP is nothing but a bunch of bitching because you hate it when the other side protests or boycotts. Neither of those stop people from doing anything and merely lets their opinions be known. I wish the left would stick with boycotts instead of getting violent, throwing rocks and firebombs, blocking highways and doing every radical thing they can think of to stop the rally.

The left boycotted the chicken restaurant when a CEO spoke out about family values. It's so hypocritical to approve something when your side does it and bash it when others do it.

Why don't you get back to us when some Republicans throw rocks and bottles at people and horses or shut down traffic to stop Hillary from talking.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that aren't there. This didn't stop at some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

You mean how you progressives wish to imprison or murder anyone who denies your AGW bullshit? You are myopic, like a bat. But you're not as smart as one.
That's so fucking stupid. No one is saying that. No one is definitely creating some organized protest over it like dumbfuck Rightwingers are for the speech they don't like.

Yes. You are incredibly fucking stupid. The very attributes you accuse rwingers of is the very bullshit you asshats actually DO. Here are a few of the DOZENS that have been recorded. Grow up dickhead. You're even worse than any rightwinger I have ever gone up against.

"The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming deniers who had not responded to the changed legal situation. These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice." "According to the principle I have proposed, the Pope and perhaps some of his closest advisers should be sentenced to death."

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope


Okay so you found two people in the first two links advocating for incriminating climate change denial. Is that really something that compares to the examples of collective movements I gave? No not at all.

I will admit the video was funny and entertaining, but it really isn't a relevant example is it?

There are way more than two people idiot. In fact, there are far more people advocating murder for AGW sceptics than there are rwingers wanting to censor leftwinger comments. It is overwhelmingly the progressives, like you, who wish to limit free speech.

Just admit that your OP is shit and move on. I can counter every one of your claims in seconds.

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

Ok you found a legit example in your random Google search. I'll give you credit for it. However, these are millennials we are talking about from a small sample. I mean damn. They are probably pretentious college kids. They aren't of my breed.
RWs like to bitch about free speech and how it's under attack by the left, but they never seem to have any respect for free speech that contradicts their own. As a result, we get the pathetic and laughable Conservative Boycott Movement.

There are many examples of this though out the years. Here are some examples (keep in mind they all failed)

1) For you Star Wars nerds, there was speculation Episode III was a metaphor protesting the Iraq War. Of course George Lucas denied this because it was just simple minded RWs looking for political connections that weren't there. This didn't stop some RWs from boycotting it.

2) When Disney's "Frozen" came out, conservatives believed it was LGBT propaganda poisoning the youth. So, of course, like the middle schoolers they are, they called for a boycott. Derp, derp, derp!

3) Target of course inspired a couple of boycotts with their stance on transgenders using the bathroom and marriage equality. See, rather than letting a private business do what it wants like they are always complaining about otherwise, RWs boycotted those positions too like the drama queens that they are.

4) And who could forget the firestorm around businesses promoting saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas"? I mean any rational intelligent person would simply not give a shit what a business tells their employees to say around the holiday season, but RWs simply aren't smart and rational are they? They must command the first amendment! That's what Amurica is all about!

There are many other examples. Anyone is free to bring them up.

Yea, that's why they violently try to stop rallies when Hillary is speaking. Oh wait, no they don't. That is the left wanting to deny Trump that right.

Boycotting is something done by the left, too. Protesting is also good.

It's the left that goes so far as to try to stop people from speaking and it's the left that is forever trying to make laws to stop people from speaking, as with those who question global warming.

The OP is nothing but a bunch of bitching because you hate it when the other side protests or boycotts. Neither of those stop people from doing anything and merely lets their opinions be known. I wish the left would stick with boycotts instead of getting violent, throwing rocks and firebombs, blocking highways and doing every radical thing they can think of to stop the rally.

The left boycotted the chicken restaurant when a CEO spoke out about family values. It's so hypocritical to approve something when your side does it and bash it when others do it.

Why don't you get back to us when some Republicans throw rocks and bottles at people and horses or shut down traffic to stop Hillary from talking.
Oh Christ the level of fascist boycotting done by the rightwing over free speech doesn't even compare to some on the left. No one has demonstrated a parallel.
Boycotts do NOT remove your freedom of speech you whiny weasel. Boycotts ARE freedom of speech in practice.
Boycotts against a form of speech is the promotion of fascism.

You are an idiot. We all have the right to boycott anything we disagree with. Deal with it or run off to your safe space, you fucking pansy.
Boycotting itself isn't the problem you dumb shit. When people are boycotting against free speech, they become hypocrites don't they? It has nothing to do with their right to do so.
The face of liberal tolerance for the First Amendment. Apparently you need muscle to keep free speech only for some.

So you're just going to disregard my entire thread and post a pic of a random woman? Ok whatever.

That's not a random woman. She's the face and voice of liberal intolerance that was shown at Mizzou. Her name is Melissa Click. Click is the face of the belligerent assholes who took part in a bogus protest.
Here's a great one Billy. This just happened at De Paul University. Milo was there for an engagement.

BLM shut down the event and threatened Milo with physical violence.

Milo Yiannopoulos’ event at DePaul University had to be cut short Tuesday night after protesters stormed the stage, blew whistles, grabbed the microphone out of the interviewer’s hand, and threatened to punch Yiannopoulos in the face.


Activists Crash Stage, Threaten Milo Yiannopoulos at DePaul

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