Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


Al Gore is and always has been full of shit… Snowflakes will believe anything.:lmao:

How the hell can you say that since the government DID bail all those groups out?

History of U.S. Gov’t Bailouts

One of the groups that the government has bailed out was Lockheed. If the government had done that, you wouldn't see a lot of the new military airplanes being built for the U.S. today.

If the government has the demand for the planes then how do you know that a company wouldn't have provided them?

Demand is a strong incentive to provide a commodity.
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One Reason Tyson will never meet President Trump.

Because Trump wouldn't want someone in the same room as him with an IQ twice what his is.
Tyson is a moron. He's a P.R. man, not a real scientist. He believes in the global warming con. That's proof of his stupidity.

You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart

Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."
1970- Bail out of Penn Central Railroad (R- President Nixon)
1971- Bail out of Lockheed (R- President Nixon)
1974- Bail out of Franklin National Bank (R- President Nixon & R- President Ford)
1975- Bail out of New York City (R- President Ford)
1980- Bail out of Chrysler (D- President Carter)
1984- Bail out of Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company (R- President Reagan)
1989- Bail out of Savings and Loan (R- President George H. W. Bush)
2001- Bail out of Airline Industry (R- George W. Bush)
2008- Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, AIG, Auto Industry, Troubled Asset Relief Program, Citigroup (R- George W. Bush)
2009- Bank of America (D- President Obama)

Hmmm notice something funny about this list?

According to Stephen Hawking, humans have about a thousand years left on earth before global warming, terrorism, and artificial intelligence make life on earth impossible for the human race.

I don't think it makes any difference what people believe. People are simply not going to make the kind of changes needed to avert disaster. If it's not going to happen during the term of office of our leaders, the 5 business plan of most businesses or the lifetime of our citizens, it's immaterial to the them.

What we should be doing is looking for another home, which may well take a thousand years.

Who gives a shit what he says? In history you have always had the doom predictions. They have never been very accurate, have they?

However, I suspect that something will happen sometime in the future to correct the population of humans. It has happened before. It will be hard to sustain a soon to be population of ten billion humans. It could be disease or war or something to do with the climate that affects food production. There will be an adjustment and the human race will still survive.

There are no other homes. This is it. There is no viable technology that will get us very far in space. Hell, we haven't even made it past the moon yet. When we did go to the moon it was three men and it took a sustainable chunk of the GDP to do it. We don't even know if there is a habitable world within a thousand light years of earth. Star trekking across the universe may make for entertaining fiction but that ain't reality.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

It's actually not hilarious, it's terrifying.
According to Stephen Hawking, humans have about a thousand years left on earth before global warming, terrorism, and artificial intelligence make life on earth impossible for the human race.

I don't think it makes any difference what people believe. People are simply not going to make the kind of changes needed to avert disaster. If it's not going to happen during the term of office of our leaders, the 5 business plan of most businesses or the lifetime of our citizens, it's immaterial to the them.

What we should be doing is looking for another home, which may well take a thousand years.

fixing this one is far easier than finding another one. Terrorism and AI may wipe us out, but not global warming. The earth has been much warmer in the past and life thrived during those periods. The global warming hullabaloo is total bullshit.

According to Stephen Hawking, humans have about a thousand years left on earth before global warming, terrorism, and artificial intelligence make life on earth impossible for the human race.

I don't think it makes any difference what people believe. People are simply not going to make the kind of changes needed to avert disaster. If it's not going to happen during the term of office of our leaders, the 5 business plan of most businesses or the lifetime of our citizens, it's immaterial to the them.

What we should be doing is looking for another home, which may well take a thousand years.

Who gives a shit what he says? In history you have always had the doom predictions. They have never been very accurate, have they?

However, I suspect that something will happen sometime in the future to correct the population of humans. It has happened before. It will be hard to sustain a soon to be population of ten billion humans. It could be disease or war or something to do with the climate that affects food production. There will be an adjustment and the human race will still survive.

There are no other homes. This is it. There is no viable technology that will get us very far in space. Hell, we haven't even made it past the moon yet. When we did go to the moon it was three men and it took a sustainable chunk of the GDP to do it. We don't even know if there is a habitable world within a thousand light years of earth. Star trekking across the universe may make for entertaining fiction but that ain't reality.

There are probably hundreds of habitable worlds within 1000 light years of Earth. There may even be several withing 20 light years of earth. We have already found worlds that are likely to be covered with water. More advanced telescopes will provide confirmation.

However, you are still right about the impracticality of moving the population of the Earth to another planet. It just isn't economically feasible.
Because Trump wouldn't want someone in the same room as him with an IQ twice what his is.
Tyson is a moron. He's a P.R. man, not a real scientist. He believes in the global warming con. That's proof of his stupidity.

You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart

Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Tyson is a moron. He's a P.R. man, not a real scientist. He believes in the global warming con. That's proof of his stupidity.

You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart

Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.
Hmmm notice something funny about this list?

You left out several of Obama's bailouts and subsidies like GM and Solyndra?

The auto Industry was in 2008 while under George W. Bush.

In late September 2008, Congress approved a more than $630 billion spending bill, which included a measure for $25 billion in loans to the auto industry. These low-interest loans are intended to aid the industry in its push to build more fuel-efficient, environmentally-friendly vehicles. The Detroit 3 -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- will be the primary beneficiaries.

History of U.S. Gov’t Bailouts

Sorry, Solyndra didn't make the list. It was only half a billions dollars, all the rest were over a billion or more.
You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart

Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.

They are?!!? Really? You must have been an athlete in college because you sure as hell weren't smart enough to earn your degree.
I am against all government transfer payments. That includes subsidies, welfare, entitlements and bailouts.
The government had no business giving Eneron any money just like they had no business giving the Democrat bundler executives at Solyndra money. You know who they are don't you? They are the ones that got big bonuses subsidized by the American taxpayers when the company went under thanks to this Obama jackass.

The free market will take care of supply and demand at the lowest possible cost if the friggin government doesn't interfere.

Libtard Moon Bats can't stand the idea of the government not interfering.

So the government should not have bailed out the airlines? The Auto manufacturers? The banks? You have any idea what our country would be like right now if they hadn't done any of those things?
Actually we do. It's called changing leadership, gaining new investors, and restructuring. Every time you wing nuts predict the end of the world it never happens.

How the hell can you say that since the government DID bail all those groups out?

History of U.S. Gov’t Bailouts

One of the groups that the government has bailed out was Lockheed. If the government had done that, you wouldn't see a lot of the new military airplanes being built for the U.S. today.
You don't get it because leftists are below average intelligence. Economic fall throughs happen all the time as a matter of cyclic correction. When the government doesn't intervene, companies and markets bounce back rapidly with new vigor. When government does intervene, then you have long, drawn out catastrophes like the Great Depression. Ironically, Wall Street had crashed before that and few have ever heard of it because there was no government "solution" and the economy fixed itself.

Businesses through structured bankruptcies, systemic restructuring, and competitor buyouts deal with calamities all on their own at no cost to taxpayers. Your doom and gloom fantasy never would have occurred.

Hahahahaha...I don't get it, and neither do all the smart big wig economist that recommend the government do these bail outs. So if you are so smart, why haven't you gotten a job at the Federal Reserve yet? And I'm not a leftist, dumbass.

Again, every thread, with every Conservative on this board... if you don't agree with them, you are a Liberal, Progressive, or leftist. Are you guys really that fucking retarded?
Calm down, reefer rage. Just duck into your safe space for a spell and light a few aroma therapy candles. You may be no smarter than an HE quick fuse, but it's who you are on the inside that counts.

So the government should not have bailed out the airlines? The Auto manufacturers? The banks? You have any idea what our country would be like right now if they hadn't done any of those things?
Actually we do. It's called changing leadership, gaining new investors, and restructuring. Every time you wing nuts predict the end of the world it never happens.

How the hell can you say that since the government DID bail all those groups out?

History of U.S. Gov’t Bailouts

One of the groups that the government has bailed out was Lockheed. If the government had done that, you wouldn't see a lot of the new military airplanes being built for the U.S. today.
You don't get it because leftists are below average intelligence. Economic fall throughs happen all the time as a matter of cyclic correction. When the government doesn't intervene, companies and markets bounce back rapidly with new vigor. When government does intervene, then you have long, drawn out catastrophes like the Great Depression. Ironically, Wall Street had crashed before that and few have ever heard of it because there was no government "solution" and the economy fixed itself.

Businesses through structured bankruptcies, systemic restructuring, and competitor buyouts deal with calamities all on their own at no cost to taxpayers. Your doom and gloom fantasy never would have occurred.

Hahahahaha...I don't get it, and neither do all the smart big wig economist that recommend the government do these bail outs. So if you are so smart, why haven't you gotten a job at the Federal Reserve yet? And I'm not a leftist, dumbass.

Again, every thread, with every Conservative on this board... if you don't agree with them, you are a Liberal, Progressive, or leftist. Are you guys really that fucking retarded?
Calm down, reefer rage. Just duck into your safe space for a spell and light a few aroma therapy candles. You may be no smarter than an HE quick fuse, but it's who you are on the inside that counts.


Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

Is that you, Frank? lol
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last American dollar and toss it in there, and it still won't be enough to fill it.

I remember back in the 70's where they said if we only get rid of lead in our gasoline, they would be happy, so we did. Then it was lead in paint. Then it was laws against burning trash. Then it was taking steel out of automobiles, then it was.............

Fast forward to today, and the environmental kooks are more unhappy now then they were back then. Trillions of dollars spent and what do we have to show for it according to the left? Global warming.

In most places, they can't predict the weather accurately in five days yet alone predict what's going to happen in 50 years. So here is a question I ask to you and every environmentalist out there that I've yet to get answered: when is enough enough? How much money will it take to shut you people up? What kind of results would make you happy? When will it stop?

There is no answer because it will never stop no matter what we do or how much we spend. That's the problem we conservatives have.
You're disappointed because you cannot grasp the progress. Lead has been reduced in our environment by 90% in the past thirty years. Your own Cuyahoga River hasn't burst into flames since the late 1960s. But you want an end to pollution control? You want to stop environmental regulation because you think the problem should either be solved now or we should say the problem is unsolvable? What's the alternative? End all environmental regulations and let the problem go unchecked?
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last American dollar and toss it in there, and it still won't be enough to fill it.

I remember back in the 70's where they said if we only get rid of lead in our gasoline, they would be happy, so we did. Then it was lead in paint. Then it was laws against burning trash. Then it was taking steel out of automobiles, then it was.............

Fast forward to today, and the environmental kooks are more unhappy now then they were back then. Trillions of dollars spent and what do we have to show for it according to the left? Global warming.

In most places, they can't predict the weather accurately in five days yet alone predict what's going to happen in 50 years. So here is a question I ask to you and every environmentalist out there that I've yet to get answered: when is enough enough? How much money will it take to shut you people up? What kind of results would make you happy? When will it stop?

There is no answer because it will never stop no matter what we do or how much we spend. That's the problem we conservatives have.
You're disappointed because you cannot grasp the progress. Lead has been reduced in our environment by 90% in the past thirty years. Your own Cuyahoga River hasn't burst into flames since the late 1960s. But you want an end to pollution control? You want to stop environmental regulation because you think the problem should either be solved now or we should say the problem is unsolvable? What's the alternative? End all environmental regulations and let the problem go unchecked?

Let the Cleveland Browns win a Super Bowl and he won't care to pay extra money for stuff because of EPA regulations.

So the government should not have bailed out the airlines? The Auto manufacturers? The banks? You have any idea what our country would be like right now if they hadn't done any of those things?

What part of "no bailouts, no welfare, not entitlements and no subsidies" don't you understand? The government should absolutely NEVER be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to anybody that didn't earn it. That goes for the Wall Street, Mid West corn farmers,, Solyndra executives and UAW workers the same as it goes for the ghetto welfare queens.

The economy would be stronger when failed companies that contribute to politicians don't get bailed out. Another benefit is that the American taxpayer would have more of their own money to spend instead of some corrupt politician like that jackass Obama giving it to his/her donors like we saw with Solyndra.

Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

How much are western nations going to hand them for their worthless signature?

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax.

How many windmills do we need to build to ensure the climate never changes again?

So the government should not have bailed out the airlines? The Auto manufacturers? The banks? You have any idea what our country would be like right now if they hadn't done any of those things?

What part of "no bailouts, no welfare, not entitlements and no subsidies" don't you understand? The government should absolutely NEVER be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to anybody that didn't earn it. That goes for the Wall Street, Mid West corn farmers,, Solyndra executives and UAW workers the same as it goes for the ghetto welfare queens.

The economy would be stronger when failed companies that contribute to politicians don't get bailed out. Another benefit is that the American taxpayer would have more of their own money to spend instead of some corrupt politician like that jackass Obama giving it to his/her donors like we saw with Solyndra.

Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!

Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!

If windmills were good enough for the pilgrims, by golly, they're good enough for us!!!

Now go chop some wood, your children are freezing to death.

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