Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?

Are you really this stupid or just play the role of an imbecile on an internet discussion board?

The US has spent more more on pollution control than the rest of the world combined. We have got much value for it, mostly in the first few years of the implementation of the CWA, CAA, RCRA, SWDA etc. We cleanup 80% of the pollution in this country in the first few years of the implementation of the major environmental acts and it didn't cost a lot of money.

What we are dealing with now is the last 5% that has a tremendous cost associated with it. It is environmental wacko bullshit that we are discussing. Little gain for tremendous cost. Stupid, wouldn't you agree?

Yeah, so we scrap it all and say "Fuck it!" We did it! Now let's go back to polluting this motherfucker down!


You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!

Living in a welfare state is not modern enlightenment. It is oppression, unless of course you are one of the welfare queens.

I am sure that I am in your "welfare queen" category. Social security sends my bank a check every month. I think that makes me a communist.

You is always hard to figure where you Moon Bats gets your entitlement mindset from. Did your parents deprive you of food as a child?

I is?
Seth MacFarlane Retweeted
Neil deGrasse Tyson ‏@neiltyson 20h20 hours ago
Actually, were I to meet President Trump I’d discuss with him what science is and how & why it works …

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But hey, what does he know?

One Reason Tyson will never meet President Trump.
Because Trump wouldn't want someone in the same room as him with an IQ twice what his is.
Tyson is a moron. He's a P.R. man, not a real scientist. He believes in the global warming con. That's proof of his stupidity.

You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart
The President elect is an insult to anyone with a brain.
Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

I know exactly what it means, but Trump is going to the opposite extreme. Hell, he's appointing a guy to head the EPA that isn't even a scientist.

Why does some bureaucrat need to be a scientist?
One Reason Tyson will never meet President Trump.
Because Trump wouldn't want someone in the same room as him with an IQ twice what his is.
Tyson is a moron. He's a P.R. man, not a real scientist. He believes in the global warming con. That's proof of his stupidity.

You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.

That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart
The President elect is an insult to anyone with a brain.
No problem for you since you don't have a brain.
So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

I know exactly what it means, but Trump is going to the opposite extreme. Hell, he's appointing a guy to head the EPA that isn't even a scientist.

Why does some bureaucrat need to be a scientist?

Do you know what his degree is in?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

I know exactly what it means, but Trump is going to the opposite extreme. Hell, he's appointing a guy to head the EPA that isn't even a scientist.

Why does some bureaucrat need to be a scientist?

Do you know what his degree is in?

He has several degrees. What difference does it make?

Regina McCarthy has a degree in social anthropology.
Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

I know exactly what it means, but Trump is going to the opposite extreme. Hell, he's appointing a guy to head the EPA that isn't even a scientist.

Why does some bureaucrat need to be a scientist?

Do you know what his degree is in?

He has several degrees. What difference does it make?

Regina McCarthy has a degree in social anthropology.

Several? He has two. One in Philosophy, and another in Political Theory.

Two is several? Let me guess you call your 2 inch penis HUGE!
I kind of decided the climate science thing was bullshit when they decided to outlaw folks from having "green" solutions to everyday issues. Like collecting and cleaning rain water as a water supply, using wind turbines for power, using solar panels for power, forgoing running water pipes, and my favorite, disallowing gardens in ones yard.
So where is the actual scientific PROOF of man made global warming? In the scientific journals written by the GLOBAL WARMING THEORIST man don't you know, They were told to find facts that supported MAN MADE global warming so the EPA could extract billions of dollars from the General fund to combat the problem and a new industry could be started by the energy conglomerate controlled by the soros group. And suddenly guess what there was proof after the billion in grants was paid. There is a REAL crisis on this earth that WILL kill many people long before ANY climate change, and it is funny that liberal shit are digging it. Figure it out stupid liberal. Your idea of Trump supporters having little brain power is really a laugh considering liberals are the most monoplanic creatures on earth.
Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.

I watch politics pretty closely, and I don't recall anybody reporting any of these things by Trump. BTW, fracking greatly reduces our carbon emissions.
Actually The facts do not support the idea of ANYTHING the leftist idiots post or say about Trump, they just pump out the party line bullshit that their indoctrinators pump to them. They have no idea what Trump will do. The one thing they know is that their murdering lying candidate didn't win. They prefer a murderer, that sold nuclear material to Russia over someone who just talked about Putin being a strong leader. It shows a level of stupidity, and a lack of intellectual flexibility that borders on Paranoid Schitzoid behavioral tendencies.
Actually The facts do not support the idea of ANYTHING the leftist idiots post or say about Trump, they just pump out the party line bullshit that their indoctrinators pump to them. They have no idea what Trump will do. The one thing they know is that their murdering lying candidate didn't win. They prefer a murderer, that sold nuclear material to Russia over someone who just talked about Putin being a strong leader. It shows a level of stupidity, and a lack of intellectual flexibility that borders on Paranoid Schitzoid behavioral tendencies.

Same old bullshit... if you didn't want Trump you had to have wanted Hillary... same shit over and over. Did you guys all drink cyanide laced Kool-aid? It didn't kill you but left you all brain dead?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

"The majority", huh. :laugh:

Poll: 70 percent believe in climate change
You're disappointed because you cannot grasp the progress. Lead has been reduced in our environment by 90% in the past thirty years. Your own Cuyahoga River hasn't burst into flames since the late 1960s. But you want an end to pollution control? You want to stop environmental regulation because you think the problem should either be solved now or we should say the problem is unsolvable? What's the alternative? End all environmental regulations and let the problem go unchecked?

My point is I think we've done more than enough. As Flash pointed out, nobody comes close to the amount of money and progress the US put into global warming, and we couldn't solve it ourselves even if it was true.

Yes, we concluded that the Cuyahoga river started on fire because of the crap we were dumping into it. It was very different than the global warming theory because we had empirical evidence that it was the chemicals; water doesn't ignite or burn.

When we have the same hardcore evidence of global warming, then it's time to make decisions on what to do about it. But again, it's not fact, it's a theory, and I think it's a shame to waste the trillions of dollars we have if it's not going to make a difference.
Donald Trump promised to lift environmental regulations, open federal lands to oil and gas production and ease permitting for oil pipelines during a speech at a fracking conference in Pittsburgh on Thursday in which he accused Hillary Clinton of wanting to kill the energy industry.

“I am going to lift the restrictions on American energy and allow this wealth to pour into our communities — including right here in Pennsylvania,” Trump told shale industry leaders. “The shale energy revolution will unleash massive wealth for American workers and families.”

Donald Trump is selling an energy pipe dream

In the last week, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to zero out all federal spending on clean energy research and development. And the plan he released would also zero out all other spending on anything to do with climate change, including the government’s entire climate science effort.
Hahahahaha...I don't get it, and neither do all the smart big wig economist that recommend the government do these bail outs. So if you are so smart, why haven't you gotten a job at the Federal Reserve yet? And I'm not a leftist, dumbass.

Again, every thread, with every Conservative on this board... if you don't agree with them, you are a Liberal, Progressive, or leftist. Are you guys really that fucking retarded?

That's not retarded at all, that's observation.

If I came on here against abortion, for gun rights, against climate change, wouldn't it be the intelligent thing to assume I'm a righty?

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