Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!

The country grew quite a bit back in the late 1700s without the friggin government trying run everybody's lives.

You Libtards want to go back 1917 when the Communist took over Russia, don't you? That would be hog heaven for you, wouldn't it?

If you want to give your money to some company going under or to some ghetto welfare queen then by all means go for it. Nobody is stopping you. However, it is wrong for the oppressive government to take the money that I earn and give it to somebody else, don't you think?. Probably not because you Moon Bats are incapable of doing much thinking.
That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.

Not smart

Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.

They are?!!? Really? You must have been an athlete in college because you sure as hell weren't smart enough to earn your degree.

Which one was awarded for his scientific achievements?

Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!

The country grew quite a bit back in the late 1700s without the friggin government trying run everybody's lives.

You Libtards want to go back 1917 when the Communist took over Russia, don't you? That would be hog heaven for you, wouldn't it?

If you want to give your money to some company going under or to some ghetto welfare queen then by all means go for it. Nobody is stopping you. However, it is wrong for the oppressive government to take the money that I earn and give it to somebody else, don't you think?. Probably not because you Moon Bats are incapable of doing much thinking.

You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!
Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.

They are?!!? Really? You must have been an athlete in college because you sure as hell weren't smart enough to earn your degree.

Which one was awarded for his scientific achievements?

You're the mechanical engineer, you can't figure it out for yourself?
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last American dollar and toss it in there, and it still won't be enough to fill it.

I remember back in the 70's where they said if we only get rid of lead in our gasoline, they would be happy, so we did. Then it was lead in paint. Then it was laws against burning trash. Then it was taking steel out of automobiles, then it was.............

Fast forward to today, and the environmental kooks are more unhappy now then they were back then. Trillions of dollars spent and what do we have to show for it according to the left? Global warming.

In most places, they can't predict the weather accurately in five days yet alone predict what's going to happen in 50 years. So here is a question I ask to you and every environmentalist out there that I've yet to get answered: when is enough enough? How much money will it take to shut you people up? What kind of results would make you happy? When will it stop?

There is no answer because it will never stop no matter what we do or how much we spend. That's the problem we conservatives have.
You're disappointed because you cannot grasp the progress. Lead has been reduced in our environment by 90% in the past thirty years. Your own Cuyahoga River hasn't burst into flames since the late 1960s. But you want an end to pollution control? You want to stop environmental regulation because you think the problem should either be solved now or we should say the problem is unsolvable? What's the alternative? End all environmental regulations and let the problem go unchecked?
No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.
I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."

What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.

They are?!!? Really? You must have been an athlete in college because you sure as hell weren't smart enough to earn your degree.

Which one was awarded for his scientific achievements?

You're the mechanical engineer, you can't figure it out for yourself?

I have. The answer is none of them.

You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!

Living in a welfare state is not modern enlightenment. It is oppression, unless of course you are one of the welfare queens.
What awards has he won for science? Did you really just ask that? (Here is a list of all his awards not just science)

  • 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People Magazine[124]
  • 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union
  • 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York
  • 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[125]
  • 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni Magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[126]
  • 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[127]
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia

Yeah...he worked for NASA under George W. Bush. If you really are a mechanical engineer, I feel sorry for whomever you work for.
Those awards are all for his work as a P.R. man. They are not for doing actual science.

They are?!!? Really? You must have been an athlete in college because you sure as hell weren't smart enough to earn your degree.

Which one was awarded for his scientific achievements?

You're the mechanical engineer, you can't figure it out for yourself?

I have. The answer is none of them.

Then you're dumber than I thought. I'm not sure how to label someone that dumber than brain dead.

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last American dollar and toss it in there, and it still won't be enough to fill it.

I remember back in the 70's where they said if we only get rid of lead in our gasoline, they would be happy, so we did. Then it was lead in paint. Then it was laws against burning trash. Then it was taking steel out of automobiles, then it was.............

Fast forward to today, and the environmental kooks are more unhappy now then they were back then. Trillions of dollars spent and what do we have to show for it according to the left? Global warming.

In most places, they can't predict the weather accurately in five days yet alone predict what's going to happen in 50 years. So here is a question I ask to you and every environmentalist out there that I've yet to get answered: when is enough enough? How much money will it take to shut you people up? What kind of results would make you happy? When will it stop?

There is no answer because it will never stop no matter what we do or how much we spend. That's the problem we conservatives have.
You're disappointed because you cannot grasp the progress. Lead has been reduced in our environment by 90% in the past thirty years. Your own Cuyahoga River hasn't burst into flames since the late 1960s. But you want an end to pollution control? You want to stop environmental regulation because you think the problem should either be solved now or we should say the problem is unsolvable? What's the alternative? End all environmental regulations and let the problem go unchecked?
No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.
Cite proof

Proudly marching backwards to the 1700's!!!!!!

The country grew quite a bit back in the late 1700s without the friggin government trying run everybody's lives.

You Libtards want to go back 1917 when the Communist took over Russia, don't you? That would be hog heaven for you, wouldn't it?

If you want to give your money to some company going under or to some ghetto welfare queen then by all means go for it. Nobody is stopping you. However, it is wrong for the oppressive government to take the money that I earn and give it to somebody else, don't you think?. Probably not because you Moon Bats are incapable of doing much thinking.

You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!
You see? That's the spirit! We need more of that indefatigable optimism instead of this doom and gloom Trump is going to destroy America nonsense.

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

No one is saying end pollution control, douche bag, but new regulations are counter productive. They only drive up costs without producing any meaningful reduction in pollution.

Like I said in a previous post. These stupid environmental wackos want us to clean up the last 5% of pollution for 50% of the cost at a time when Obama has given us tremendous debt, increased poverty and a dismal economy.

That is just the way these Moon Bats roll.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?
His point obviously went right over your head. Do you understand the principle of diminishing returns?

Do you understand Trump wants to basically get rid of everything that protects the environment, open up as many oil pipelines as possible, extend as much strip mining and fracking as possible, and get rid of all government funded research into renewable resources. So we aren't talking about making headway anymore... hell under Trump's plan we aren't even talking about a maintenance phase. We are talking about a regression phase on the environment.
I'll take that to mean "no, you don't understand the principle of diminishing returns."

I know exactly what it means, but Trump is going to the opposite extreme. Hell, he's appointing a guy to head the EPA that isn't even a scientist.

You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!

Living in a welfare state is not modern enlightenment. It is oppression, unless of course you are one of the welfare queens.

I am sure that I am in your "welfare queen" category. Social security sends my bank a check every month. I think that makes me a communist.

So you want to get rid of everything so that things can go back to the way they were and destroy all the progressing that has been made?

Are you really this stupid or just play the role of an imbecile on an internet discussion board?

The US has spent more more on pollution control than the rest of the world combined. We have got much value for it, mostly in the first few years of the implementation of the CWA, CAA, RCRA, SWDA etc. We cleanup 80% of the pollution in this country in the first few years of the implementation of the major environmental acts and it didn't cost a lot of money.

What we are dealing with now is the last 5% that has a tremendous cost associated with it. It is environmental wacko bullshit that we are discussing. Little gain for tremendous cost. Stupid, wouldn't you agree?

You have inspired me! I live next to an indian reservation in Arizona. I'm going to oil up old Betsy, and take a few scalps, and then build a homestead cabin on it! In no time at all, I will have built a great nation, and can then declare war on Mexico! The American dream is still alive!!!!

Living in a welfare state is not modern enlightenment. It is oppression, unless of course you are one of the welfare queens.

I am sure that I am in your "welfare queen" category. Social security sends my bank a check every month. I think that makes me a communist.

You is always hard to figure where you Moon Bats gets your entitlement mindset from. Did your parents deprive you of food as a child?

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