Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

I still laugh at this whole thing.

The earth has been warming since the "little ice age" that took place for about 500 years from 1300's to 1800's (look it up).

Exactly what did "mankind" do in the 1800's to create that warming?
Industrial age kicks it & man stsartys emitting more & more greenhouse gases. Have you just woke up from a 50 year nap?
The earth has been warming since the "little ice age"

Please, Mr. Jarhead, just parroting isn't helping the cause. In the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. The Sun is not the cause. The definition of "ice age" is completely wrong. Ice ages are continent specific. Antarctica is an ice age, so is Greenland. 70 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed Antarctica, because it was not on the South Pole and hence not frozen. The cause of its ice age is the fact that it moved from the southern tip of Africa to where it is today.

Fox News pushes stuff like that. If you wanna personally observe Fox in action, try to get them to ask this question, because they won't....

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

Please, no more solar cycle and little ice age bullshit. The position of land controls how much ice Earth has...

90% of Earth ice on Antarctica
7% on Greenland

Land near an Earth pole is 99% of what controls Earth climate change.
man stsartys emitting more & more greenhouse gases

and THAT is the intellect of the warmers...

Meanwhile, highly correlated satellite and balloon data continue to show no warming in the atmosphere despite rising CO2....
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
So, in your professional opinion, what should we regulate the earths thermostat be set to?

I'm still waiting for just one of these AGW rubes to tell us what the Earth's normal temperature is.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
So, in your professional opinion, what should we regulate the earths thermostat be set to?
We can reduce the rise in temperatures by regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

Or do you deny the effects of higher temperatures.

How does one deny that which is not?

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