Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
Satellite data starts in 1979 and shows no increase in global temperature trends until 1998

That's fudge. The satellites and balloons both showed a cooler than normal year in 1998 for the atmosphere. The data for both was fudged in 2005, and in 2005 it showed absolutely no warming at all, and both sets were highly correlated - no reason to doubt their accuracy.
Satellite data starts in 1979 and shows no increase in global temperature trends until 1998

That's fudge. The satellites and balloons both showed a cooler than normal year in 1998 for the atmosphere. The data for both was fudged in 2005, and in 2005 it showed absolutely no warming at all, and both sets were highly correlated - no reason to doubt their accuracy.

Oh, I agree.... that wasn't my point. Point was, it ain't getting warmer.
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
Trump: Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting subpoena

"Clinton and her campaign don’t dispute that she deleted these 33,000 emails. They argue that these were personal in nature, rather than work-related, and therefore were not necessary to turn over.

However, they have denied that they deleted the emails after receiving a congressional subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi on March 4, 2015. But an August 2016 FBI report on its investigation shows that Trump’s claim has some merit."
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
The left doing battle with their strawman again. And losing.
Nobody denies the climate changes, dufus.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.

Man to live within your fairly tail of delusion and brain fuck is something to behold. There isn't a single data base(noaa, noaa, Berkley, uah, Japan, Hadcrut, rss) that supports your idea that our climate isn't warming.

Where do you pull this idea out of? Your ass?
Satellite data starts in 1979 and shows no increase in global temperature trends until 1998

That's fudge. The satellites and balloons both showed a cooler than normal year in 1998 for the atmosphere. The data for both was fudged in 2005, and in 2005 it showed absolutely no warming at all, and both sets were highly correlated - no reason to doubt their accuracy.

Oh, I agree.... that wasn't my point. Point was, it ain't getting warmer.

Did your man in the sky say this? Because there's not a single database that is backed by thousands of temperature sensors or satellite that agrees with you.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.

Man to live within your fairly tail of delusion and brain fuck is something to behold. There isn't a single data base(noaa, noaa, Berkley, uah, Japan, Hadcrut, rss) that supports your idea that our climate isn't warming.

Where do you pull this idea out of? Your ass?
you're completely off your rocker bubba. but we knew that already.
Satellite data starts in 1979 and shows no increase in global temperature trends until 1998

That's fudge. The satellites and balloons both showed a cooler than normal year in 1998 for the atmosphere. The data for both was fudged in 2005, and in 2005 it showed absolutely no warming at all, and both sets were highly correlated - no reason to doubt their accuracy.

Oh, I agree.... that wasn't my point. Point was, it ain't getting warmer.

Did your man in the sky say this? Because there's not a single database that is backed by thousands of temperature sensors or satellite that agrees with you.
satellites do, and you are a few thousands of temperature sensors short of being able to document any data globally. so you lose.
You know I used to think you were fucking stupid. Now I think you are fucking brain dead.
That's because you're an imbecile who thinks buffoons like Tyson are smart. If you were actually smart you would understand that he's an idiot. He certainly didn't help his cause by insulting the future President.
Let me see... he graduated from Harvard, got a doctorate from Columbia, and did post-doctorate work at Princeton. That's three Ivy league schools. Did you graduate high school?

Wait, maybe you got things confused and didn't know he was an award winning scientist, and instead thought he created the Canadian television show Degrassi. :badgrin:
I have a degree in mechanical engineering, dumbass. What "awards" did he earn for science? None. He's a P.R. man who manages a planetarium. He doesn't do science, and he doesn't know jack about so-called "climate science."
You are a dumbass engineer who thinks he understands science?
Producing knowledge and using it are not the same.
What knowledge did Tyson ever produce?
You think you understand astrophysics, let alone 6th grade science?
Your engineering background does not allow you to do ANY research, like a quick lookup of Tyson's research?
:) :)
By having a PhD in Astrophysics from a respected university, Tyson automatically is a scientist!
He obviously understands science AND can communicate its basic concepts & methods to those who have some interest, excluding bozos like yourself.

Besides Education & Employment, Neil DeGrasse Tyson's curriculum vitae includes …

Research published papers in science journals.
Books written and edited.
Chapters and Forewords in select books.
Assorted Writings: Essays, Articles, and OpEds.
Assorted honors and awards.
Grants Awarded for Research & Education.
Referee/Reviewer for Research papers, proposals, and popular books.
Research time on world-renown telescopes.

Here are Tyson's Research Publications:

The Faint-End Slopes of Galaxy Luminosity Functions in the COSMOS Field.
2008, Astrophysical Journal Letters, v.672, p.198

COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations.
2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.38

The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Overview.
2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.1

Optical light curves of the Type IA supernovae SN 1990N and 1991T.
1998, Astronomical Journal, v.115, p.234

BVRI Light Curves For 29 Type Ia Supernovae.
1996, Astronomical Journal, v.112, p.2408

The Type Ia Supernova 1989B in NGC3627 (M66).
1994, Astronomical Journal, v.108, p.2233

The Expanding Photosphere Method Applied to SN1992am at cz = 14600 km/s.
1994, Astronomical Journal, v.107, p.1444

On the Possibility of a Major Impact on the Uranus in the Past Century.
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Notes), v.275, p.630

An Exposure Guide for Taking Twilight Flatfields with Large Format CCDs.
1993, Astronomical Journal, v.105, p.1206

Radial Velocity Distribution and Line Strengths of 33 Carbon Stars in the Galactic Bulge.
1991, Astrophysical Journal, v.367, p.547

On the possibility of Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Lyman-alpha Forest.
1988, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), v.329, p.L57

Bursting Dwarf Galaxies: Implications for Luminosity Function, Space Density, and Cosmological Mass Density.
1988, Astrophysical Journal, v.329, p.618

uvby Photometry of Blue Stragglers in NGC 7789.
1985, Astronomical Journal, v.90, p.1247
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.

You liberals are really something. I just put testimony right in front of you of what Comey said, and you still deny it. Maybe if I spell it out for you, that might be better.

Gowdy: Mrs. Clinton said that she never sent or received any classified information on her server, is that true?

Comey: Our investigation found THAT THERE WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION....

Gowdy interrupting: So it was not true?

Comey: Right, that's what I said.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

I don't know what more you want. You have to say either Hillary lied to Congress or Comey did, but they both can't be telling the truth.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.
And, the only reason why there was only a few was because,
Hillary, the crook, had Huma strip the classified headers
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.

You liberals are really something. I just put testimony right in front of you of what Comey said, and you still deny it. Maybe if I spell it out for you, that might be better.

Gowdy: Mrs. Clinton said that she never sent or received any classified information on her server, is that true?

Comey: Our investigation found THAT THERE WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION....

Gowdy interrupting: So it was not true?

Comey: Right, that's what I said.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

I don't know what more you want. You have to say either Hillary lied to Congress or Comey did, but they both can't be telling the truth.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.
And, the only reason why there was only a few was because,
Hillary, the crook, had Huma strip the classified headers

You people are just plain stupid.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.
Well damn, with endorsements like those who wouldn't buy into it? After all Putin and the North Koreans are paragons of honesty and reason. :rolleyes:
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
So, in your professional opinion, what should we regulate the earths thermostat be set to?
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.

You liberals are really something. I just put testimony right in front of you of what Comey said, and you still deny it. Maybe if I spell it out for you, that might be better.

Gowdy: Mrs. Clinton said that she never sent or received any classified information on her server, is that true?

Comey: Our investigation found THAT THERE WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION....

Gowdy interrupting: So it was not true?

Comey: Right, that's what I said.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

I don't know what more you want. You have to say either Hillary lied to Congress or Comey did, but they both can't be telling the truth.

I knew you would drag this out. It proves just how duped you are.

Clinton said there were no mails marked classified. In later testimony Comey admitted there were none that were properly marked. Portion markings were not proper.
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
So, in your professional opinion, what should we regulate the earths thermostat be set to?
We can reduce the rise in temperatures by regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

Or do you deny the effects of higher temperatures.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
well that isn't what the date on the subpoena says.
Again, for the mentally challenged. Clinton had ordered her personal e-mails deleted long before any subpoena. Whewn the subpoena was issued, she did not have anything deleleted because she thought they had already been deleleted. The IT guy was the one who realized he had not deleted the mails & did so.
Point was, it ain't getting warmer

The planet as a whole is not getting warmer. Certain areas are. The Arctic Ocean is growing, and as it grows, the sea ice will coalesce around Greenland. North America is moving SW. Most continents are moving away from the nearest pole. But, for certain, the climate won't change much until Antarctica moves off the South Pole.
The average global temperatures are rising. Pointing to an area where it isn't &screaming MMGW is a hoax is plain stupid.
Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
it can? where is your evidence that global warming caused a longer drought?

hint, you saying so doesn't count.
More Droughts | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change | US EPA
So, in your professional opinion, what should we regulate the earths thermostat be set to?
We can reduce the rise in temperatures by regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

Or do you deny the effects of higher temperatures.
So, how do you propose we stop the number 1 GHG, water vapor?

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