Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Proof that one world leader has retained his sanity and common sense amidst all the liberal hysteria and unproven wishful thinking.

The climate has been changing for as long as the Earth has existed. Or for as long as it's had a climate, at least.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer. And sometimes it gets cooler.

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-five years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-FIVE YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

I agree. Climate change is a load of hogwash that some scientist came up with.

They destroyed one hundred and fifty years of true weather documentation to put this Climate Change horseshit on every ones radar.

Al Gore made a ton of money of Climate Change and laughed his way right to the bank.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

"The majority", huh. :laugh:

Poll: 70 percent believe in climate change

Most Americans won’t spend more than $1 a month in higher electricity bills to fight global warming, according to a new Associated Press-University of Chicago poll.

Only 57 percent of Americans would be willing to spend the extra cash to fight global warming, according to the poll, and 39 percent said they’d spend up to $10 a month to stave off warming.

The polling means that less than 40 percent of Americans are willing to pay for Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The plan, which is intended to slow global warming, is expected to cost a staggering $41 billion annually, which equates to about $10.74 a month for each American.

Poll: Most Americans Aren’t Willing To Pay For Obama’s Global Warming Plans
Most Americans won’t spend more than $1 a month in higher electricity bills to fight global warming, according to a new Associated Press-University of Chicago poll.

Only 57 percent of Americans would be willing to spend the extra cash to fight global warming, according to the poll, and 39 percent said they’d spend up to $10 a month to stave off warming.

This us how dopey you idiots and your sources are. The funny thing is, you don't even see what's wrong with it.

What's wrong with it?

Thank you!

You're welcome.
What's wrong with it?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

I agree. Climate change is a load of hogwash that some scientist came up with.

They destroyed one hundred and fifty years of true weather documentation to put this Climate Change horseshit on every ones radar.

Al Gore made a ton of money of Climate Change and laughed his way right to the bank.

I hope you mean man-made climate change.

The climate (meaning climate patterns) is always changing....always has....always will.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

I agree. Climate change is a load of hogwash that some scientist came up with.

They destroyed one hundred and fifty years of true weather documentation to put this Climate Change horseshit on every ones radar.

Al Gore made a ton of money of Climate Change and laughed his way right to the bank.

I hope you mean man-made climate change.

The climate (meaning climate patterns) is always changing....always has....always will.
I do mean man made climate change.

Of course the climate changes. It always has and always will.

Hell. Back in the eleven or twelve hundred they had snow in July. Millions died because they couldn't grow crops. No carbon footprints back then. The climate changed.
But they re-elected the same Congress. How stupid is that? Trump fired up the Alt-right while Congress swift boated Clinton.

Clinton broke no law.

She didn't?

You mean destroying evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress is not breaking the law?

You mean lying to Congress repeatedly while under oath is not breaking the law?

You mean mishandling confidential and classified material is not against the law?
Clinton had ordered those mails destroyed her personal e-mails before the subpoena & she thought they had already been destroyed. It was the IT guy who had not destroyed them & then did when he realized he had not.

So, Buttercup, how is that Clinton's fault?

What lies under oath.

I have news, if what Clinton did was illegal, then you best be locking up Powell, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc etc etc.

It was no illegal to use a private e-mail server, Comey said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on it.

You really need to quit inhaling the diesel exhaust & get better informed.
Climate change is a load of hogwash

Climate change is a SCIENCE. Global Warming is a THEORY.

If you cannot understand that, please STFU and let those who do argue the point.

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9+ times the ice of the other, the Arctic?

If you cannot answer that question, you understand precisely nothing about Earth climate change.
The climate changed

Indeed, because the plates move. Antarctica was not frozen 70 million years ago because it was not on the South Pole 70 million years ago...

Imagine that... moving over the South Pole made it cooler - GEEEEE.....
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

What's hilarious is you don't know the rest of the world wants to see us de-industrialize so they can dominate us. Almost happened too...but then along came Trump and saved us from you dirtbags.
Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Proof that one world leader has retained his sanity and common sense amidst all the liberal hysteria and unproven wishful thinking.

The climate has been changing for as long as the Earth has existed. Or for as long as it's had a climate, at least.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer. And sometimes it gets cooler.

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-five years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-FIVE YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.

Actually, there have been studies on the amount of CO2 to promote global heating. There have been studies to determine at what point the Earth can no longer keep up removing the CO2.

But hey, you keep being uninformed & demanding exact proof where there really can't be any. We can't build a mini-earth & run experiments.

Meanwhile, you are perhaps dooming your own grandchildren to hardships all because of your ignorance.
Climate change is a load of hogwash

Climate change is a SCIENCE. Global Warming is a THEORY.

If you cannot understand that, please STFU and let those who do argue the point.

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9+ times the ice of the other, the Arctic?

If you cannot answer that question, you understand precisely nothing about Earth climate change.
Science includes theories.

You really stupid question was answered already.
Clinton had ordered those mails destroyed her personal e-mails before the subpoena & she thought they had already been destroyed. It was the IT guy who had not destroyed them & then did when he realized he had not.

So, Buttercup, how is that Clinton's fault?

What lies under oath.

I have news, if what Clinton did was illegal, then you best be locking up Powell, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc etc etc.

It was no illegal to use a private e-mail server, Comey said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on it.

You really need to quit inhaling the diesel exhaust & get better informed.

You really stupid question was answered already


You just confessed that you are a science invalid with no clue.

Science includes theories

A THEORY is unproven, yet you want us to tax tax tax and spend spend spend on a theory easily disproven.

"RECORD WARM" WATER = NO HURRICANES = that is your "science" at work.

Marshall Islands are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire... duh.
I agree. Climate change is a load of hogwash that some scientist came up with.

They destroyed one hundred and fifty years of true weather documentation to put this Climate Change horseshit on every ones radar.

Al Gore made a ton of money of Climate Change and laughed his way right to the bank.

Climate change is like any other belief.

You talk to people who are very religious like my mother. They swear they've seen things none of us have. My mother believes she's seen the Mother Mary. My sister swears she was followed around by an angel as a child.

My cousin believes in ghosts. In fact, he swears he's seen ghosts in every house he's ever lived in since a child. He would talk about doors closing by themselves, cats screeching when there were no cats around, things like that.

Many people believe in aliens from other planets. I had a friend that swore he seen a space ship hover right in front of him when he was out one night sitting on a hill.

If you believe in something strong enough, you will be able to find all kinds of stories, evidence and encounters to support your point; some pretty compelling. Me? I've never seen any religious figures, never seen a ghost, and never seen an alien from another planet. But then again, I don't believe in those things.

Climate change is no different. The thing is, it's almost human nature to find things we can't explain that scare the hell out of us. Being scared gives us an enjoyment somehow. It's an exciting feeling. It's a challenge. Many pay good money to be scared. We go to amusement parks and go on rides that scare us to death. We go to haunted houses around Halloween time. We watch murder movies that give us nightmares.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

I don't know anyone who denies that the climate changes....
Then again, there is DATA and there is FUDGE.

The highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons showed precisely no warming in the atmosphere in 2005, when it was FUDGED with uncorrelated "corrections" to show "warming" that does not exist.

Key Argument for Global Warming Critics Evaporates

"For years, skeptics of global warming have used satellite and weather balloon data to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening.

Now, according to three new studies published in the journal Science, it turns out those conclusions based on satellite and weather balloon data were based on "faulty" analyses (ie we do not tolerate proof there is NO WARMING in the atmosphere, so we FUDGED the data to show "warming.).".
You really stupid question was answered already


You just confessed that you are a science invalid with no clue.

Science includes theories

A THEORY is unproven, yet you want us to tax tax tax and spend spend spend on a theory easily disproven.

"RECORD WARM" WATER = NO HURRICANES = that is your "science" at work.

Marshall Islands are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire... duh.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science. Wow, you are such an idiot.

Theories are science. Some can't be proven through experiments.

And OMG OMG OMG what would it be like if we spend money & effort to reduce emissions and we would never know whether it prevented anything.

Global Warming has not been "disproven".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread. Then what, asshat. It takes decades to get greenhouse gas levels back to lower limits. But hey, you saved a fricken nickel on your taxes. You are such a tiny, selfish, poor excuse for a human being. Your future generations will look back & ask "Why was Grandpa such a freakin' ass".
You really stupid question was answered already


You just confessed that you are a science invalid with no clue.

Science includes theories

A THEORY is unproven, yet you want us to tax tax tax and spend spend spend on a theory easily disproven.

"RECORD WARM" WATER = NO HURRICANES = that is your "science" at work.

Marshall Islands are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire... duh.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science. Wow, you are such an idiot.

Theories are science. Some can't be proven through experiments.

And OMG OMG OMG what would it be like if we spend money & effort to reduce emissions and we would never know whether it prevented anything.

Global Warming has not been "disproven".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread. Then what, asshat. It takes decades to get greenhouse gas levels back to lower limits. But hey, you saved a fricken nickel on your taxes. You are such a tiny, selfish, poor excuse for a human being. Your future generations will look back & ask "Why was Grandpa such a freakin' ass".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread.

We never had droughts, heat waves, crop failures, diseases or wars until we started using fossil fuels, eh?

You know how I know global warming...err...climate change...err...severe weather is real? No matter what happens, drought, flooding, cold, hot, snow...whatever, it's always explained as the fault of too much CO2.

Hey, the Cubs won the World Series, was that global warming too?

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