Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Clinton had ordered those mails destroyed her personal e-mails before the subpoena & she thought they had already been destroyed. It was the IT guy who had not destroyed them & then did when he realized he had not.

So, Buttercup, how is that Clinton's fault?

What lies under oath.

I have news, if what Clinton did was illegal, then you best be locking up Powell, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc etc etc.

It was no illegal to use a private e-mail server, Comey said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on it.

You really need to quit inhaling the diesel exhaust & get better informed.

Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.
You really stupid question was answered already


You just confessed that you are a science invalid with no clue.

Science includes theories

A THEORY is unproven, yet you want us to tax tax tax and spend spend spend on a theory easily disproven.

"RECORD WARM" WATER = NO HURRICANES = that is your "science" at work.

Marshall Islands are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire... duh.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science. Wow, you are such an idiot.

Theories are science. Some can't be proven through experiments.

And OMG OMG OMG what would it be like if we spend money & effort to reduce emissions and we would never know whether it prevented anything.

Global Warming has not been "disproven".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread. Then what, asshat. It takes decades to get greenhouse gas levels back to lower limits. But hey, you saved a fricken nickel on your taxes. You are such a tiny, selfish, poor excuse for a human being. Your future generations will look back & ask "Why was Grandpa such a freakin' ass".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread.

We never had droughts, heat waves, crop failures, diseases or wars until we started using fossil fuels, eh?

You know how I know global warming...err...climate change...err...severe weather is real? No matter what happens, drought, flooding, cold, hot, snow...whatever, it's always explained as the fault of too much CO2.

Hey, the Cubs won the World Series, was that global warming too?

Yes. Do you thin k that they might be more? People die all the time so it is OK to poison the water supply?
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
So how many YEARS do we have this time?
You know, where the poor/middle class have to give up everything in life, but the elites dont, all to fix "global warming"
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
What weather got to do with the discussion? Have you been algored too?

Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Let me guess...
you are the poster child for being part of the solution,
to end global warming, not part of the problem of global warming.

You stopped eating meat
You own a bike, not a car and use public transportation
You don't own a microwave or air conditioner
You don't burn candles, use any spray, air freshener..etc
You hand wash your clothes and hang them to dry
You don't take showers, you take a bath/wash hair, once a week,
You don't leave the water running to brush your teeth
You flush the toilet after every 5 uses
You don't wash/rinse your dishes w running water,
You wash dishes every 2-3 days
You don't use heat in the winter unless temps are in the teens
You keep lights off, unless absolutely necessary
All light fixtures and bulbs are energy star approved
All appliances have the energy star seal of approval...

I'm a fucking millionaire and addiction is a disease!

Go take some community college courses
in biology, ecology, botany, micro & marine biology & zoology.

Then come back and let me know, how wiping out the rain forest,
rerouting/blocking natural water flows, destroying food chain species
DIDNT cause the problems you blame on greenhouse gases!
First, we don't have to eliminate all emissions, we need to reduce them. I use well water on a septic system and therefore recycle water use. I use geothermal HVAC to heat & cool my home burning nothing. I get 45 mpg on my vehicle. My appliances are energy star, why aren't yours.

There are many factors to MMGW. Emissions are an important part that we can reduce if we could only educate dumbasses like you.
First, we don't have to eliminate all emissions, we need to reduce them. I use well water on a septic system and therefore recycle water use. I use geothermal HVAC to heat & cool my home burning nothing. I get 45 mpg on my vehicle. My appliances are energy star, why aren't yours.

There are many factors to MMGW. Emissions are an important part that we can reduce if we could only educate dumbasses like you.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which warms the planet. The future of our children & grandchildren could be difficult because of MMGW. You sit on your fat ass doing nothing because you bare too God damn stupid to comprehend the science. So yes, you are the typical uneducated dumbass Trump supporter.
Why are more greenhouse gases sitting in the atmosphere, dumbass?
Because we wiped out too many trees fuckface.
Then, animals and insects starting depleting other foliage.
Trees regulate temperatures too dumbass.
If conservationist's were taking seriously to begin with,
maybe we wouldn't be having this discussion!

Your right, there's nothing wrong with reducing emissions,

From birth til death, statistics for developing any cancer type
for persons who live a normal lifespan, currently suggest,
2 of every 3 males & 1 of every 4 females, will develop cancer.

People who are so gung hoe about global warming,
want the government to regulate emissions,
cause they're to damn fucking lazy and spoiled,
to actually do anything but the bare minimum themselves!

I give it no more than 10 years before the focus
isn't on global warming but the depletion of our natural resources!

That, dumbass, is the REAL problem we're faced with!
The climate has been changing for as long as the Earth has existed. Or for as long as it's had a climate, at least.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer. And sometimes it gets cooler.

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-five years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-FIVE YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
Actually, there have been studies on the amount of CO2 to promote global heating. There have been studies to determine at what point the Earth can no longer keep up removing the CO2.
And you can't actually name a single one. No references... as usual.


Forty-plus years of wailing and caterwauling by the global-whatever pushers, and still not one proof. Even after forty-plus years.
You really stupid question was answered already


You just confessed that you are a science invalid with no clue.

Science includes theories

A THEORY is unproven, yet you want us to tax tax tax and spend spend spend on a theory easily disproven.

"RECORD WARM" WATER = NO HURRICANES = that is your "science" at work.

Marshall Islands are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire... duh.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science. Wow, you are such an idiot.

Theories are science. Some can't be proven through experiments.

And OMG OMG OMG what would it be like if we spend money & effort to reduce emissions and we would never know whether it prevented anything.

Global Warming has not been "disproven".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread. Then what, asshat. It takes decades to get greenhouse gas levels back to lower limits. But hey, you saved a fricken nickel on your taxes. You are such a tiny, selfish, poor excuse for a human being. Your future generations will look back & ask "Why was Grandpa such a freakin' ass".

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts, our crops won't grow because it is too hot, food becomes scarce in some areas, wars break out , diseases spread.

We never had droughts, heat waves, crop failures, diseases or wars until we started using fossil fuels, eh?

You know how I know global warming...err...climate change...err...severe weather is real? No matter what happens, drought, flooding, cold, hot, snow...whatever, it's always explained as the fault of too much CO2.

Hey, the Cubs won the World Series, was that global warming too?

Yes. Do you thin k that they might be more? People die all the time so it is OK to poison the water supply?

Do you thin k that they might be more?

Do I think what might be more?
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
great, about fking time this country tells the truth.
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

That's why we elected him. So he is not a pressured fool like all those others.

Climate change... from the pits of hell.

One thing we know --- God may not be in your lives, but He still is in control of the weather. So don't panic over that one. And don't let some scarecrow like Barack tell you crap and then you willingly swallow. "Climate change is the greatest threat to our nation, not terrorism." :lmao:

Like I said, you people are dumb as rocks. This world will end 10 different ways before we ever encounter the mystical "climate change" as that which threatens us. I am more insulted than I am laughing.
Last edited:
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."

Yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law | New York Post
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.

You liberals are really something. I just put testimony right in front of you of what Comey said, and you still deny it. Maybe if I spell it out for you, that might be better.

Gowdy: Mrs. Clinton said that she never sent or received any classified information on her server, is that true?

Comey: Our investigation found THAT THERE WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION....

Gowdy interrupting: So it was not true?

Comey: Right, that's what I said.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was NOTHING MARKED CLASSIFIED sent or received on her server, is that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

I don't know what more you want. You have to say either Hillary lied to Congress or Comey did, but they both can't be telling the truth.
Trey Gowdy? The asshat that redacted FBI documents before giving them to his committee to try to frame Clinton? That POS?

1) Hillary never said she only used one device. Gowdy lied in his question.

2) Comey later said there were no properly marked e-mails found.

3) No evidence her server was hacked.

All you whiners do is draq out this video. It does not present any Clinton lie.

As Comey testified, it was likely her emails were hacked, but it can't be proven because it's almost impossible to prove. Secondly, she transferred and stored classified information to an unsecured server which was her own. As Comey testified to, she did not return government property (those emails) to the state department; many of them.

Comey testified that YES, she did have classified information on that server. If Comey thought for one second they were not marked classified, he would have answered the question with "No, she did not have classified information on her server."
Liar. In his report, Comey never said her server was likely hacked. He said there was no evidence in was hacked. They said it was possible. But then again, it is possible to hack government systems too.

Comey also said there were no properly marked classified e-mails on her server. Information can be classsified whether being marked or not. Your statement claiming otherwise is really really stupid.

The end result s that there was no lie, no criminal activity, just a bunch of asshat Republicans swiftboating the other party's candidate & duping the feeble minded to thinking Hillary was a horrible candidate so they could end up with an amateur orange idiot who will likely take our country into the global toilet. And you helped.
her email server was illegal, she illegally deleted emails after receiving a subpoena, the obumer DOJ sat on her hands. Trump's will not. watching the next year will be truly amazing. The elitist going down.
The server was not illegal. You are one stupid uninformed jackass. No, Hillary did not delete those mails after the Subpoena, she ordered them deleted well before any subpoena.

The server was not illegal.

Is there any classified info on the server?
So Einsteins Theory of Relativity is not science

Theory VALIDATED by DATA and EVIDENCE is science.

Theory REFUTED by DATA, and then the "scientists" FUDGE that data to fit the "theory," that is "Global Warming"

Global Warming has not been "disproven".


And your evidence is??

Yeah, you are LEFT WING and have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN....

You want to do nothing until we have severe droughts,

And this is what is called THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD. The only thing that can cause a drought is CO2 according to "Dave." Droughts never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution....

Nice, Polly...

When you have the courage to answer my questions instead of insulting and parroting BS while chickening out from answering, let us know....

I never said the only thing you moron. But Global Warming can increase the number & length of droughts. You really stupid questions were answered.

Satellite data starts in 1979 and shows no increase in global temperature trends until 1998, when the El Niño that year caused a sharp temperature spike. The most recent temperature declines have now apparently completely offset that 1998 increase, leaving the satellite record with no net increase in global temperature for the past 30 years—or maybe even a slight decline.

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