Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
Most people believe that the world we live in today is normal. It's not. For most of the last 55 million years our planet was considered a "greenhouse" climate. It is only relatively recently that or planet has become an "icehouse" climate. The world we live in today is characterized by bi-polar glaciation which is geologically rare. In fact, no other instance of a bi-polar glaciation is found in the geologic record. About 5 million years ago, the temperatures started to plummet on the surface of the earth. The two conditions which led to this were the polar regions being isolated from the warm marine currents of the ocean and declining atmospheric CO2. The tipping point was 600 ppm. My point here is that these conditions till exist today. Over the last 500,000 years we have been cycling between glacial and inter-glacial cycles which were precipitated by the two conditions I mentioned above and triggered by orbital forcing due to Milankovitch cycles which in turn affects temperatures (‘insolation’) at 65N - a critical location for triggering Northern Hemisphere glaciation.

Trust me, we would be really better off at 600 ppm than we would at 250 ppm.

Additionally, given your emotional statement about being underwater, I can tell that you have no understanding at all of what the various IPCC forecasts actually mean or what they are based upon. I have forgotten more science than you will ever know and I can assure you that based on the current trends we can expect our atmospheric CO2 to be no greater than 580 ppm by the year 2100. And that our sea levels will rise no more than 0.252 meters.
That's when insects were huge .. no people.
Hmmm . . . wrong, insects were huge about 300 million years ago when Oxygen levels were much higher.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
Most people believe that the world we live in today is normal. It's not. For most of the last 55 million years our planet was considered a "greenhouse" climate. It is only relatively recently that or planet has become an "icehouse" climate. The world we live in today is characterized by bi-polar glaciation which is geologically rare. In fact, no other instance of a bi-polar glaciation is found in the geologic record. About 5 million years ago, the temperatures started to plummet on the surface of the earth. The two conditions which led to this were the polar regions being isolated from the warm marine currents of the ocean and declining atmospheric CO2. The tipping point was 600 ppm. My point here is that these conditions till exist today. Over the last 500,000 years we have been cycling between glacial and inter-glacial cycles which were precipitated by the two conditions I mentioned above and triggered by orbital forcing due to Milankovitch cycles which in turn affects temperatures (‘insolation’) at 65N - a critical location for triggering Northern Hemisphere glaciation.

Trust me, we would be really better off at 600 ppm than we would at 250 ppm.

Additionally, given your emotional statement about being underwater, I can tell that you have no understanding at all of what the various IPCC forecasts actually mean or what they are based upon. I have forgotten more science than you will ever know and I can assure you that based on the current trends we can expect our atmospheric CO2 to be no greater than 580 ppm by the year 2100. And that our sea levels will rise no more than 0.252 meters.
That's when insects were huge .. no people.
And your point is?
And so you are saying that large amounts of volcanic activity and the theory of a large meteor crashing into Earth didn't play any roles in climate change before man?

The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic and shows that the trend is for a COOLING earth. Over the last 5 million years there has been rapid cooling.



Climate models predict that extensive glaciation cannot occur at the South Pole until atmospheric CO2 reaches 600 ppm. Climate models predict that extensive glaciation cannot occur at the North Pole until atmospheric CO2 reaches 250 ppm.


Five million years ago the earth started going through glacial / interglacial cycles. The glacial / interglacial cycles of the past 5 million years were triggered by Milankovitch cycles. But before the glacial cycle could be triggered, two conditions needed to be met; the north and south poles had to be isolated from warm marine currents and atmospheric CO2 needed to be 400 ppm or less. These conditions still exist today.


The north pole is isolated by landmasses. The south pole is isolated because of Antarctica.


Trust me... we would be much better off at 600 ppm than we would 250 ppm which is the UN's goal. Luckily for us, we won't get any where close to that in our lifetime.


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Same old bullshit... if you didn't want Trump you had to have wanted Hillary... same shit over and over. Did you guys all drink cyanide laced Kool-aid? It didn't kill you but left you all brain dead?

Wasted bandwidth Liberal shit are the ones who are brain dead, anyone who voted for any liberal is completely out of touch with reality, too stupid to understand economics and economic structures, global climatology, political and social reality in economic models, interaction between military forces, AND most of all they have NO idea about the historical consequences of any economic model or political structure. Liberals seem to be completely okay with being rulers, but they are completely against being ruled because they envision themselves as superior to others when they are Not even a close equal to most. That completely rules out a true socialist economic model for them. Freedom is only complete when all things available to the populous are available by the choice of the individual and the individual bears complete responsibility for the choice made. There is no right to infringe on anyone's choices. Liberals have no problem limiting OTHERS choices and rights as long as theirs are not limited in any way and they get to make the rules. I would say "SORRY" but I am actually NOT!!! Global warming is a world wide scam by the ruling class NWO PROGRESSIVES. I don't care what you think, label me as you wish, I laugh at your stupidity, and gullibility daily. Run dabeech again, Next state trifecta, and hopefully the EC is changed to all states equal. Get used to conservative "laws will be enforced" rule if it happens.

According to Stephen Hawking, humans have about a thousand years left on earth before global warming, terrorism, and artificial intelligence make life on earth impossible for the human race.

I don't think it makes any difference what people believe. People are simply not going to make the kind of changes needed to avert disaster. If it's not going to happen during the term of office of our leaders, the 5 business plan of most businesses or the lifetime of our citizens, it's immaterial to the them.

What we should be doing is looking for another home, which may well take a thousand years.

Who gives a shit what he says? In history you have always had the doom predictions. They have never been very accurate, have they?

However, I suspect that something will happen sometime in the future to correct the population of humans. It has happened before. It will be hard to sustain a soon to be population of ten billion humans. It could be disease or war or something to do with the climate that affects food production. There will be an adjustment and the human race will still survive.

There are no other homes. This is it. There is no viable technology that will get us very far in space. Hell, we haven't even made it past the moon yet. When we did go to the moon it was three men and it took a sustainable chunk of the GDP to do it. We don't even know if there is a habitable world within a thousand light years of earth. Star trekking across the universe may make for entertaining fiction but that ain't reality.

There are probably hundreds of habitable worlds within 1000 light years of Earth. There may even be several withing 20 light years of earth. We have already found worlds that are likely to be covered with water. More advanced telescopes will provide confirmation.

However, you are still right about the impracticality of moving the population of the Earth to another planet. It just isn't economically feasible.
Who said anything about moving the population of earth. Colonizing planets would just be to save the human race from extinction, increase our knowledge, and hopefully provide some economic benefit. Not sure it's really worth the effort but we're going to need something for 90% of the population to do when robots are doing most of the work.
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And somewhere there is anyone who considers this as a feasible solution to human stupidity?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

Uh, Putin recently called manmade global warming a "hoax."

There are hundreds of legislative members in other countries who don't buy the climate change doom and gloom nonsense.

There are also over 10,000 scholars who reject AGW nonsense.

NASA announced that 1284 planets have been discovered that have the potential to support life. We know that there are over 100 million stars in just our galaxy, the Milky Way. We also know about 50% of the stars we have been able study in detail have planets so it's not an unreasonable exceptation that there will be many planets orbiting those 50 billion stars that will be capable of supporting live.

Statistics doesn't produce life.

There are some unique things about earth that supports life. I suggest you read the book

Rare Earth (book) - Wikipedia


If technological advances continue even at a much slower rate than the last 200 years, advances will be so great over the next thousand years it will be unimaginable.

Your assumption is that humans will continue to advance technologically. I am not sure that is our future. It will not take much to throw us back in another dark age where most humans will be substance farming. It could be an outbreak of disease, natural climate change like another ice age, war, sociological or religious changes. Who knows? 1000 years from now there may be only 500,000 humans and they are hunter gathers.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
What weather got to do with the discussion? Have you been algored too?

Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Let me guess...
you are the poster child for being part of the solution,
to end global warming, not part of the problem of global warming.

You stopped eating meat
You own a bike, not a car and use public transportation
You don't own a microwave or air conditioner
You don't burn candles, use any spray, air freshener..etc
You hand wash your clothes and hang them to dry
You don't take showers, you take a bath/wash hair, once a week,
You don't leave the water running to brush your teeth
You flush the toilet after every 5 uses
You don't wash/rinse your dishes w running water,
You wash dishes every 2-3 days
You don't use heat in the winter unless temps are in the teens
You keep lights off, unless absolutely necessary
All light fixtures and bulbs are energy star approved
All appliances have the energy star seal of approval...

I'm a fucking millionaire and addiction is a disease!

Go take some community college courses
in biology, ecology, botany, micro & marine biology & zoology.

Then come back and let me know, how wiping out the rain forest,
rerouting/blocking natural water flows, destroying food chain species
DIDNT cause the problems you blame on greenhouse gases!
Same old bullshit... if you didn't want Trump you had to have wanted Hillary... same shit over and over. Did you guys all drink cyanide laced Kool-aid? It didn't kill you but left you all brain dead?

Wasted bandwidth Liberal shit are the ones who are brain dead, anyone who voted for any liberal is completely out of touch with reality, too stupid to understand economics and economic structures, global climatology, political and social reality in economic models, interaction between military forces, AND most of all they have NO idea about the historical consequences of any economic model or political structure. Liberals seem to be completely okay with being rulers, but they are completely against being ruled because they envision themselves as superior to others when they are Not even a close equal to most. That completely rules out a true socialist economic model for them. Freedom is only complete when all things available to the populous are available by the choice of the individual and the individual bears complete responsibility for the choice made. There is no right to infringe on anyone's choices. Liberals have no problem limiting OTHERS choices and rights as long as theirs are not limited in any way and they get to make the rules. I would say "SORRY" but I am actually NOT!!! Global warming is a world wide scam by the ruling class NWO PROGRESSIVES. I don't care what you think, label me as you wish, I laugh at your stupidity, and gullibility daily. Run dabeech again, Next state trifecta, and hopefully the EC is changed to all states equal. Get used to conservative "laws will be enforced" rule if it happens.

Derp derp... again the same old bullcrap. I've voted Republican every year I have been old enough to vote... Dole, George W,. Bush twice, McCain and Romney. But I could, and would never vote for Trump. EVER. I quit reading your post when you call me a Liberal. And quite frankly, as long as people like you support the Republican party and act the way you do towards everyone, I'm not sure I would ever vote Republican again, even if I thought the candidate fit my ideals.
And somewhere there is anyone who considers this as a feasible solution to human stupidity?

Uh... Elon Musk has been working towards a manned Mars mission for years now. If you don't know about that, then you really have no place even being in this thread.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
The only leader in the US that isn't willing to get fucked over by third rate countries with bullshit accords. I'm supposed to feel bad about that?
Hey, what do you expect? Trump is naming a guy the head of the EPA with a degree in Philosophy and Political Theory. AS HEAD OF THE MF'ing EPA. Maybe he'll name Ben Carson the head of NASA... I mean he is a doctor.

I think that's awful. What Trump really needs to do is eliminate the EPA along with 90% of the other bureaucracies.
Hey, what do you expect? Trump is naming a guy the head of the EPA with a degree in Philosophy and Political Theory. AS HEAD OF THE MF'ing EPA. Maybe he'll name Ben Carson the head of NASA... I mean he is a doctor.

I think that's awful. What Trump really needs to do is eliminate the EPA along with 90% of the other bureaucracies.

Have you read Myron Ebell's Op-Ed in Forbes on Global Warming?

Prepare to be amazed.... Love Global Warming
Hey, what do you expect? Trump is naming a guy the head of the EPA with a degree in Philosophy and Political Theory. AS HEAD OF THE MF'ing EPA. Maybe he'll name Ben Carson the head of NASA... I mean he is a doctor.

I think that's awful. What Trump really needs to do is eliminate the EPA along with 90% of the other bureaucracies.

Have you read Myron Ebell's Op-Ed in Forbes on Global Warming?

Prepare to be amazed.... Love Global Warming

Sounds reasonable.

According to Stephen Hawking, humans have about a thousand years left on earth before global warming, terrorism, and artificial intelligence make life on earth impossible for the human race.

I don't think it makes any difference what people believe. People are simply not going to make the kind of changes needed to avert disaster. If it's not going to happen during the term of office of our leaders, the 5 business plan of most businesses or the lifetime of our citizens, it's immaterial to the them.

What we should be doing is looking for another home, which may well take a thousand years.

Who gives a shit what he says? In history you have always had the doom predictions. They have never been very accurate, have they?

However, I suspect that something will happen sometime in the future to correct the population of humans. It has happened before. It will be hard to sustain a soon to be population of ten billion humans. It could be disease or war or something to do with the climate that affects food production. There will be an adjustment and the human race will still survive.

There are no other homes. This is it. There is no viable technology that will get us very far in space. Hell, we haven't even made it past the moon yet. When we did go to the moon it was three men and it took a sustainable chunk of the GDP to do it. We don't even know if there is a habitable world within a thousand light years of earth. Star trekking across the universe may make for entertaining fiction but that ain't reality.

There are probably hundreds of habitable worlds within 1000 light years of Earth. There may even be several withing 20 light years of earth. We have already found worlds that are likely to be covered with water. More advanced telescopes will provide confirmation.

However, you are still right about the impracticality of moving the population of the Earth to another planet. It just isn't economically feasible.
Who said anything about moving the population of earth. Colonizing planets would just be to save the human race from extinction, increase our knowledge, and hopefully provide some economic benefit. Not sure it's really worth the effort but we're going to need something for 90% of the population to do when robots are doing most of the work.

Just getting to the nearest star will involve a herculean effort and a large chunk of our GDP, if it's even possible.

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