Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


Just getting to the nearest star will involve a herculean effort and a large chunk of our GDP, if it's even possible.


I don't think that most people really understand the enormous distances involved in space. Science fiction has distorted our perception of reality.

If our star was the size of a grain of sand the nearest star would be a bout 35 miles away. On that scale our galaxy would be about the size of the Continental US.

It took us three days to get to the moon. It will take us us months just to get to Mars.

The only method of space travel propulsion we have now is chemical energy and that is hardly going to get us very far and it is very slow. It is also very expensive.

There may be other viable technologies for spaceship propulsion but we haven't invented them yet and it just may not be possible to go faster than a fraction of the speed of light. Even if we did come up with a feasible technology to go as fast as light it would take years to go just to the nearest star.

It would probably be more technological feasible and faster to travel across the Pacific Ocean in a canoe than it would for us to go to the nearest star with the space travel technology we have now.

I suspect that the most humans will ever achieve is going to Mars. We will die out as a species before we get out of the inner solar system.

Science Fiction is entertaining and we love to speculate on "what if" but reality is a harsh mistress. It is good entertainment for us to watch a show where Captain Kirk tells Scotty to go "warp factor seven" but it just ain't gonna happen in real life.
Trump the only leader who denies climate change? awww :boohoo::gives:

You accept his word over so many scientists .. how sweet.

Hey, what do you expect? Trump is naming a guy the head of the EPA with a degree in Philosophy and Political Theory. AS HEAD OF THE MF'ing EPA. Maybe he'll name Ben Carson the head of NASA... I mean he is a doctor.
You don't need a scientific degree to dismantle the EPA.
So where is the actual scientific PROOF of man made global warming? In the scientific journals written by the GLOBAL WARMING THEORIST man don't you know, They were told to find facts that supported MAN MADE global warming so the EPA could extract billions of dollars from the General fund to combat the problem and a new industry could be started by the energy conglomerate controlled by the soros group. And suddenly guess what there was proof after the billion in grants was paid. There is a REAL crisis on this earth that WILL kill many people long before ANY climate change, and it is funny that liberal shit are digging it. Figure it out stupid liberal. Your idea of Trump supporters having little brain power is really a laugh considering liberals are the most monoplanic creatures on earth.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which warms the planet. The future of our children & grandchildren could be difficult because of MMGW. You sit on your fat ass doing nothing because you bare too God damn stupid to comprehend the science. So yes, you are the typical uneducated dumbass Trump supporter.
Trump the only leader who denies climate change? awww :boohoo::gives:

You accept his word over so many scientists .. how sweet.

Hey, what do you expect? Trump is naming a guy the head of the EPA with a degree in Philosophy and Political Theory. AS HEAD OF THE MF'ing EPA. Maybe he'll name Ben Carson the head of NASA... I mean he is a doctor.
You don't need a scientific degree to dismantle the EPA.
True, you just need to be a dumbass.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which warms the planet. The future of our children & grandchildren could be difficult because of MMGW. You sit on your fat ass doing nothing because you bare too God damn stupid to comprehend the science.

So what have you done about global warming? Have any of those solar panels on your roof? How about a windmill in your backyard? How many times have you rode a bus to work or even peddle a bicycle in the last couple of years? What do you keep our thermostat at in the summer?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
What weather got to do with the discussion? Have you been algored too?

Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
Let me guess...
you are the poster child for being part of the solution,
to end global warming, not part of the problem of global warming.

You stopped eating meat
You own a bike, not a car and use public transportation
You don't own a microwave or air conditioner
You don't burn candles, use any spray, air freshener..etc
You hand wash your clothes and hang them to dry
You don't take showers, you take a bath/wash hair, once a week,
You don't leave the water running to brush your teeth
You flush the toilet after every 5 uses
You don't wash/rinse your dishes w running water,
You wash dishes every 2-3 days
You don't use heat in the winter unless temps are in the teens
You keep lights off, unless absolutely necessary
All light fixtures and bulbs are energy star approved
All appliances have the energy star seal of approval...

I'm a fucking millionaire and addiction is a disease!

Go take some community college courses
in biology, ecology, botany, micro & marine biology & zoology.

Then come back and let me know, how wiping out the rain forest,
rerouting/blocking natural water flows, destroying food chain species
DIDNT cause the problems you blame on greenhouse gases!
First, we don't have to eliminate all emissions, we need to reduce them. I use well water on a septic system and therefore recycle water use. I use geothermal HVAC to heat & cool my home burning nothing. I get 45 mpg on my vehicle. My appliances are energy star, why aren't yours.

There are many factors to MMGW. Emissions are an important part that we can reduce if we could only educate dumbasses like you.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

That has nothing to do with global warming though.
Really? Global warming has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels? I thought that was considered to be one of the reasons it is accelerating at such an historic pace.

Historic to what? The great Sahara flipping from tropical to dry in only a few hundred years
So where is the actual scientific PROOF of man made global warming? In the scientific journals written by the GLOBAL WARMING THEORIST man don't you know, They were told to find facts that supported MAN MADE global warming so the EPA could extract billions of dollars from the General fund to combat the problem and a new industry could be started by the energy conglomerate controlled by the soros group. And suddenly guess what there was proof after the billion in grants was paid. There is a REAL crisis on this earth that WILL kill many people long before ANY climate change, and it is funny that liberal shit are digging it. Figure it out stupid liberal. Your idea of Trump supporters having little brain power is really a laugh considering liberals are the most monoplanic creatures on earth.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which warms the planet. The future of our children & grandchildren could be difficult because of MMGW. You sit on your fat ass doing nothing because you bare too God damn stupid to comprehend the science. So yes, you are the typical uneducated dumbass Trump supporter.
But libs love the big cities. All the lights, heat being produced, autos stuck in traffic day after day. Then they lecture everyone else about how they are the problem. I rarely set in traffic, it's only for a few minutes on occasion if I do. Live in a much smaller home that many libs, especially those with government jobs.

So take your phony crap and stuff it.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which warms the planet. The future of our children & grandchildren could be difficult because of MMGW. You sit on your fat ass doing nothing because you bare too God damn stupid to comprehend the science.

So what have you done about global warming? Have any of those solar panels on your roof? How about a windmill in your backyard? How many times have you rode a bus to work or even peddle a bicycle in the last couple of years? What do you keep our thermostat at in the summer?
Instead of just driving by 20 mpg truck, I now use my 45 MPG Prius 95% of the time. I threw out my oil burning furnace & installed geothermal HVAC which burns nothing. I pay extra for green electricity. I do not drive to work. I cut my emission by more than half.
First, we don't have to eliminate all emissions, we need to reduce them. I use well water on a septic system and therefore recycle water use. I use geothermal HVAC to heat & cool my home burning nothing. I get 45 mpg on my vehicle. My appliances are energy star, why aren't yours.

There are many factors to MMGW. Emissions are an important part that we can reduce if we could only educate dumbasses like you.
You drink waste water? No wonder!

BTW, most, if not all appliances are energy star rated these days. If you live in the city your 45 mpg is bullshit.
Climate change deniers are just plain stupid, selfish people.

Because we know what your real goal is

Social economic change

You don't give a flying fuck about the climate agw cult Asshat

You are correct. All these environment wackos know deep down that it is scam but since they are in favor of global redistribution of of wealth and income they play along with it.
Instead of just driving by 20 mpg truck, I now use my 45 MPG Prius 95% of the time. I threw out my oil burning furnace & installed geothermal HVAC which burns nothing. I pay extra for green electricity. I do not drive to work. I cut my emission by more than half.

Okay, so how do you get into work? And why not install solar panels or a windmill and cut your emissions by more than half?
Climate change deniers are just plain stupid, selfish people.

Because we know what your real goal is

Social economic change

You don't give a flying fuck about the climate agw cult Asshat

You are correct. All these environment wackos know deep down that it is scam but since they are in favor of global redistribution of of wealth and income they play along with it.

Also it's funny how they brag about 175 nations ..

172 of them or so rely on NOAA s reports .. These fuck head s think a 175 independent countries have as Much wealth as we have.

Instead of just driving by 20 mpg truck, I now use my 45 MPG Prius 95% of the time. I threw out my oil burning furnace & installed geothermal HVAC which burns nothing. I pay extra for green electricity. I do not drive to work. I cut my emission by more than half.

You are an idiot if you pay extra for stupid "green" anything. I would like to know what kind of geothermal HVAC you have. Are you talking about re circulated ground water? I have relatives in northern Indiana that have that kind of system and they say it is not very efficient. They wish they would have put in oil.
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Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

And at one point, no leaders approved of buttfucking, whats your point?
You are an idiot if you pay extra for stupid "green" anything. I would like to know what kind of geothermal HVAC you have. Are you talking about re circulated ground water? I have relatives in northern Indiana that have that kind of system and they say it is not very efficient. They wish they would have put in oil.

That's the way I understand it. It's kind of like a heat pump where you barely get luke warm air. If it gets real cold outside, it runs 24/7.

I'll keep my natural gas furnace. When it turns on, you get hot air coming out of the vents.

That's the way I understand it. It's kind of like a heat pump where you barely get luke warm air. If it gets real cold outside, it runs 24/7.

I'll keep my natural gas furnace. When it turns on, you get hot air coming out of the vents.

Most all the alternative "green" systems are not very good or else extremely expensive.

I have a screened in swimming pool here in Florida. I have a solar panel system to heat the water. It works OK. However, the solar systems do not work well for anything else and we have lots of sunshine.
I don't know anyone who denies Climate Change. And Trump doesn't either. However, Climate Change is something completely different than the Globull Warming scam. Obviously, there is Climate Change. The earth cools, the earth warms. But that's not what the Left Globalists are about. They've hysterically fear mongered the warming aspect of Climate Change. They've made it a political and religious crusade.

If you don't go along with their agenda, they shout you down and demand you be silenced. It's Fascist Totalitarianism. But the good thing is, people are waking up and beginning to reject their scam. The earth cools, the earth warms. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. It's completely unnecessary to live in fear over it. And i really do think more & more people are getting that. They're tired of the constant hysterical fear mongering. They're ready to turn the page on the Globull Warming scam.
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