Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.

The rest of the world? You mean every single person outside of the US?

I'll tell ya, the MSM has you people wrapped around their little finger, don't they? They have you convinced the "rest of the world" is behind global warming, most of the country was going to vote Hillary in on a landslide, and that the Republican party is a group of old white men slowly dying away.

Then when you find out it;s all BS, you sit there with a boo-boo face and can't figure out where you went wrong.

True, "the rest of the world" is an exaggeration. Only 175 nations agree that climate change is man made. I'm not sure that Monico signed the agreement.

175 nations sign historic Paris climate deal on Earth Day
In the year 1500 they all agreed that the sun circled the Earth.
Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.

The rest of the world? You mean every single person outside of the US?

I'll tell ya, the MSM has you people wrapped around their little finger, don't they? They have you convinced the "rest of the world" is behind global warming, most of the country was going to vote Hillary in on a landslide, and that the Republican party is a group of old white men slowly dying away.

Then when you find out it;s all BS, you sit there with a boo-boo face and can't figure out where you went wrong.

True, "the rest of the world" is an exaggeration. Only 175 nations agree that climate change is man made. I'm not sure that Monico signed the agreement.

175 nations sign historic Paris climate deal on Earth Day
You know that real science isn't a popularity contest right? Every nation on earth can be stupid enough to believe in global warming and they're still wrong.
Absolutely. I used to be in senior management at GE Nuclear Power. Then I moved up into GE Power. The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power. I can't disagree with that.

I totally consider myself an environmentalist. Liberals think we don't live on the planet too just because we don't drive our views to elect Democrats. I don't call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons ...
If they had nuclear fusion working today, the waco environmentalist would oppose it. Their big secret is that they don't really want humanity to have clean abundant energy. That would mean we could continue our materialist lifestyle, which is what they actually oppose. They want humans to suffer and go back to living like Medieval serfs.
We've got some of them living up here in the woods, kinda like medieval serfs. They are not representative of the majority, anymore than the present rioters represent all libs. There is NOTHING wrong with moving the technology forward for clean abundant energy, except that it takes pennies from the pockets of those who are currently making a bundle off leaving things the way they are. Safe nuclear technology is fine by me. We have never had a nuclear disaster here. But we need to find a way to get rid of all the radioactive byproducts. Just burying it isn't a plan.

You have no desire to learn anything, do you? Everything I'm telling you is easily verifiable and it's going off your brain like water off a duck's back. You have no intellectual curiosity or honesty
What have I not listened to? Coming up with highly partisan slam posts about environmentalists generally isn't overly intellectually honest either. Quit insulting and actually point me to something that isn't a Republican broken record and I will listen.

I've given you a lot of information on energy. You're a leftist political hack who's making excuses to not learn, I have no interest in patting your head and spoon feeding it to you so you can pretend to listen to it
GFY, Kaz. If you call this : "The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power"
a lot of information, you're dumber than I thought.
Never mind. If I want to learn anything I'll ask someone who isn't a right wing hack.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Nothing wrong with clean air and clean water? LOL!!

When the CAA and the CWA were enacted we cleaned up about 80% of the pollution for about 20% of the cost. That was great and what was needed.

Then (mostly thanks to Slick Willy) we cleaned up 15% of the remaining pollution for 30% of the cost. The environmental wackos now are demanding that the remaining 5% be cleaned up even though that will be 50% of the cost. We will have much higher cost for goods and for power in an economy that can't even sustain a dismal 3% economic growth and has increasing poverty.

The government has absolutely no business interfering with the free market of energy. Not through stupid wacko rules and not through taxpayer's subsidies. The free market will deliver us the least expensive energy at the lowest possible cost. The fucking filthy ass government needs to keep their corrupt hands off the energy market. We sure as hell don't need any more Solyndras or double the price of electricity just to kiss the ass of the stupid environmental wackos and get very little in return.
Trump denies Global Warming, and already knows Obama covered up the FBI's fraud case against the climate "scientists" in 2012, ending his 2 years of "silence" on this "most important" issue...

No, everyone is equal, just some are more equal than others. Obama is more equal than others ...

I lived in the DC area many years and still have family there, so I'm there regularly. The limousine liberals are such hypocrites. There are so many things Democrats campaign against that don't apply to DC. For one thing, they have the most bypass traffic for a toll than any city I've ever seen. For a few shekels, you can drive past the common man who's less equal than you. Then of course they give themselves better pensions than social security, better healthcare than Obamacare.

At least the rich are spending their own money to get more. DC politicians are spending ours

Not to mention the hypocrisy as well.

I wonder how many of these global warming people here have solar panels on their roof instead of shingles? I wonder how many of them ever rode a bus in the last five years? I wonder how many of them have a windmill in their backyard to provide power? I wonder how many of them ride a bicycle to work in the summer, or even have an all electric car in their garage?

I know who my neighbors are, and they are mostly Democrats. When we had recycling, I was about the only home that actually had recycling material on my tree lawn for garbage day. The recycling truck would stop here, and then just drive straight down the road at least 15 houses or more before they stopped again.
Yet you have no proof, only theory.

Science does not operate on proof. There are no proofs in the natural sciences. Science is based on the weight of the evidence and surviving falsification.
Trump denies Global Warming, and already knows Obama covered up the FBI's fraud case against the climate "scientists" in 2012, ending his 2 years of "silence" on this "most important" issue...


God are you stupid. Does anyone over here in Politics take you seriously?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
When I studied science in high school in the early 50s, I learned that the Earth went through climate change cycles. We are currently in a heat cycle and in a few years we'll go through a cold cycle and the Libocrats will be going bananas about "everyone gonna freeze to death." Brrrrrrr
Yes, it does. It does not mean that increased greenhouse gases won't warm the planet.

But you're old & will be dead when the effects of MMGW worsen so what does a selfish old man like you care?
Science does not operate on proof.

That's right up there with other "warmer" quotes...

1. This has nothing to do with data - Obama's EPA Secretary on why the congress cannot get the raw data from the O Administration, which refuses to publicize it
2. This isn't about truth, it is about plausible deniability - Dr. Michael Mann
He doesn't deny 'Climate Change.' He just isn't a hysterical Globull Warming fear monger. Anyone with an ounce of common sense acknowledges that the climate changes. But that doesn't mean you have to be a member of the Globull Warming Cult. So, good on Trump for bucking another Globalist scam.
He called it a hoax from China. My God, is there anything you won't lie about?
If they had nuclear fusion working today, the waco environmentalist would oppose it. Their big secret is that they don't really want humanity to have clean abundant energy. That would mean we could continue our materialist lifestyle, which is what they actually oppose. They want humans to suffer and go back to living like Medieval serfs.
We've got some of them living up here in the woods, kinda like medieval serfs. They are not representative of the majority, anymore than the present rioters represent all libs. There is NOTHING wrong with moving the technology forward for clean abundant energy, except that it takes pennies from the pockets of those who are currently making a bundle off leaving things the way they are. Safe nuclear technology is fine by me. We have never had a nuclear disaster here. But we need to find a way to get rid of all the radioactive byproducts. Just burying it isn't a plan.

You have no desire to learn anything, do you? Everything I'm telling you is easily verifiable and it's going off your brain like water off a duck's back. You have no intellectual curiosity or honesty
What have I not listened to? Coming up with highly partisan slam posts about environmentalists generally isn't overly intellectually honest either. Quit insulting and actually point me to something that isn't a Republican broken record and I will listen.

I've given you a lot of information on energy. You're a leftist political hack who's making excuses to not learn, I have no interest in patting your head and spoon feeding it to you so you can pretend to listen to it
GFY, Kaz. If you call this : "The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power"
a lot of information, you're dumber than I thought.
Never mind. If I want to learn anything I'll ask someone who isn't a right wing hack.

And I provided a lot of information to back that up.

So just to be clear, proof to you that I didn't provide a lot of information is your quoting two sentences. Wow, what an intellectual standard you have
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
When I studied science in high school in the early 50s, I learned that the Earth went through climate change cycles. We are currently in a heat cycle and in a few years we'll go through a cold cycle and the Libocrats will be going bananas about "everyone gonna freeze to death." Brrrrrrr
Yes, it does. It does not mean that increased greenhouse gases won't warm the planet.

But you're old & will be dead when the effects of MMGW worsen so what does a selfish old man like you care?
Fuck ya very much.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Good. Now let's have Sarah Palin as Secretary of the Interior. "Drill baby, drill."
Climate change deniers are just plain stupid, selfish people.

Then why don't climate change proposals address the climate instead of advancing socialism? Talk about just plain stupid ...
Obama just locked up our drilling in northern Alaska for the next 5 years like a little bitch. >.<
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Nothing wrong with clean air and clean water? LOL!!

When the CAA and the CWA were enacted we cleaned up about 80% of the pollution for about 20% of the cost. That was great and what was needed.

Then (mostly thanks to Slick Willy) we cleaned up 15% of the remaining pollution for 30% of the cost. The environmental wackos now are demanding that the remaining 5% be cleaned up even though that will be 50% of the cost. We will have much higher cost for goods and for power in an economy that can't even sustain a dismal 3% economic growth and has increasing poverty.

The government has absolutely no business interfering with the free market of energy. Not through stupid wacko rules and not through taxpayer's subsidies. The free market will deliver us the least expensive energy at the lowest possible cost. The fucking filthy ass government needs to keep their corrupt hands off the energy market. We sure as hell don't need any more Solyndras or double the price of electricity just to kiss the ass of the stupid environmental wackos and get very little in return.

Apparently, you have never heard of Enron.......
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
It's possible to want pollution to be minimized without believing in Manbearpig. The problem is, you wing nuts have predicated all environmentalism on your cherished myth, demanding all efforts to protect the environment entail this lunacy.
Obama just locked up our drilling in northern Alaska for the next 5 years like a little bitch. >.<
And Mitch McConnel promised to reverse that in 2 months. Democrats are now reduced to meaningless, symbolic gestures.

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