Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Eggs, meet basket.

There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.

Absolutely. I used to be in senior management at GE Nuclear Power. Then I moved up into GE Power. The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power. I can't disagree with that.

I totally consider myself an environmentalist. Liberals think we don't live on the planet too just because we don't drive our views to elect Democrats. I don't call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons ...
Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.

You've mentioned several times you want to be bitch to the world instead of a leader. I got it, I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. You can stop repeating it now
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Smart people expect him to call out MMGW for the hoax it is.....
Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I believe that number is much, much too high.

But most engineers are conservatives.

Scientists live in test tubes.

Engineers live in the real world.

You fail again.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Eggs, meet basket.


Um ... the stock market has had a string of highs since Trump was elected.

You picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue, huh?

Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.

You've mentioned several times you want to be bitch to the world instead of a leader. I got it, I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. You can stop repeating it now

Oh, he'll keep repeating it.

You see that wind up key sticking out his back ? That's why.

He has no mind of his own (or one that works)......
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There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Eggs, meet basket.

I thought Green Energy was blowing fossil fuels away in the market. Are you saying it isn't ready for prime time?
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Eggs, meet basket.


Um ... the stock market has had a string of highs since Trump was elected.

You picked a week to stop sniffing glue, huh?

KAZ is really wacking rdean.

This is so enjoyable.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.
Eggs, meet basket.

I thought Green Energy was blowing fossil fuels away in the market. Are you saying it isn't ready for prime time?

If it would all be over.

People have no idea how they are making the 1% richer via the biodiesel/ethanol scam mandates.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
Big business won't be the ones paying for it. We will. There is something wrong with spending $trillions to make the air and water 0.0001% cleaner.

I am glad that the schemes of the eco warriors have been set back. They are really just a bunch of communists trying to destroy capitalism.
We're doing okay here, but the Paris accords are more about getting the other industrialized countries on board. It's all one atmosphere. I hope Trump doesn't feel he has to do anything about that. This shouldn't have anything to do with political views--it's about money vs. breathable air and drinkable water. Maybe the regulations have gone too far--that would not surprise me, in some cases--but disrespecting the whole fundamental idea is irresponsible.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.

Absolutely. I used to be in senior management at GE Nuclear Power. Then I moved up into GE Power. The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power. I can't disagree with that.

I totally consider myself an environmentalist. Liberals think we don't live on the planet too just because we don't drive our views to elect Democrats. I don't call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons ...
If they had nuclear fusion working today, the waco environmentalist would oppose it. Their big secret is that they don't really want humanity to have clean abundant energy. That would mean we could continue our materialist lifestyle, which is what they actually oppose. They want humans to suffer and go back to living like Medieval serfs.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

That has nothing to do with global warming though.
Trump and the GOP doesn't believe in something the rest of the world does. Their answer is "so what?"

Will the world trust a serial contract breacher? Guess we'll find out.

The rest of the world? You mean every single person outside of the US?

I'll tell ya, the MSM has you people wrapped around their little finger, don't they? They have you convinced the "rest of the world" is behind global warming, most of the country was going to vote Hillary in on a landslide, and that the Republican party is a group of old white men slowly dying away.

Then when you find out it;s all BS, you sit there with a boo-boo face and can't figure out where you went wrong.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.

Absolutely. I used to be in senior management at GE Nuclear Power. Then I moved up into GE Power. The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power. I can't disagree with that.

I totally consider myself an environmentalist. Liberals think we don't live on the planet too just because we don't drive our views to elect Democrats. I don't call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons ...
If they had nuclear fusion working today, the waco environmentalist would oppose it. Their big secret is that they don't really want humanity to have clean abundant energy. That would mean we could continue our materialist lifestyle, which is what they actually oppose. They want humans to suffer and go back to living like Medieval serfs.

Watched an interesting Ted Talk a while back. California has decommissioned so many nuclear plants, while not creating nearly enough green energy to make up for them, they've actually added the equivalent of 500,000 cars to their carbon footprint.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
Big business won't be the ones paying for it. We will. There is something wrong with spending $trillions to make the air and water 0.0001% cleaner.

I am glad that the schemes of the eco warriors have been set back. They are really just a bunch of communists trying to destroy capitalism.
We're doing okay here, but the Paris accords are more about getting the other industrialized countries on board. It's all one atmosphere. I hope Trump doesn't feel he has to do anything about that. This shouldn't have anything to do with political views--it's about money vs. breathable air and drinkable water. Maybe the regulations have gone too far--that would not surprise me, in some cases--but disrespecting the whole fundamental idea is irresponsible.

The air is cleaner now than it was in the 60s and 70s. Car emissions are down 98%. The thing with the left is that when you have a good political issue, you never want to stop fighting the war. The media just doesn't report the facts. The ozone hole has been closing for years and it's just not reported because it's good news and it counters the left agenda to use the environment to win elections
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only

The government should scrap all the green energy boondoggles and spend all the money perfecting nuclear fusion. We are getting very close to have a working reactor. With a little money they could perfect the technology in 10 years.

Absolutely. I used to be in senior management at GE Nuclear Power. Then I moved up into GE Power. The energy policies of the left can best be described as stupid, it's clearly political agenda driven, not environmental driven. The CEO of Nuclear at the time commented to me the objective of the left is to stop progress, that's why they oppose nuclear power. I can't disagree with that.

I totally consider myself an environmentalist. Liberals think we don't live on the planet too just because we don't drive our views to elect Democrats. I don't call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons ...
If they had nuclear fusion working today, the waco environmentalist would oppose it. Their big secret is that they don't really want humanity to have clean abundant energy. That would mean we could continue our materialist lifestyle, which is what they actually oppose. They want humans to suffer and go back to living like Medieval serfs.
We've got some of them living up here in the woods, kinda like medieval serfs. They are not representative of the majority, anymore than the present rioters represent all libs. There is NOTHING wrong with moving the technology forward for clean abundant energy, except that it takes pennies from the pockets of those who are currently making a bundle off leaving things the way they are. Safe nuclear technology is fine by me. We have never had a nuclear disaster here. But we need to find a way to get rid of all the radioactive byproducts. Just burying it isn't a plan.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
No shit Derp. Why do you think we voted for him?

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