Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

The carbon tax is the final nail in the coffin...the end of personal privacy. The carbon tax. The "new world order". Expletis.

The clue that its phony is...their solution to global warming is tax increases.

As far as they are concerned, the solution to global warming is the same solution to every problem in their book: more government.

We now have more government than ever in our healthcare, and how did that work out for us?
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

He will flip. Dont you see where the world is headed?
We now have more government than ever in our healthcare, and how did that work out for us?[/QUOTE]

Uh huh...and who runs the government?...huh?
What do you expect from a guy who thinks that Cruz's father was part of the JFK assassination conspiracy?

At least he never imagined that people were shooting at him while leaving airplanes or has regular conversations with dead people.

...and, yet, Trump saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in the streets when the Trade Centers fell.... Not everyone can say that. In fact, not anyone can say that.
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

He will flip. Dont you see where the world is headed?

Compromising is not flipping.
Yes we do and the people of England and America voted to get out. dont recognize out right lying. The indoctrination of the sheep continues. You have ALREADY given him a get out of jail free pass. That is EXACTLY what the obama sheep did and look what happened. He hasnt fulfilled ONE of his campaign promises. YOUR the problem.
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Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

He is right to deny man made global warming....the earth warms and cools and we have no control over it....the other world leaders are either morons....or want to use the hoax of man made global warming to get over on wealthier use it as a weapon ....
The thing everyone is missing is that it doesnt matter if its real or not. Are derivatives real? The elite will capitalize on it either way.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

Democrats don't believe in climate change either. Nothing you propose to "solve" it has anything to do with the climate. You just use it as a hammer to get socialism. You use it as a divisive tool to win, a completely partisan tool. If you believed the oceans were boiling, you'd offer a hand to Republican's in friendship instead of a knife to the back.

You're not serious about the issue. When you are, your tactics will show it
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

So a couple hundred folks believe a hoax that billions of others laugh at.........

Why, that is funny!
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

He will flip. Dont you see where the world is headed?

Compromising is not flipping.
Yes we do and the people of England and America voted to get out. dont recognize out right lying. The indoctrination of the sheep continues. You have ALREADY given him a get out of jail free pass. That is EXACTLY what the obama sheep did and look what happened. He hasnt fulfilled ONE of his campaign promises. YOUR the problem.

He sure has with lobbying reform.
Too bad you can't see the same thing with all of PC crowd and open boarders.
We already know, there are less progressives in the Republicans and they will be voted out.
Its the Dems that left conservatives and independants.
This adminstration went way to far left and they paid the price from each State all the way to the Feds.
You can't piss off the other half of the country and expect to win.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

So a couple hundred folks believe a hoax that billions of others laugh at.........

Why, that is funny!
All the people who have everything to gain from combating so-called climate change believe in it.

That is so shocking!
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
Big business won't be the ones paying for it. We will. There is something wrong with spending $trillions to make the air and water 0.0001% cleaner.

I am glad that the schemes of the eco warriors have been set back. They are really just a bunch of communists trying to destroy capitalism.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Get rid of the bad regulations keep the good ones and watch ,new energy technology will thrive.
There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.

Clean, renewable energy technology is nowhere near producing significant energy. We should keep developing it, but widespread deploying it is a massive waste of money. Your argument it's been set back is ridiculous. When we reach sufficient technical advancement to make it significant, we can deploy it. All we're doing is cutting back on all the wasteful deployment we're doing.

Here are two things that show the left again is hypocritical on this

1) Opposition to Nuclear power

2) Opposition to shutting down old coal plants and replacing them with clean burning coal and natural gas plants because they're still fossil fuel driven even though they are so much more clean burning.

It's the extremist whack jobs that you people are.

Those would have a massive impact on carbon emissions while all the renewable energy combined is a drop in the bucket. Like everything else, energy is a political issue to you people only
And? From everything I've seen this is the first major Climate Agreement that has included China. It's a first step.

Words are cheap. Like I said, when they catch up to us............

Never satisfied...

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”

John Lydgate

There's nothing wrong with clean air and clean water. If you think big business will voluntarily go along with something that costs them money, you're nuts. I'm afraid the impetus for clean, renewable energy has once again been set back 50 years. By the time those folks that can't think with anything but their wallets get done, it will be too late.
Big business won't be the ones paying for it. We will. There is something wrong with spending $trillions to make the air and water 0.0001% cleaner.

I am glad that the schemes of the eco warriors have been set back. They are really just a bunch of communists trying to destroy capitalism.

That is literally true. They refuse to take the most cost effective paths because they literally are using it to advance socialism.

Women's rights supporter: Democrat who seeks communism through sex issues
Environmentalist: Democrat who seeks communism through environmentalism
Black activist: Democrat who seeks communism through race issues

etc., in the end the goal doesn't change, just the issues they push to get it

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