Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


Ok, if you don't believe the opinion of one of the smartest people on the planet who happens to be a scientist talking about a scientific field... then I guess that's the end of the conversation then?

You are confused.

The facts are that these "smartest people on the planet in their scientific field" admitted themselves that they made up the data because of political/social beliefs. These "smartest people" were emailing each other saying that they were inventing data and using fudge factors We have the emails and that was proof positive that the science was not real science at all but a scam.

On top of that you have government agencies like NASA and NOAA falsifying data for political reasons.

The science is simply not there. It never has been.

There is consensus that the earth is in a post glacial warming trend and we all know that there is climate change but there are no real facts to substantiate that the changes are significantly made by humans. Nada. Ziltch.

You talk in absolutes. Not ALL scientist that believe in Global Warming were involved in sending emails back and forth saying they fudged data. That's like saying 10 guys at the gym wear 80's style Zumba pants, therefor every guy at your gym wears 80's style Zumba pants.

All the main guys were involved in the scam.
It was an agreement that included more nations than ever before, including China.

Agreements were made to be broken. Just ask Iran and Russia.

When China comes anywhere near the clean air standards we have, then we can talk. People over there walk around with masks on; not because it's government mandated, but because the air is too difficult to breathe and people are concerned about their health. We don't have one place like that in the USA.
You want the gist of it? It's about the world working together to spend more resources on green renewable energy and to reach certain specific goals.

More that you mean more cash.

How much more does the US have to spend on this theory? We're losing jobs, increasing the cost of everything we buy, and still have nothing to show for it according to the left.

Let somebody else spend the money. We're tapped out.

It was an agreement that included more nations than ever before, including China.
The U.S. and other Western nations were assigned to paying most of the bills.
It was an agreement that included more nations than ever before, including China.

Agreements were made to be broken. Just ask Iran and Russia.

When China comes anywhere near the clean air standards we have, then we can talk. People over there walk around with masks on; not because it's government mandated, but because the air is too difficult to breathe and people are concerned about their health. We don't have one place like that in the USA.

And? From everything I've seen this is the first major Climate Agreement that has included China. It's a first step.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?
No it doesn't. First off, I don't worship at his feet. And if he has no expertise in the discipline it's just an uninformed opinion. Like almost all the others.

Ok, if you don't believe the opinion of one of the smartest people on the planet who happens to be a scientist talking about a scientific field... then I guess that's the end of the conversation then?
You are trying hard to massage the fact that it isn't his field and probably "knows" no more about it than you do. Scientists are people, not gods.

Well of course he knows more about than I do... and you do... and more than likely anyone on this board.
If he doesn't know that liberals are full of shit then I have him on that one.
And? From everything I've seen this is the first major Climate Agreement that has included China. It's a first step.

Words are cheap. Like I said, when they catch up to us............

Never satisfied...

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”

John Lydgate

Agreements were made to be broken. Just ask Iran and Russia.

When China comes anywhere near the clean air standards we have, then we can talk. People over there walk around with masks on; not because it's government mandated, but because the air is too difficult to breathe and people are concerned about their health. We don't have one place like that in the USA.

The other thing that these Moon Bats need to understand is that the US spends as much on pollution control as the the rest of the world combined.

A few years ago (around 2005) when I looked up the expenditures for the college class I was teaching the world was spending about $400 billion a year and half of that ($200 billion) was in the US.

If this is really a world problem then the rest of the world isn't doing its share.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

It's actually not hilarious, it's terrifying.

Nope, what's terrifying are the idiots that are so arrogant that they actually believe that man is causing this.
Hawking isn't an expert on climate. Taking his word for it is akin to take Dr Carson's word on archaeology or going to a geologist for medical treatment
I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but I'm going to believe the 99.9% of scientists who say that climate change is real before I believe you.

Cleaning up a bunch of pollution does not give you any additional credibility on this matter.

Those scientists are all world wide university scientist's, funded by government grants. Go against what they are looking for and you don't get the money next year.
The real scientists funded by private funding says there is not enough data yet to make a certain conclusion.
What about the scientists that work in industry? Are they part of the "government plot"?

Tell me son......
Who funds the "scientists"?
Depends on where they work. Someone must like their work, or they wouldn't get paid.

The Gov does and if you dont know that you not belong in this conversation. The same Gov who wants to use Cap and Trade to get into your pants.
I believe the elite know there is a climate problem. They are letting the public run with the bait then when the bait is in our stomachs, they will set the hook....The Carbon Tax. They will all flip. What protest will arise from the public when the public, themselves, cried "climate change!!" for decades? Ther gov will say, "they have it...they have it and, THEY have it"...and the sheep will eat it with a serving spoon untill the environmental..."mental" start coming into their houses and apartments to make sure your efficient and being taxed at the proper, maximum rate and any violation is rewarded with a 500usd per day fine with the charge and fine compounding daily until they cant afford to pay and the house is foreclosed on and guess who pays for the visit? Who do you think.
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That is peer reviewed science, not talking points for Shell Oil.

Do you realize that all of the big oil companies are doing research for cheaper long term energy?
But not a damn thing on reducing greenhouse gases.

Then what was all of those government regulations for them to all get filters put in?
Our Electric and Coal energy plants are operating at 86% or more pure in all of our plants.
All cars have filters that have reduced them.
Without China, India,or the middle east doing something about it there is nothing more that we do that will stop them.
Obama's idea of lead by example hasn't done diddly squat.

There are plenty of good reasons for us to reduce emissions, but at a reasonable pace that doesn't throw hard working middle class Americans under the bus. That's why Trump won this election, Obama, Hillary they have thrown the middle class under the bus countless times in favor of extreme left positions that sacrifice middle class jobs. Typical of liberals if its not their job being destroyed they don't really care.

There is no good reason for reducing CO2 emissions. It's not a pollutant. Plants need it to live. The increase in CO2 has helped increase the production of crop plants and been a boon to humanity.

How dare you doubt Obama, he has a degree in community organizing you know!
The carbon tax is the final nail in the coffin...the end of personal privacy. The carbon tax. The "new world order". Expletis.
Hawking isn't an expert on climate. Taking his word for it is akin to take Dr Carson's word on archaeology or going to a geologist for medical treatment

Not even remotely the same argument. Not even close by a long shot. You know that too... at least I hope you do.
The carbon tax is the final nail in the coffin...the end of personal privacy. The carbon tax. The "new world order". Expletis.

What can we say thet are the followers of Alinskys Marxism this includes all the Merkels and those in the UN stupid polices of open boarders that is harming their citizens.
Been in power for a short 40 or more years soundly slapped down by England and the USA.
Maxisum is always forced and it always collapses now matter how many diffent ways to implyment those harmful policies.
Its always the same its for the good of the people ,yeah right and lollipops live in the sky.
Their false dreams of Utopia does not nor can not ever exist.
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Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.
Once upon a time science told us we had a doomsday hole in the ozone.

Whatever happened to that hole?
The limitation of CFCs in aerosol propellants helped reduce that hole.

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