Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?

Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
Most people believe that the world we live in today is normal. It's not. For most of the last 55 million years our planet was considered a "greenhouse" climate. It is only relatively recently that or planet has become an "icehouse" climate. The world we live in today is characterized by bi-polar glaciation which is geologically rare. In fact, no other instance of a bi-polar glaciation is found in the geologic record. About 5 million years ago, the temperatures started to plummet on the surface of the earth. The two conditions which led to this were the polar regions being isolated from the warm marine currents of the ocean and declining atmospheric CO2. The tipping point was 600 ppm. My point here is that these conditions till exist today. Over the last 500,000 years we have been cycling between glacial and inter-glacial cycles which were precipitated by the two conditions I mentioned above and triggered by orbital forcing due to Milankovitch cycles which in turn affects temperatures (‘insolation’) at 65N - a critical location for triggering Northern Hemisphere glaciation.

Trust me, we would be really better off at 600 ppm than we would at 250 ppm.

Additionally, given your emotional statement about being underwater, I can tell that you have no understanding at all of what the various IPCC forecasts actually mean or what they are based upon. I have forgotten more science than you will ever know and I can assure you that based on the current trends we can expect our atmospheric CO2 to be no greater than 580 ppm by the year 2100. And that our sea levels will rise no more than 0.252 meters.
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. You can take every last American dollar and toss it in there, and it still won't be enough to fill it.

I remember back in the 70's where they said if we only get rid of lead in our gasoline, they would be happy, so we did. Then it was lead in paint. Then it was laws against burning trash. Then it was taking steel out of automobiles, then it was.............

Fast forward to today, and the environmental kooks are more unhappy now then they were back then. Trillions of dollars spent and what do we have to show for it according to the left? Global warming.

In most places, they can't predict the weather accurately in five days yet alone predict what's going to happen in 50 years. So here is a question I ask to you and every environmentalist out there that I've yet to get answered: when is enough enough? How much money will it take to shut you people up? What kind of results would make you happy? When will it stop?

There is no answer because it will never stop no matter what we do or how much we spend. That's the problem we conservatives have.

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?
So he doesn't accept fraudulent science or think politicians should use it to scare people into doing things they wouldn't normally do.

Why is not lying to people a bad thing now?

Those were predictions and not facts. It is a fact the earth is getting warmer and sea levels are rising. They said in that video that hurricanes, floods and temperatures would increase and they were correct. I also believe that clip was based on a documentary and not scientific findings. I also find it interesting that when I googled 'NYC underwater by 2015' only links to right winger websites showed up.

And global warming hasn't destroyed complete nations yet but it has destroyed islands and wrecking havoc for some properties that live near the shore. If keep emission rates at the current level it will evidently take a nation.

Global warming can be slowed downif we cut down on co2 emissions.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

This is one of the worst things about Trump becoming president. Republicans defeating the evil liberals simply ain't going to matter on a dead planet. We are all completely fucked with a bunch of infantile Repug climate-change deniers running our government.

And this is precisely why your opinion is too stupid to trale seriously. The planet will not die if it warms up a few degrees. In fact, many currently inhospitable Regions would become capable of Supporting life better.

BTW why haven't the coastal cities flooded? I grew up with these "scientists" predicting NYC would be underwater by 2010. Last time I checked it's where its always been
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Those were predictions and not facts. It is a fact the earth is getting warmer and sea levels are rising. They said in that video that hurricanes, floods and temperatures would increase and they were correct. I also believe that clip was based on a documentary and not scientific findings. I also find it interesting that when I googled 'NYC underwater by 2015' only links to right winger websites showed up.

And global warming hasn't destroyed complete nations yet but it has destroyed islands and wrecking havoc for some properties that live near the shore. If keep emission rates at the current level it will evidently take a nation.

Global warming can be slowed downif we cut down on co2 emissions.

No, it will not. Humans can no more control the climate than we can planets out in the universe. And no, the earth is not heating up. Need the links, just ask.

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?

He also said Trump will destroy the world and the Cleveland Indians would win the World series..

Guess he is not as smart as you think huh?
BTW I would love the climate to warm up 5 or 10 degrees. It gets cold herein the winter.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you not realize that the majority of Americans have had it "up to here" with this climate change horse shit.

Well they are really going to be pissed when their homes are underwater due to servere weather
Trump is the only one not in on the scam. Good for him. It is good to have at least one major world leader that is smart enough to know that it is a silly scam.

So every leader in the world is in on the scam except for prophet Trump? What makes prophet Trump qualified to even discredit global warming ? Are the ice caps not melting? Is weather not getting more severe?
What weather got to do with the discussion? Have you been algored too?

Global warming has an effect on our weather. The more folks like yourself keep ignoring it the worse our weather will get.
You mean the better our whether will get. Warmer is better.
So he doesn't accept fraudulent science or think politicians should use it to scare people into doing things they wouldn't normally do.

Why is not lying to people a bad thing now?

From January of this year:

Humanity is at risk from a series of dangers of our own making, according to Prof Stephen Hawking.

Nuclear war, global warming and genetically-engineered viruses are among the scenarios he singles out.

Hawking: Humans at risk of lethal 'own goal' - BBC News

I can't answer your questions for him. You'll have to hit him up on twitter or something and see if he will answer you...

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?
No it doesn't. First off, I don't worship at his feet. And if he has no expertise in the discipline it's just an uninformed opinion. Like almost all the others.

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?

He also said Trump will destroy the world and the Cleveland Indians would win the World series..

Guess he is not as smart as you think huh?

And the two other things you just mentioned were scientific related how???

YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?
No it doesn't. First off, I don't worship at his feet. And if he has no expertise in the discipline it's just an uninformed opinion. Like almost all the others.

Ok, if you don't believe the opinion of one of the smartest people on the planet who happens to be a scientist talking about a scientific field... then I guess that's the end of the conversation then?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

Trump is the only birther

He also believes Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?
No it doesn't. First off, I don't worship at his feet. And if he has no expertise in the discipline it's just an uninformed opinion. Like almost all the others.

Ok, if you don't believe the opinion of one of the smartest people on the planet who happens to be a scientist talking about a scientific field... then I guess that's the end of the conversation then?
You are trying hard to massage the fact that it isn't his field and probably "knows" no more about it than you do. Scientists are people, not gods.
I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Congrats on your accomplishments, but 96% of the scientist in the world believe in Global Warming... and no, I seriously doubt 96% of the scientists in the world have been paid off to say that.
Only a small fraction of the world's scientists are involved with the climate so you just admitted they are simply following a belief.

Plus almost all scientists, including Einstein, once believed in a steady state universe.

So if Stephen Hawking believes in Global Warming... just because he isn't an Environmental Scientist, his opinion doesn't matter?

He also said Trump will destroy the world and the Cleveland Indians would win the World series..

Guess he is not as smart as you think huh?

And the two other things you just mentioned were scientific related how???

Woa Asshat I made up the world series thing but he did bitch ABOUT TRUMP.. so tells us how his opinions mean shit and that's all he has is opinions..

He has no more wisdom than me..
You guys just worship a guy who can't even wipe his own ass

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