Do you really believe

Trump did nothing about China.
Why lie ?? Oh it comes easy for you must be.

You can do nothing about China unless you address the actual issue. American companies that operate out of China. Taxing the working class is not going to do anything.
Trump was dealing with it until the moonbats decided to put domestic bullcrap ahead of this nation and it's security big time.

No he wasn't.
Yes he was.

The national debt just barreled past $23 trillion. Here's how Trump's $3 trillion portion compares to Obama, Bush, and Clinton.
I don't click on left wing bullcrap, so save your links for some gullible left winger to naw on while smiling like a mule eating briars.

It's telling when you consider "businessinsider" as left. I'm guessing the only links you trust come from Stormfront.
Naw, maybe newsmax etc. What's stormfront, never been there.

Trump Makes Dramatic Turnaround on Eliminating National Debt

US Debt Under Trump Has Swelled by Size of Brazil's Economy
Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking/paralyzed with fear (same difference).
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Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking!

But there was about half of year between "small armed force" and "took over in Russia", when Bolsheviks play politics and seek supporters classes :)

Liberals were who caught Russian population sleepwalking in February of 1917..
Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking!

But there was about half of year between "small armed force" and "took over in Russia", when Bolsheviks play politics and seek supporters classes :)

Liberals were who caught Russian population sleepwalking in February of 1917..

History never exactly repeats itself, but many times it rhymes.
Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking!

But there was about half of year between "small armed force" and "took over in Russia", when Bolsheviks play politics and seek supporters classes :)

Liberals were who caught Russian population sleepwalking in February of 1917..

History never exactly repeats itself, but many times it rhymes.

But if you shoot history by pistol, future will shoot you by cannon :)
Once Biden croak's in office, watch how fast our liberties really begin to erode under Kameltoe.
The Neo-Marxist Dimm's will then strike fast, and strike hard, especially if they have the Senate!
If there is a recount and its determined that Biden and Kamala get in office, does anyone know when they plan to start their apology tour like Obama did ?
Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking/paralyzed with fear (same difference).
Obama started the coup to capture America, and it's been in play now for 12 long years.
Empires rise and empires fall.
It'll be interesting to witness the beginning of the self-inflicted fall of America.
History in the making!
There's no doubt in my mind. We are heading fast in the ways of the Romans. It won't be long now. A study of the Romans is amazingly similar in so many ways to our own disasterous paths in which this country is choosing in life. Wake up America.

The only difference between an armed coup and an electoral coup, is that one is bloodless.
Actually, the Bolsheviks took over in Russia with a relatively small armed force. But they are similar that in both cases, they caught the population sleepwalking/paralyzed with fear (same difference).
Obama started the coup to capture America, and it's been in play now for 12 long years.

The Pandemic fear and loathing combined with mass mail-in ballot super fraud are the head shot!
If there is a recount and its determined that Biden and Kamala get in office, does anyone know when they plan to start their apology tour like Obama did ?
Them two will be doing way more than an apology tour, but of course that will be definitely included. Race hustling will be back in full force, and race baiting will be in everything they can use it on, and the race card will be stacked on top of the deck getting thrown down everytime an issue arises. The poor cops will be in the bullseye of every radical anarchist from one side of the country to the next. Lawlessness will soon be a staple in our society, and poor ole Biden will just go along with it just like his disgusting self went along with a mother who claimed her 8 year old was a transgender.

This is some sick crap this nation is fixing to endure, so get ready.

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