Do you seriously believe

The rings have to do with the planet Saturn ( Saturnalia) .....I know. You didn't know that.
You could research the subje.... OMG OMG !!! Lindsay Lowlife is having a sex.....
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!
Nobody denies them the right to have children and to raise them as they please.

In fact, nobody is denying them a right at all. They are choosing to reject marriage. And that is fine..but it's bs to force us to call them "married" when they chose not to marry. They aren't the same as a married couple, this is not the structure that is ideal that we as a society seek to protect and promote.

You do know that a mod here is married to another woman, right? And Ellen and Portia are married. There are thousands of legally wed marrieds in the USA.
Nobody denies them the right to have children and to raise them as they please.

In fact, nobody is denying them a right at all. They are choosing to reject marriage. And that is fine..but it's bs to force us to call them "married" when they chose not to marry. They aren't the same as a married couple, this is not the structure that is ideal that we as a society seek to protect and promote.

You do know that a mod here is married to another woman, right? And Ellen and Portia are married. There are thousands of legally wed marrieds in the USA.

So? If it's a done deal, I wonder why we're having this convo..

Oh, because it isn't legal in most states.
Nobody denies them the right to have children and to raise them as they please.

In fact, nobody is denying them a right at all. They are choosing to reject marriage. And that is fine..but it's bs to force us to call them "married" when they chose not to marry. They aren't the same as a married couple, this is not the structure that is ideal that we as a society seek to protect and promote.

You do know that a mod here is married to another woman, right? And Ellen and Portia are married. There are thousands of legally wed marrieds in the USA.

So? If it's a done deal, I wonder why we're having this convo..

Oh, because it isn't legal in most states.

Not the point. Your marriage as a construct argument doesn't hold water because there are states and countries where it IS legal.
I imagine there is Divine judgement for people who ridicule religious beliefs to justify sodomy but God forgives so it's a moot point.

There's gonna be a lot of divine judgement going around for everyone who "did it" in other than the missionary position for reproductive purposes only.

This is of course, just your opinion of your god.
This is also in step with Kinsey's plan to remove all barriers to perversion.

Diminish the importance of chastity, monogamy, remove all societal objections to perversion. His believe was that there is no bad sex and social restrictions should be removed. (He also performed sex experiments on children and was a strong support for negative eugenics...but hey, what's a little abuse and murder between friends...)
I imagine there is Divine judgement for people who ridicule religious beliefs to justify sodomy but God forgives so it's a moot point.

There's gonna be a lot of divine judgement going around for everyone who "did it" in other than the missionary position for reproductive purposes only.

This is of course, just your opinion of your god.

Again, arguing to points that aren't being made. You people want to make it about religion. It isn't about religion. You have to do that or you have no excuse for exerting government control over religion..

But this topic isn't about religion. It's about why homosexuals can't and shouldn't marry each other..and it has nothing to do with religion.

I haven't seen one argument that it should be rejected on the base of "God doesn't like it". So try really hard to be honest and stop muddying the water by pretending it's about religion. It isn't. do you exert governmental power over religion?

You pass laws forcing them to submit to the homosexual lobby. You declare the bible "hate speech". You shut down freedom of speech and make it illegal to openly adhere to your religion.

This is all from the fascist handbook.

Leviticus 20:13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
If you are going to cite the old testament, should we all go down to Red Lobster and kill everyone who is eating shrimp?

Leviticus 20:13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
If you are going to cite the old testament, should we all go down to Red Lobster and kill everyone who is eating shrimp?

Whats the difference?
The new testament being made up by random people and claiming it to be Christianity?
I imagine there is Divine judgement for people who ridicule religious beliefs to justify sodomy but God forgives so it's a moot point.

There's gonna be a lot of divine judgement going around for everyone who "did it" in other than the missionary position for reproductive purposes only.

This is of course, just your opinion of your god.

Again, arguing to points that aren't being made. You people want to make it about religion. It isn't about religion. You have to do that or you have no excuse for exerting government control over religion..

But this topic isn't about religion. It's about why homosexuals can't and shouldn't marry each other..and it has nothing to do with religion.

I haven't seen one argument that it should be rejected on the base of "God doesn't like it". So try really hard to be honest and stop muddying the water by pretending it's about religion. It isn't.

GOOD. No more quotes from religious texts, religious leaders, etc. That was easy.
There's gonna be a lot of divine judgement going around for everyone who "did it" in other than the missionary position for reproductive purposes only.

This is of course, just your opinion of your god.

Again, arguing to points that aren't being made. You people want to make it about religion. It isn't about religion. You have to do that or you have no excuse for exerting government control over religion..

But this topic isn't about religion. It's about why homosexuals can't and shouldn't marry each other..and it has nothing to do with religion.

I haven't seen one argument that it should be rejected on the base of "God doesn't like it". So try really hard to be honest and stop muddying the water by pretending it's about religion. It isn't.

GOOD. No more quotes from religious texts, religious leaders, etc. That was easy.

Homos can't be married because homos can't have sexual intercourse. Only a man and a woman can have sexual intercourse.

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