Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
But the society can only sustain itself if the wages you pay enable a person to live and consume at a base level: clothing, food, toaster, etc. Certainly your business depends on wage earners who make decent livings.

If anyone who works at Walmart is unable to afford those basic items, it IS NOT the fault of Walmart.

I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.

I'm going to give you the benfit of the doubt and assume you are simply saying this to be an asshole who cannot admit when they are wrong, instead of being stupid enough to actually believe that. Am I right in doing so?
If anyone who works at Walmart is unable to afford those basic items, it IS NOT the fault of Walmart.

I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.
Once again. We are all responsible to ourselves. If one has the drive, they can reach their potential with the appropriate amount of effort.
Those that complain about being underpaid and do nothing about it, are their own worst enemies.

And then there are those who see an opportunity to blackmail a business into paying them what they don't deserve.
I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.
Once again. We are all responsible to ourselves. If one has the drive, they can reach their potential with the appropriate amount of effort.
Those that complain about being underpaid and do nothing about it, are their own worst enemies.

I've no problem with that. So if they're being responsible and wishing to provide for themselves and not have to supplement their earnings with government assistance such as childcare, EBT card for food, etc, then they should do what those good manufacturing workers did to climb out of poverty wages: organize and demand better pay.

Wrong. They should take it upon them selves to improve their lot instead of demanding that a company subsidize their poor life choices.
If anyone who works at Walmart is unable to afford those basic items, it IS NOT the fault of Walmart.

I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.

I'm going to give you the benfit of the doubt and assume you are simply saying this to be an asshole who cannot admit when they are wrong, instead of being stupid enough to actually believe that. Am I right in doing so?

Assume what you want. But no; you're wrong.
No person is forced to work or shop at Walmart. If don't like working at Walmart, get another job, you idiot.
If you do not like how Walmart treats their employees, then don't shop there ass holes.

Sounds well thought out. If you live in a small town and Wal Mart is the only game in town, simply move your family, sell your house, pull your kids out of school, quit your church, say goodbye to your family and friends and get another job!

Don't Conservatives claim to LOVE family and family values? Tradition and continuity? If you work at Wal Mart and are called in to work on Thanksgiving evening, ruining your family celebration and removing you from the traditional get togethers, how family friendly is that?

Seems Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about family or tradition or continuity. What really matters to them is profit, screwing workers and demeaning their rights, applauding management and hoping that those poor old CEOs can retain their staggeringly high bonuses and staggeringly low tax rates. Yes sir! Family be damned if there's a profit to be made!

Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.

Why should they wallow when they can organize and blackmail a company into paying them money they don't deserve?
If WalMart had issued a statement like this:

"We at WalMart, the World's Largest Retailer, value our Walton Family and the families of all the little people who make the Walton Family fortune grow exponentially. In that spirit, we are going to grant a paid holiday to all our employees so they too may enjoy their own little family. But watch for Door Buster Specials come Friday morning! We're here to make sure you spend and think about spending and care about little else right up to and including Christmas Day!"

The American consumer would understand because they recognize the words "Door Buster Special" The modern American Conservative would understand because they recognize the words "Walton Family fortune" and would fight every person on Social Security to make sure that family fortune is untouched by civic obligation. The American Liberals would understand because finally the WalMart workers will get what they deserve; a day off with pay to spend with their family.

Maybe rather than champion American consumerism over the meaning of Thanksgiving, the contemporary American Conservative could hold on to a shred of credibility when the "War on Christmas" threads start popping up. I understand the values the contemporary American Conservative holds most dear. It ain't family or tradition, it's cash flow. Now, when they start bitching about "Happy Holidays" and "Winter Festivals" won't it be tough for them to keep a straight face, given the shallowness of their regard for families on Thanksgiving Day?

How DARE WalMart basically force employees to stay home on what is essentially a religious holiday. They will lose opportunities for overtime pay, any any other benefit that comes with working. Paying them the pittance of a paid day off isn't worth basically forcing religion down their throats.

Lol, interesting take.
I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.

I'm going to give you the benfit of the doubt and assume you are simply saying this to be an asshole who cannot admit when they are wrong, instead of being stupid enough to actually believe that. Am I right in doing so?

Assume what you want. But no; you're wrong.

So I'm wrong in giving you the benefit of the doubt? I see......fine then.
I'm going to give you the benfit of the doubt and assume you are simply saying this to be an asshole who cannot admit when they are wrong, instead of being stupid enough to actually believe that. Am I right in doing so?

Assume what you want. But no; you're wrong.

So I'm wrong in giving you the benefit of the doubt? I see......fine then.

Try to stay with me, and you for that matter. Your assumption is wrong, but assuming what you want is okie doke. K?

And in my opinion, you'd do better to give yourself the benefit of knowledge. Terse rhetoric is the refuge of fools who haven't the slightest clue about business nor political economics.
If WalMart had issued a statement like this:

"We at WalMart, the World's Largest Retailer, value our Walton Family and the families of all the little people who make the Walton Family fortune grow exponentially. In that spirit, we are going to grant a paid holiday to all our employees so they too may enjoy their own little family. But watch for Door Buster Specials come Friday morning! We're here to make sure you spend and think about spending and care about little else right up to and including Christmas Day!"

The American consumer would understand because they recognize the words "Door Buster Special" The modern American Conservative would understand because they recognize the words "Walton Family fortune" and would fight every person on Social Security to make sure that family fortune is untouched by civic obligation. The American Liberals would understand because finally the WalMart workers will get what they deserve; a day off with pay to spend with their family.

Maybe rather than champion American consumerism over the meaning of Thanksgiving, the contemporary American Conservative could hold on to a shred of credibility when the "War on Christmas" threads start popping up. I understand the values the contemporary American Conservative holds most dear. It ain't family or tradition, it's cash flow. Now, when they start bitching about "Happy Holidays" and "Winter Festivals" won't it be tough for them to keep a straight face, given the shallowness of their regard for families on Thanksgiving Day?

How DARE WalMart basically force employees to stay home on what is essentially a religious holiday. They will lose opportunities for overtime pay, any any other benefit that comes with working. Paying them the pittance of a paid day off isn't worth basically forcing religion down their throats.
Who said anything about religion?
If WalMart had issued a statement like this:

"We at WalMart, the World's Largest Retailer, value our Walton Family and the families of all the little people who make the Walton Family fortune grow exponentially. In that spirit, we are going to grant a paid holiday to all our employees so they too may enjoy their own little family. But watch for Door Buster Specials come Friday morning! We're here to make sure you spend and think about spending and care about little else right up to and including Christmas Day!"

The American consumer would understand because they recognize the words "Door Buster Special" The modern American Conservative would understand because they recognize the words "Walton Family fortune" and would fight every person on Social Security to make sure that family fortune is untouched by civic obligation. The American Liberals would understand because finally the WalMart workers will get what they deserve; a day off with pay to spend with their family.

Maybe rather than champion American consumerism over the meaning of Thanksgiving, the contemporary American Conservative could hold on to a shred of credibility when the "War on Christmas" threads start popping up. I understand the values the contemporary American Conservative holds most dear. It ain't family or tradition, it's cash flow. Now, when they start bitching about "Happy Holidays" and "Winter Festivals" won't it be tough for them to keep a straight face, given the shallowness of their regard for families on Thanksgiving Day?

How DARE WalMart basically force employees to stay home on what is essentially a religious holiday. They will lose opportunities for overtime pay, any any other benefit that comes with working. Paying them the pittance of a paid day off isn't worth basically forcing religion down their throats.
Who said anything about religion?

Well, you did talk about "the meaning of Thanksgiving", even if you didn't mean it that way, it implies for many a religious meaning.
Assume what you want. But no; you're wrong.

So I'm wrong in giving you the benefit of the doubt? I see......fine then.

Try to stay with me, and you for that matter. Your assumption is wrong, but assuming what you want is okie doke. K?

And in my opinion, you'd do better to give yourself the benefit of knowledge. Terse rhetoric is the refuge of fools who haven't the slightest clue about business nor political economics.

Oooh, not too ironic!!!
No person is forced to work or shop at Walmart. If don't like working at Walmart, get another job, you idiot.
If you do not like how Walmart treats their employees, then don't shop there ass holes.

Sounds well thought out. If you live in a small town and Wal Mart is the only game in town, simply move your family, sell your house, pull your kids out of school, quit your church, say goodbye to your family and friends and get another job!

Don't Conservatives claim to LOVE family and family values? Tradition and continuity? If you work at Wal Mart and are called in to work on Thanksgiving evening, ruining your family celebration and removing you from the traditional get togethers, how family friendly is that?

Seems Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about family or tradition or continuity. What really matters to them is profit, screwing workers and demeaning their rights, applauding management and hoping that those poor old CEOs can retain their staggeringly high bonuses and staggeringly low tax rates. Yes sir! Family be damned if there's a profit to be made!

Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.
And Ebenezer Scrooge chimes in! Are there no Work Houses? The treadmill is still running, is it not? And a Happy Thanksgiving to all who can afford it!
How DARE WalMart basically force employees to stay home on what is essentially a religious holiday. They will lose opportunities for overtime pay, any any other benefit that comes with working. Paying them the pittance of a paid day off isn't worth basically forcing religion down their throats.
Who said anything about religion?

Well, you did talk about "the meaning of Thanksgiving", even if you didn't mean it that way, it implies for many a religious meaning.
It is inferred by some, but not implied by me. Thanksgiving is what you take it to mean. But, in my circumstance, family has always been central to the meaning.
Who said anything about religion?

Well, you did talk about "the meaning of Thanksgiving", even if you didn't mean it that way, it implies for many a religious meaning.
It is inferred by some, but not implied by me. Thanksgiving is what you take it to mean. But, in my circumstance, family has always been central to the meaning.

I'm just answering your question of "Who said anythying about religion?" 99% of the time his assumption that your statement about the meaning of Christmas was about religion would be correct.
Sounds well thought out. If you live in a small town and Wal Mart is the only game in town, simply move your family, sell your house, pull your kids out of school, quit your church, say goodbye to your family and friends and get another job!

Don't Conservatives claim to LOVE family and family values? Tradition and continuity? If you work at Wal Mart and are called in to work on Thanksgiving evening, ruining your family celebration and removing you from the traditional get togethers, how family friendly is that?

Seems Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about family or tradition or continuity. What really matters to them is profit, screwing workers and demeaning their rights, applauding management and hoping that those poor old CEOs can retain their staggeringly high bonuses and staggeringly low tax rates. Yes sir! Family be damned if there's a profit to be made!

Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.
And Ebenezer Scrooge chimes in! Are there no Work Houses? The treadmill is still running, is it not? And a Happy Thanksgiving to all who can afford it!
We have brave men and women in combat zones who work 24/7 to make sure you little immature ass wipes can complain about bull shit issues.
Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.
And Ebenezer Scrooge chimes in! Are there no Work Houses? The treadmill is still running, is it not? And a Happy Thanksgiving to all who can afford it!
We have brave men and women in combat zones who work 24/7 to make sure you little immature ass wipes can complain about bull shit issues.

They Volunteered.

I doubt you'd recognize irony if it crawled up your ass. God knows, your posts show you're not very perceptive.

Astonishing. Absolutely astonishing. Did your parents drop you as an infant or do you fall down much?

Now then Ms. Perception, did you notice that my response was a question? It had a question mark even, thus eliminating any potential confusion that it was merely rhetorical.

But I guess even god's gift to perception can overlook a bit of punctuation now and then. No need to let it bother you.

So once again: what other commodities have price minimums? Can you name one? (note question marks)
Whether you like it or not, the reality is when unemployment is high, there are more workers available than jobs. Large supply, small demand. Hence the cost of labor is lower for the business.
When the opposite occurs the labor rates increase.
It's very simple. When a thing is subject to the laws of supply and demand, it is a commodity. End of argument.

Apparently, SOMEONE imagines that simply because he asks questions, that obligates others to answer them. He doesn't seem to realize that my response doesn't indicate that I didn't know he asked a question; it indicates that I think he's too much of an utter dumbass to respect enough to answer them.
I agree. It's our fault. We fear that decent wages will cost us more at the checkout stand and thus tolerate a minimum wage, inflation adjusted, that's half of what it was in the 70s.
Once again. We are all responsible to ourselves. If one has the drive, they can reach their potential with the appropriate amount of effort.
Those that complain about being underpaid and do nothing about it, are their own worst enemies.

I've no problem with that. So if they're being responsible and wishing to provide for themselves and not have to supplement their earnings with government assistance such as childcare, EBT card for food, etc, then they should do what those good manufacturing workers did to climb out of poverty wages: organize and demand better pay.

Yes, because we see how well that worked out for American manufacturing. :eusa_hand:
Sounds well thought out. If you live in a small town and Wal Mart is the only game in town, simply move your family, sell your house, pull your kids out of school, quit your church, say goodbye to your family and friends and get another job!

Don't Conservatives claim to LOVE family and family values? Tradition and continuity? If you work at Wal Mart and are called in to work on Thanksgiving evening, ruining your family celebration and removing you from the traditional get togethers, how family friendly is that?

Seems Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about family or tradition or continuity. What really matters to them is profit, screwing workers and demeaning their rights, applauding management and hoping that those poor old CEOs can retain their staggeringly high bonuses and staggeringly low tax rates. Yes sir! Family be damned if there's a profit to be made!

Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.
And Ebenezer Scrooge chimes in! Are there no Work Houses? The treadmill is still running, is it not? And a Happy Thanksgiving to all who can afford it!

Spoken like someone who's never read Charles Dickens. I do so love it when liberals quote great literature in an attempt to make their arguments sound erudite, and end up hilariously botching the whole thing and revealing their ignorance. :eusa_clap:
Excuses are the reason you have failed. You blame every one but yourself for your situation. The only one who can change your situation is you. Either change your situation or continue to wallow in your own self pity.
And Ebenezer Scrooge chimes in! Are there no Work Houses? The treadmill is still running, is it not? And a Happy Thanksgiving to all who can afford it!

Spoken like someone who's never read Charles Dickens. I do so love it when liberals quote great literature in an attempt to make their arguments sound erudite, and end up hilariously botching the whole thing and revealing their ignorance. :eusa_clap:

I am still wondering why you are so full of hate?

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