Do you Social Security fearmongers realize you can't get something for nothing?

Salary contracts are not subject to unlimited hours....
Right, you just wind up with comp time you never get to use.
and most people who produce goods are not salaried employees.
Services are also part of the economy dipshit

And you have not proven that if there are more people buying goods or services than are producing or using them will result in salary and wage cuts or that it is a so called burden on the economy.

it will result in cuts to buying power. Its simple economic fool.

Higher demand with the same supply leads to higher prices.
If my pay is the same and prices go up - has the buying power of my pay gone up or down?

You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.
You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.
This is only possible if their is a labor supply available to meet that extra demand. Once labor is maxed out its maxed out. You can get productivity gains but those happen over years - not on demand overnight.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.

Its not as infinite as you seem to think it is. There are physical limits to what the economy can produce in a given year.
You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.
This is only possible if their is a labor supply available to meet that extra demand. Once labor is maxed out its maxed out. You can get productivity gains but those happen over years - not on demand overnight.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.

Its not as infinite as you seem to think it is. There are physical limits to what the economy can produce in a given year.

So tell me when has labor ever been maxed out as you say?

If there aren't enough people to meet demand here then companies will import products.

As I said the economy is not a closed loop.
Yes I do. If the civilisation ended today my family, friends and I would do fine.
How long have you survived without the presence of civilization in the past? Just trying to determine your track record.
You....not so good. As far as not collecting my SS I consider it my civic duty to help those who truly need the money as I don't.

You could collect it and distribute it to the charity of your choice - instead, you allow Big Government to determine its use. Interesting. Do you consider yourself a conservative?

The system is doomed but hey my paltry donation will help someone who can't figure out how to get to a church.

There you go again wanting to push all of societies responsibilities onto those nice churchgoers. You know they have limited funding just like anyone else? And since they have huge investments in the financial markets (which support much of their charity efforts) - their incomes go down in bad times, too. Its wonderful work the Catholic Church and other religious charities perform, but I don't think its fair to expect them to do it all while the rest of us sit back on our asses and watch.

And no they aren't.

Wow. So its your position that people aren't even allowed to invest outside of Social Security. Yet you clearly have. How did you get away with it? Are you afraid of getting busted?

Mankind has done quite well. Or don't you "do" history? Where on earth did I say they couldn't invest outside of SS? Just go away. You are reduced to making false statements and altering what others have written. You are a typical brainless drone.
As far as not collecting my SS I consider it my civic duty to help those who truly need the money as I don't.

I call BULLSHIT. No one could be so stupid as to not collect something they've paid for, even you. The only logical conclusion is that you cheated on your taxes your whole life and filing for SS would bring the government down on you. I'm guessing you were self-employed and decided the self-employment tax was way too much. How did you do it? Cash business?

You can call BS all you want. I don't need it. I inherited a little bit from my dad too and gave it to my sisters who needed it more than me. I don't have to deal with the government save to pay my property taxes and I like it that way. I figure it's a good investment to not have to deal with them. Besides, after pushing me up into a higher tax bracket the net return is less then you would expect.
You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.
This is only possible if their is a labor supply available to meet that extra demand. Once labor is maxed out its maxed out. You can get productivity gains but those happen over years - not on demand overnight.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.

Its not as infinite as you seem to think it is. There are physical limits to what the economy can produce in a given year.

The physical limits are mainly do to government influence. Your social paradises though, they do indeed produce far less then they are capable of. Why work if there is no gain to be had from your labor. The socialists havn't quite figured out how to get around that particular problem. As far as a lack of labor, that's what robots were invented for.
You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.
This is only possible if their is a labor supply available to meet that extra demand. Once labor is maxed out its maxed out. You can get productivity gains but those happen over years - not on demand overnight.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.

Its not as infinite as you seem to think it is. There are physical limits to what the economy can produce in a given year.

So tell me when has labor ever been maxed out as you say?

If there aren't enough people to meet demand here then companies will import products.

As I said the economy is not a closed loop.
Nor is it a zero sum game.
You are assuming that no new products or businesses will fill the supply gap.
This is only possible if their is a labor supply available to meet that extra demand. Once labor is maxed out its maxed out. You can get productivity gains but those happen over years - not on demand overnight.

The economy is not static as you seem to think it is.

Its not as infinite as you seem to think it is. There are physical limits to what the economy can produce in a given year.

So tell me when has labor ever been maxed out as you say?

Several times in the past few decades. Whenever unemployment drops below 5%, its pretty much maxed out. Even in the best of times there are always unemployed people because a) there's always some folks between jobs, e.g. folks who moved to a new city and haven't found work yet, or folks who were working a temporary job and are between that and the next (or permanent) job or folks whose previous job didn't work out despite their best efforts and it was so crappy they quit before finding a new one b) folks newly entering the labor force c) and of course there are always people who just can't hold down a job for whatever reason (lunatics for example)

In recent history the late 90's, late 60's and 50's had a nearly maxed out labor force.

If there aren't enough people to meet demand here then companies will import products.

Widening the trade deficit. If that money goes overseas and doesn't come back all it does is devalue the dollar.
Mankind has done quite well. Or don't you "do" history?

Historically the young adults have always produced the goods and services the old people need.

Where on earth did I say they couldn't invest outside of SS?

Over the past several posts. Just follow the links back. It goes something like this:
YOU: Imagine how grand it would be if everyone was allowed to set up their own retirement programs.
YOU: No they aren't.
. I don't have to deal with the government save to pay my property taxes and I like it that way.
Wow. So they have privatized roads where you live. Where is that?

I figure it's a good investment to not have to deal with them. Besides, after pushing me up into a higher tax bracket the net return is less then you would expect.
You are such the bullshit artist. You aren't even eligible for social security I bet.
Nor is it a zero sum game.

Yes it is. Try as you might, you can't get something for nothing. For every dollar performed in labor, goods, and services - there is a dollar paid or owed for labor, goods, and services - it sums to zero. If the GDP produces $X worth of goods - that means a bunch of people had to collectively give up $X of their money to get it - ZERO SUM.
Mankind has done quite well. Or don't you "do" history?

Historically the young adults have always produced the goods and services the old people need.

Where on earth did I say they couldn't invest outside of SS?

Over the past several posts. Just follow the links back. It goes something like this:
YOU: Imagine how grand it would be if everyone was allowed to set up their own retirement programs.
YOU: No they aren't.

So you think that forcible taxation is the same as setting up a retirement program? Nice to know you are on meds.
. I don't have to deal with the government save to pay my property taxes and I like it that way.
Wow. So they have privatized roads where you live. Where is that?

I figure it's a good investment to not have to deal with them. Besides, after pushing me up into a higher tax bracket the net return is less then you would expect.
You are such the bullshit artist. You aren't even eligible for social security I bet.

Qualified this year bucko.
. I don't have to deal with the government save to pay my property taxes and I like it that way.
Wow. So they have privatized roads where you live. Where is that?

I figure it's a good investment to not have to deal with them. Besides, after pushing me up into a higher tax bracket the net return is less then you would expect.
You are such the bullshit artist. You aren't even eligible for social security I bet.

:lol::lol::lol: You assume there's a road where we are! I can actually drive from my home and get to Reno or Carson City and never leave dirt. It's great!
Mankind has done quite well. Or don't you "do" history?

Historically the young adults have always produced the goods and services the old people need.

Over the past several posts. Just follow the links back. It goes something like this:
YOU: Imagine how grand it would be if everyone was allowed to set up their own retirement programs.
YOU: No they aren't.

So you think that forcible taxation is the same as setting up a retirement program?

It really depends. But I'd hate to burden you with any but the most simple of thoughts. Taxes BAD!!!
. I don't have to deal with the government save to pay my property taxes and I like it that way.
Wow. So they have privatized roads where you live. Where is that?

I figure it's a good investment to not have to deal with them. Besides, after pushing me up into a higher tax bracket the net return is less then you would expect.
You are such the bullshit artist. You aren't even eligible for social security I bet.

Qualified this year bucko.

LOL! So you're just not taking the early retirement. Big fucking whop, most people who don't have to don't. Here you had us all convinced you weren't taking it all. like I said - U=BS artist
:lol::lol::lol: You assume there's a road where we are! I can actually drive from my home and get to Reno or Carson City and never leave dirt. It's great!

Awesome. The rest of us that don't have the luxury of the natural dirt roads that no one built especially not government or the forest service for sure they were just kinda there and who cares where they came from no one had to make them that you get to use have to suck off the government's teat every time we leave our driveway. You and your Nevada friends are the only free people on the planet. The rest of us live the miserable existence of having to have a gun shoved in our face everytime we go to the gas pump, forcing us to pay the gas tax, so they can build these roads to make us all dependent slaves. And everyone on this board really does believe that you really mostly drive on dirt when you go to the grocery store - no, really, we believe you. Its not like you're an obvious bullshit artist.
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