Do you still wear a wristwatch?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I wore a wristwatch for over 25 years. Once, when the battery wore out and I was waiting to take it to the jeweler to get a new battery I started using my cell phone to tell time. I never got around to replace that battery

How many still wear a wristwatch?
i have a very nice ...with a girls best friend....several of them ....but it just lays up there...gathering dust.....odd watch people will always give non watch people really nice watches....just to fuck with them
If I don't wear my watch, I feel naked. I always want to know the time readily. I don't want to dig in my purse for my cell phone.

And, I equate cell phone holsters that clip on to the fashion faux pas of pocket protectors and fanny packs - you just scream 'I am a nerd'.
Phones obviated the need for them unless you are doing an activity like diving perhaps. I'm not a big fan of cellphones BTW.
Yes I do! Left wrist thank you very much.

I use it to tell time as well as for fashion. And I too feel naked when I forget to put it on in the morning ... which rarely happens. But when it does ... panic sets in!
I wore a wristwatch for over 25 years. Once, when the battery wore out and I was waiting to take it to the jeweler to get a new battery I started using my cell phone to tell time. I never got around to replace that battery

How many still wear a wristwatch?

I guess the cell replaces the pocket watch, not the wrist watch, head dial, or belly button bob. I to use my cell since I chose Bekins for a mover & all my jewelry disappeared. I wear wrist watches more as jewelry than to tell time. I had several skeleton see-through watches I liked. I probably had a dozen dress watches stolen or misplaced in the move.
I have a few wrist watches, too. One is great because it also has an electronic compass on it. I also like to know my orientation. I have a compass in my car and on my key chain, too.

I like navigating, a lot.

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