Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

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If you're in the country illegally and have children they're illegal as well. ....

Not according to the Supreme Court.

Sounds to me as if they have no understanding of the intent behind the amendment they misinterpreted. Those that were part of writing the Amendment even said so. What that means is anyone saying differently goes against those at the heart of what it was designed to do and that wasn't to give the little turds shit out by illegal immigrant mothers citizenship because the bitch chose to break the law and come here illegally. You don't have to be me. You can read what those who wrote the amendment said:

Anchor babies birthright citizenship and the 14th Amendment colorado immigration law resources reference
If you're in the country illegally and have children they're illegal as well. ....

Not according to the Supreme Court.

Sounds to me as if they have no understanding of the intent behind the amendment they misinterpreted.

And exactly what are your qualifications that anyone would consider you a greater constitutional scholar than the members of the Supreme Court, past or present? Disagreeing is one thing, but for an idiot like you to pretend you are more educated on matters of constitutional law is beyond risible.
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?

It all starts with voting during this past mid term elections, Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't getting any younger and the court could use a younger Justice that's very knowledgable of Constitutional law and who will respect the it's separation of powers

And yet enough idiots voted to reelect obama despite how badly he has fucked things up.
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?

It all starts with voting during this past mid term elections, Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't getting any younger and the court could use a younger Justice that's very knowledgable of Constitutional law and who will respect the it's separation of powers

And yet enough idiots voted to reelect obama despite how badly he has fucked things up.
who did you vote for scat boi?
The problem is letting the illegals stay long enough to even have children. Catch & Deport immediately is the only solution.

The Constitution should only apply to actual citizens and legal immigrants...
This conservative rump in SCOTUS will not overturn the 14th. And the libs will support them as we all know well.

The fact is you Nativists have absolutely no power to ever effect such a change, so enjoy your mental masturbation, which feels good and is sterile.
It's pretty ironic that anyone who cares about "original intent" would want to restrict immigration (since the founding fathers did not do so, nor did they enumerate such a power in the constitution)
This conservative rump in SCOTUS will not overturn the 14th. And the libs will support them as we all know well.

The fact is you Nativists have absolutely no power to ever effect such a change, so enjoy your mental masturbation, which feels good and is sterile.

Isn't this the same individual who said voters would never turn to elect Republicans, that they are this doomed dying party that needs to change to be relevant? Enough said.
fucked things up.[/QUOTE]

I never said they were idiots the consolation prize?
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?

It all starts with voting during this past mid term elections, Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't getting any younger and the court could use a younger Justice that's very knowledgable of Constitutional law and who will respect the it's separation of powers

And yet enough idiots voted to reelect obama despite how badly he has fucked things up.

I wouldn't necessarily call those who supported Obama's re-election idiots. Perhaps Romney didn't do a good job in presenting his case against Obama, they didn't like the choices they had before them, so they went to the more familiar "consolation prize"? Although Obama's speech regarding the recent mid term election results definitely revealed his arrogant side, as he showed his open disrespect of those voters who exercised their Constitutional duty. This president clearly has a hatred of those who stands in the way of what he alone PREFERS to see for this country, which now includes those voters who didn't back his party. Will that help the Democrats? Probably not.

So to answer your complaint, Romney wasn't the kind of republican the people were willing to back. If you want to see who the people DO support, look to those Republican representatives they actually did elect, which to no surprise includes African Americans and women of the GOP.
This conservative rump in SCOTUS will not overturn the 14th. And the libs will support them as we all know well.

The fact is you Nativists have absolutely no power to ever effect such a change, so enjoy your mental masturbation, which feels good and is sterile.

Isn't this the same individual who said voters would never turn to elect Republicans, that they are this doomed dying party that needs to change to be relevant? Enough said.
Nope, you lied by omission. The GOP did what I said they needed to do, The GOP reached out to women and minorities, and did well; the GOP starved TP candidates in the primaries of money and did well. Only those who don't understand the American electorate say silly things like you just did
This conservative rump in SCOTUS will not overturn the 14th. And the libs will support them as we all know well.

The fact is you Nativists have absolutely no power to ever effect such a change, so enjoy your mental masturbation, which feels good and is sterile.

Isn't this the same individual who said voters would never turn to elect Republicans, that they are this doomed dying party that needs to change to be relevant? Enough said.

To win in 2016 we need to continue to reach out to women, minorities, and the center, and we never can do that by running a far right candidate The Perry type candidates will never get more than 42% of the vote.
It's pretty ironic that anyone who cares about "original intent" would want to restrict immigration (since the founding fathers did not do so, nor did they enumerate such a power in the constitution)

Restricting "immigration"? What are you talking about? I don't know of anyone who has a problem with legal immigration in numbers that we can accommodate in jobs and resources. We allow in over 1 million a year. Of course our immigration quotas can't be the same as they were 100 years ago because our population has grown immensely since then and we have a shortage of those things today, duh.
Anti-immigration propaganda from the far right will contribute to a Republican loss in 2016.
This conservative rump in SCOTUS will not overturn the 14th. And the libs will support them as we all know well.

The fact is you Nativists have absolutely no power to ever effect such a change, so enjoy your mental masturbation, which feels good and is sterile.

WTH does nativism have to do with not wanting children of illegal aliens to receive birthright citizenship? Why should they get rewarded for their parent's lawbreaking? It makes a mockery out of our citizenship.

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