Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

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Meltdown Alert for Conservative65!

"they disagree with me and I don't have the IQ to counter rationally, so i call them names"


Ironic given that it is Conservative65 that is calling Obama, Holder and immigrants names.

So calling someone a name = racist?

There is a difference between using appropriate adjectives to describe the image that someone is projecting of themselves and using spurious denigrating vulgarities for no other reason than to expose their feelings of unwarranted arrogant superiority.

If you cannot tell the difference then that is your problem.
"they disagree with me and I don't have the IQ to counter rationally, so i call them names"


Ironic given that it is Conservative65 that is calling Obama, Holder and immigrants names.

So calling someone a name = racist?

There is a difference between using appropriate adjectives to describe the image that someone is projecting of themselves and using spurious denigrating vulgarities for no other reason than to expose their feelings of unwarranted arrogant superiority.

If you cannot tell the difference then that is your problem.

But how is that automatically racist or bigoted?
You have called Obama and Holder "turds". You are calling Latinos "shitheads". That makes you a racist.
You have called Obama and Holder "turds". You are calling Latinos "shitheads". That makes you a racist.
Didn't mention race. You took it that way because you have nothing else. It makes you a loser. You seem to have forgotten that Obama's mother was a piece of white trash.

So you prefer being an arrogant bigot instead of a racist? How very christian of you.

Not that either TRAITOR. How very typical of your kind.

Are you denying that you are a christian because that is believable.

I don't know any genuine christian who would want to be associated with an un-American arrogant bigot like you.

So you are a traitor. Your kind is easy to spot.

angry geriatric neo confederate cracker aren't you
Oh look, Batshit Boy the racist bigot is trolling again. AGAIN. This useless fucking waste of bandwidth NEVER does anything else.
Didn't mention race. You took it that way because you have nothing else. It makes you a loser. You seem to have forgotten that Obama's mother was a piece of white trash.

So you prefer being an arrogant bigot instead of a racist? How very christian of you.

Not that either TRAITOR. How very typical of your kind.

Are you denying that you are a christian because that is believable.

I don't know any genuine christian who would want to be associated with an un-American arrogant bigot like you.

So you are a traitor. Your kind is easy to spot.

angry geriatric neo confederate cracker aren't you

So you're a traitor, too. If you think calling me a cracker bothers me, you're wrong. Trash like you don't matter son.
"they disagree with me and I don't have the IQ to counter rationally, so i call them names"


Ironic given that it is Conservative65 that is calling Obama, Holder and immigrants names.

So calling someone a name = racist?

There is a difference between using appropriate adjectives to describe the image that someone is projecting of themselves and using spurious denigrating vulgarities for no other reason than to expose their feelings of unwarranted arrogant superiority.

If you cannot tell the difference then that is your problem.

But how is that automatically racist or bigoted?

Ironic that you accused me of lacking IQ when you can't even make the glaringly obvious connection!
neo confederate crackers don't like being called what they are, but the want to name call others?
Go fuck yours
I despise illegal ones and the shitheads they squirt out. ...

Being a fucking scumbag doesn't bolster your case, idiot. Grow the fuck up, "shithead."

Go fuck yourself and mind your own business.

I said grow up, shithead. You're off to a bad start.
I know what you spouted. My statement to you stands.

You're a hopeless little punk.
If you're in the country illegally and have children :up: they're illegal as well. Anything else is a bastardization of the 14th Amendment.
Not only should children born to illegal alien parents not be allowed citizenship, but none of them, parents and children alike, should ever, EVER, be allowed to vote. The ONLY people that should be given that sacred right is immigrants that came to this country LEGALLY, and jumped through all the hoops and paid all the fees and took the oath.
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?
Any su
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?
Well, I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. What do you suggest? Bitching on the internet, calling in the "authorities" (hasn't worked so far) , voodoo curses, I am open to most anything. I am sure you have a yet as known, wry witty solution.
Any su
This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?
Well, I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. What do you suggest? Bitching on the internet, calling in the "authorities" (hasn't worked so far) , voodoo curses, I am open to most anything. I am sure you have a yet as known, wry witty solution.

Wow, you are one ignorant old broad.
Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?
This is ignorant and makes no sense.

The 14th Amendment would first need to be repealed, which would be unmitigated insanity. The 14th Amendment acknowledges the fundamental rights of all persons in the United States, it safeguards those rights from capricious majorities hostile to minority classes of persons, and prohibits politicians and bureaucrats from deciding who is or is not a citizen motivated by purely partisan reasons.

We do not want politicians and bureaucrats deciding who will or will not have his civil liberties.

Federal Immigration Laws is a process that already determines the citizenship of immigrants without prejudice, while amnesty undermines those laws by choose those who illegally establish themselves as citizens OVER those still awaiting legal status into this country.

This Constitutional Amendment would keep the process fair for ALL seeking citizenship.
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This is Achilles heel to America Immigration law, it and needs to be resolved once and for all. Yes, we need to get this loophole fixed.

You won't do a damn thing about it though, will you?

It all starts with voting during this past mid term elections, Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't getting any younger and the court could use a younger Justice that's very knowledgable of Constitutional law and who will respect the it's separation of powers

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