Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

Do you Support a Constitutional Amendment to Forbid Birthright Citizenship to Children of Illegals?

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If parent(s) can't financially support their own kids, the taxpayers have to do it. Being that I'm a taxpayer, any money taken from me is money I can't provide to my kids. Why should my children do with less for the situations of those adults?

Yet another selfish greed obsessed post from someone which zero compassion or empathy for children.

If children aren't supposed to pay for the choices of their parents, why should my children do with less and pay for the choices of some other kid's parents?

It's not greedy to want to keep what I've earned but it is to expect to get a portion of mine if you didn't earn it.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

That the Constitution prohibits punitive measures against children for the bad acts of a parent has nothing whatsoever to do with your subjective and errant perception that the prohibition manifests as a ‘disadvantage’ to your children.

You’re ignorant of the law and have an unwarranted fear of immigrants, rendering your ‘arguments’ devoid of merit.

How is it punishment for children of illegal aliens to gain the citizenship of their parent's country? "Immigrants"? These illegal aliens aren't immigrants in the true sense of the law. We have nothing against "immigrants" that come here legally. So stuff you sheet.
Because children aren’t responsible for their parents’ actions, minor children are subject to the care and control of their parents. And clearly a child who hasn’t been born yet can’t be held responsible because his undocumented mother gave birth to that child in the United States.

That’s why all persons born in the Unite States are citizens of the United States, in accordance with the 14th Amendment, to safeguard citizens’ civil liberties from the partisan whims of those hostile to immigrants.

Opposition to citizenship at birth is completely devoid of Constitutional and legal merit, motivated by bigotry toward Hispanics and other ethnic minorities, as it’s incorrectly perceived to be an ‘incentive’ to further immigration.

That this even has to be explained at all is sad and telling.

Wrong! "and " subject to the jurisdiction is your clue and qualifier. If anyone born on our soil were automatically a citizen the world "and" would not have been used in that phrase as a qualifier.

WTH does bigotry have to do with it? The same thing would apply if an illegal alien were white and from Ireland and there are many of them here also. So stick your race card where the sun don't shine!

It is an incentive to come here illegally because they can tap into our welfare coffers for years thru their U.S. born kids and it anchors the parents unto our country. That was proven just recently with Obama giving a stay of deportation to parents with kids born on our soil.

This whole thing has nothing to do with punishing a child for their parent's lawbreaking because it isn't punishment to inherit the ctizenshhip of one's parents.
The combination of removing birthright citizenship for their kids, denying benefits to illegal aliens and the removing the job incentives would absolutely cut illegal immigration way back.

Maybe ... But alone the amendment proposed wouldn't stop illegal immigrants. Refusal to deport and facilitating work permits for those here certainly won't stem the desire of more to follow.

If given the choice though ... I would prefer Congress started dealing with more pressing issues, do their job as required by law ... And stop jumping through immigration hoops defined by Progressive Liberals.

It isn't like I don't understand that would be kicking the immigration can down the street ... I just think there is a more important can that needs to be dealt with. Fighting over the lesser of two evils is not a priority when there is another threat present that requires more attention immediately.

If Republicans want to keep walking into the wall the President is building in front of them ... Well, I think that would be foolish. They will hold both the House and Senate as well as the ability to pass legislation. They need to start taking care of business ... And if the President wants to walk off a cliff fighting them ... They shouldn't try to stop him.


Who is saying that it would stop illegal immigration 100%? But you are in serous denial if you don't think it would curtail it immensely.

Since when can't congress deal with more than one issue at a time? And illegal immigration is a very serious issue in this country. The GOP should pull out all stops to reverse this latest action of Obama's by EO that he has pulled so they can show that they care about the American worker and the laws of this country.
Since when can't congress deal with more than one issue at a time? And illegal immigration is a very serious issue in this country. The GOP should pull out all stops to reverse this latest action of Obama's by EO that he has pulled so they can show that they care about the American worker and the laws of this country.

Congress hasn't done their job as required by law and passed a budget (much less a balanced budget or deficit reduction) ... Meaning they obviously cannot deal with that issue. If you think it is more important they continue to jump through the hoop the President put in front of them ... I am satisfied in saying people like you are at least enabling the Congress' dereliction of duty.

I didn't comment on what they could do ... Outside of what they should do ... Which is their fricken job. Balancing the budget and reducing the deficit would go a lot further towards helping Americans feel secure than immigration bickering.

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Since when can't congress deal with more than one issue at a time? And illegal immigration is a very serious issue in this country. The GOP should pull out all stops to reverse this latest action of Obama's by EO that he has pulled so they can show that they care about the American worker and the laws of this country.

Congress hasn't done their job as required by law and passed a budget ... Meaning they obviously cannot deal with that issue. If you think it is more important they continue to jump through the hoop the President put in front of the ... I am satisfied in saying people like you are at least enabling the Congress' dereliction of duty.

I didn't comment on what they could do ... Outside of what they should do ... Which is their fricken job. Balancing the budget and reducing the deficit would go a lot further towards helping Americans feel secure than immigration bickering.


Both are important and I ask again are you saying that congress can't deal with two issues at once? Where did I say that one or the other was more important than the other? How is it a derilecton in duty to want congress to do both? They are both important issues.

No, illegal immigration is just as important to deal with as it affects all aspects of our society in a negative way. It is people like you that have blinders on as to just how important this issue is or maybe you just don't care and are a liberal or an ethnocentric supporter of illegal immigration?
Both are important and I ask again are you saying that congress can't deal with two issues at once? Where did I say that one or the other was more important than the other? How is it a derilecton in duty to want congress to do both? They are both important issues.

No, illegal immigration is just as important to deal with as it affects all aspects of our society in a negative way. It is people like you that have blinders on as to just how important this issue is or maybe you just don't care and are a liberal or an ethnocentric supporter of illegal immigration?

No ... It is people like you that allow Progressive Liberals to lead you around by the nose and set the priorities for legislation that eventually results in the exact opposite happening ... That screw us all.

How did fighting about immigration work out for Conservatives in regards the President Obama's Executive Order?

Go ahead and pretend chasing your tail over immigration is ever going to produce positive results for Conservatives, Republicans or the working Americans. You are already so dizzy you cannot tell they just got screwed. Bend over, grab your ankles and get some more if you feel like it ... But I would rather do something more productive.

The 14th is the bedrock of modern America.

Those who oppose it should be sent to FEMA camps.

Bedrock? LOL! There has never been clarification by the Supreme Court about this travesty of giving children of illegal aliens birthright citizenship and that was not the writer's of the 14th intent. At any rate many countries have changed their birthright citizenship qualification so that at least one parent has to be a citizen of their country.
Those who wish to give our citizenship away to the spawn of illegal aliens who's parents had no respect for our immigration laws and use it to suck our coffers dry are stinking traitors to this country.

Oh, aren't you fierce? :lol:

There is no way that anyone is losing their citizenship.

The American people won't stand for it, and SCOTUS won't permit legislation on it.
Who said anything about deporting them? However, their parents should be deported and minor children belong with their parents.
You just did!

You lie, no I didn't. I said that the parents should be deported and should take their kids with them because they belong with their parents. That isn't deporting them. The kids could stay here if relatives but what kind of parents wouldn't take their minor children with them?
The 14th is the bedrock of modern America.

Those who oppose it should be sent to FEMA camps.

Bedrock? LOL! There has never been clarification by the Supreme Court about this travesty of giving children of illegal aliens birthright citizenship and that was not the writer's of the 14th intent. At any rate many countries have changed their birthright citizenship qualification so that at least one parent has to be a citizen of their country.
Those who wish to give our citizenship away to the spawn of illegal aliens who's parents had no respect for our immigration laws and use it to suck our coffers dry are stinking traitors to this country.

Oh, aren't you fierce? :lol:

There is no way that anyone is losing their citizenship.

The American people won't stand for it, and SCOTUS won't permit legislation on it.

No one has said to make it retroactive or to strip anyone of citizenship that they have already. Amend the 14th so that from that point forward children of illegal aliens would no longer get birthright citizenship.
Both are important and I ask again are you saying that congress can't deal with two issues at once? Where did I say that one or the other was more important than the other? How is it a derilecton in duty to want congress to do both? They are both important issues.

No, illegal immigration is just as important to deal with as it affects all aspects of our society in a negative way. It is people like you that have blinders on as to just how important this issue is or maybe you just don't care and are a liberal or an ethnocentric supporter of illegal immigration?

No ... It is people like you that allow Progressive Liberals to lead you around by the nose and set the priorities for legislation that eventually results in the exact opposite happening ... That screw us all.

How did fighting about immigration work out for Conservatives in regards the President Obama's Executive Order?

Go ahead and pretend chasing your tail over immigration is ever going to produce positive results for Conservatives, Republicans or the working Americans. You are already so dizzy you cannot tell they just got screwed. Bend over, grab your ankles and get some more if you feel like it ... But I would rather do something more productive.


You're complete denial and ignorance of just how bad illegal immigration is for our country and apparent desire to sweep it under the rug is very revealing. You're the one who is bending over and taking it from illegal aliens and the politicians who favor them rather than fighting for the rights of Americans. Coward and traitor come to mind.
You're complete denial and ignorance of just how bad illegal immigration is for our country and apparent desire to sweep it under the rug is very revealing. You're the one who is bending over and taking it from illegal aliens and the politicians who favor them rather than fighting for the rights of Americans. Coward and traitor come to mind.

Spend more time chasing your tail if you feel like it. Refuse to take control if the dialog and legislation in Congress ... Continue to follow the Progressive Liberal play book. You are the only one in denial if you think you are winning this fight.

There is fine line between bravery and stupidity ... And you seem to have crossed over to the latter. If you honestly think it is going to do you or your party any good to deny birth rights to children ... All I can do is shake my head while you shoot yourself in the foot.

I said that the parents should be deported and should take their kids with them because they belong with their parents. That isn't deporting them.

You can deny it all you want but you are still advocating deporting American citizens.
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You're complete denial and ignorance of just how bad illegal immigration is for our country and apparent desire to sweep it under the rug is very revealing. You're the one who is bending over and taking it from illegal aliens and the politicians who favor them rather than fighting for the rights of Americans. Coward and traitor come to mind.

Spend more time chasing your tail if you feel like it. Refuse to take control if the dialog and legislation in Congress ... Continue to follow the Progressive Liberal play book. You are the only one in denial if you think you are winning this fight.

There is fine line between bravery and stupidity ... And you seem to have crossed over to the latter. If you honestly think it is going to do you or your party any good to deny birth rights to children ... All I can do is shake my head while you shoot yourself in the foot.


Black Sand is right!

Either the GOP starts governing or it will be seen to have failed on it's core objective of dealing with the budget.

If you start deporting children who are Americans according to the Constitution you will destroy any chance the GOP has of winning the presidency in 2016 and retaining control of the Senate.
I said that the parents should be deported and should take their kids with them because they belong with their parents. That isn't deporting them.

You can deny it all you want but you are still advocating deporting American citizens.
I support not giving citizenship to those who are here solely because of a crime. That you do makes you a TRAITOR.
A correction to this part of the 14th is in order, by amendment if need be.

We cannot have mothers coming here, having a baby that is a citizen, and then getting to import the whole damned family up here.

Now, given that "Congress shall make no ex post facto law", we are stuck with the present fuckup, but, it can be remedied in the future.

If you are born here, your parents have to be here LEGALLY in order to become a citizen.

That should be common sense.

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