Do you support BLM or Antifa?

Do you support BLM or Antifa

  • I support BLM

  • I support Antifa

  • I support both

  • I support neither but honor their first amendment rights when done legally

  • I consider them terrorist/anarchy groups

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Feel free to cite examples of what either group has done that is a positive for America if you support them.
I did not check Antifa, because it is not an a group with leaders or structure. It includes anyone who is anti fascist.
Black lives do matter, even if I don't care for some of their methods, after a zillion years of trying for equality( mostly peacefully,) with very little progress I can see the frustration
I support both, buried six feet under.

They are of no use to civilized society , much less the United States.
I did not check Antifa, because it is not an a group with leaders or structure. It includes anyone who is anti fascist.
Black lives do matter, even if I don't care for some of their methods, after a zillion years of trying for equality( mostly peacefully,) with very little progress I can see the frustration
Anyone who isnt anti fascism while using fascist tactics to force collectivism.
For christ sakes, listen to yourself
I'm sure in the beginning BLM fought for a noble cause, but was quickly overrun by opportunists who wanted easy access to a new flat screen TV. And I'm sure there are still a lot of legit BLM protesters trying to shake off that image.

ANTIFA was always a bunch of bored white college kids that thought hiding behind masks and hitting people with bike locks made them badasses.

The largest number of US abortions is of black babies.


The largest number of single-parent families where fathers abandon their children are blacks.


9 black men have been killed by white officers so far this year.


In over 100 incidents over 300 blacks were shot, over 40 killed - to include several CHILDREN - BY BLACKS this last 4th of July weekend...


BLM is funded by Soros, China, Russia, etc... Their leaders have proven ties to Russia and Venezuela...

For me, the answer to the OP's question is 'HELL No'.

I did not check Antifa, because it is not an a group with leaders or structure. It includes anyone who is anti fascist.
Black lives do matter, even if I don't care for some of their methods, after a zillion years of trying for equality( mostly peacefully,) with very little progress I can see the frustration
No, "black lies matter," it's entirely predicated upon the naked bald faced lie of, "hands up, don't shoot!" BLM is closely linked with antifa, indeed you will find white slave masters calling the shots for both, though I assure you, the slaves(blacks)are oblivious to the true nature of the arrangement. Both are firmly committed to the complete and total destruction of the United States, and now thanks to fascist businesses and businessman such as Nike, Google, Facebook, Amazon, the NBA, NFL, MLB, NCAA, Koch Bro, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, CCP(communist Chinese party), all of Hollywood, and a horde of other woke fascist democrats and rinos, they are now extremely well funded, probably to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars! Black lives matter no more then any other lives, however "black lies do matter," and its mostly woke, extremely wealthy, white college brats disseminating them!
In my neck of the woods the insects are damn thirsty after little rain in June.
A handful of WHITE BLM protestors took up position on our main street a few weeks ago. We laughed at them and they gave up and left.
I live in a nice suburb and haven't seen ANY of this nonsense.

We had a half dozen rich white kids holding signs on an esplanad.
They got zero reaction other than laughter.
Went back by an hour later and they were gone.
What a great thread! So informative!

Have you ever condemned BLM or Antifa? Conservatives disavowe the Alt right. Leftists like you either ignore your hate groups or sanitize them, attempting to gaslight Americans by telling us these groups aren’t bad and don’t have nefarious purposes.
What a great thread! So informative!

Have you ever condemned BLM or Antifa? Conservatives disavowe the Alt right. Leftists like you either ignore your hate groups or sanitize them, attempting to gaslight Americans by telling us these groups aren’t bad and don’t have nefarious purposes.

You need to equate them with your RW hate groups to make yourself feel better.

There is no reason to condemn BLM.

ANTIFA is not a hate group. I don’t agree with some of their tactics. But I do agree with their stance against FACISM.

Shit. They would not exist if not for your RW pals being asshats.

What a great thread! So informative!

Have you ever condemned BLM or Antifa? Conservatives disavowe the Alt right. Leftists like you either ignore your hate groups or sanitize them, attempting to gaslight Americans by telling us these groups aren’t bad and don’t have nefarious purposes.

You need to equate them with your RW hate groups to make yourself feel better.

There is no reason to condemn BLM.

ANTIFA is not a hate group. I don’t agree with some of their tactics. But I do agree with their stance against FACISM.

Shit. They would not exist if not for your RW pals being asshats.


You're an outstanding moron, I must say. BLM is an openly Marxist, hate group. Antifa are textbook fascists. Those groups deserve every bit of condemnation they get. I really have nothing else to say to you besides go fuck yourself
What a great thread! So informative!

Have you ever condemned BLM or Antifa? Conservatives disavowe the Alt right. Leftists like you either ignore your hate groups or sanitize them, attempting to gaslight Americans by telling us these groups aren’t bad and don’t have nefarious purposes.

You need to equate them with your RW hate groups to make yourself feel better.

There is no reason to condemn BLM.

ANTIFA is not a hate group. I don’t agree with some of their tactics. But I do agree with their stance against FACISM.

Shit. They would not exist if not for your RW pals being asshats.


You're an outstanding moron, I must say. BLM is an openly Marxist, hate group. Antifa are textbook fascists. Those groups deserve every bit of condemnation they get. I really have nothing else to say to you besides go fuck yourself

You are wrong.

Can’t say it any simpler. You believe things that aren’t true. Often.

A better man would have learned by now. You are apparently incapable.

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