Do You Support LGBT Or Not?

I would voice my opposition to the transgender nonsense...

  • Even in a room packed with gays and lesbians.

  • Selectively, making sure I wasn't in mixed company.

  • Transgender isn't nonsense! It's a real, factual thing.

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It is my hopes that in time, the ridiculous term "LGBT" will become used less and less, and bisexuals like me- who with discretion enjoy the intimate company of male as well as female yet create no political drama about it- will no longer be believed to be associated with particularly dramatic homosexuals and their problems and particularly dramatic "transgenders" and their problems. In fact... I would rather not allow my sexuality, my race(s), my religion, etc imply any affiliation between myself and random people I have never met, whom I have nothing to do with, whom I often couldn't care less about.

It is my hopes that in time, the ridiculous term "LGBT" will become used less and less, and bisexuals like me- who with discretion enjoy the intimate company of male as well as female yet create no political drama about it- will no longer be believed to be associated with particularly dramatic homosexuals and their problems and particularly dramatic "transgenders" and their problems. In fact... I would rather not allow my sexuality, my race(s), my religion, etc imply any affiliation between myself and random people I have never met, whom I have nothing to do with, whom I often couldn't care less about.
How outspoken are you in LGBT parishes about what you just said? Have you called them drama queens? Accused them of having "problems" to their face? Have you told them the term "LGBT" is "ridiculous"?
It is my hopes that in time, the ridiculous term "LGBT" will become used less and less, and bisexuals like me- who with discretion enjoy the intimate company of male as well as female yet create no political drama about it- will no longer be believed to be associated with particularly dramatic homosexuals and their problems and particularly dramatic "transgenders" and their problems. In fact... I would rather not allow my sexuality, my race(s), my religion, etc imply any affiliation between myself and random people I have never met, whom I have nothing to do with, whom I often couldn't care less about.
How outspoken are you in LGBT parishes about what you just said? Have you called them drama queens? Accused them of having "problems" to their face? Have you told them the term "LGBT" is "ridiculous"?

You mean how often do I create drama. It's not something I tend to do. But if pressed then yes, I can be outspoken, and it usually doesn't matter to me whose feelings get hurt and who gets offended in the process.

Well at least you're here saying you believe lesbians, gays and trannies are ridiculous, problematic drama queens. Next time paint a sign and march in a parade. You feel strongly enough to post about it here. Why not where it will actually make a difference?
Religion is a behavior- and marriage is a behavior- both are rights. Driving is a behavior and is not a right.

Business's have to follow the law- regardless of whether their own behavior is a right or not- and Christians don't get special exemptions from the law.

Yes they do. It's called the 1st Amendment. They can refuse to participate. They can't make others do illegal things. They can't use their religion to justify hurting another person, but they themselves can say "no, I won't do that". That trumps PA laws. You'll see. It's all coming down the legal pipeline of clarity.
Religion is a behavior- and marriage is a behavior- both are rights. Driving is a behavior and is not a right.

Business's have to follow the law- regardless of whether their own behavior is a right or not- and Christians don't get special exemptions from the law.

Yes they do. It's called the 1st Amendment. They can refuse to participate. They can't make others do illegal things. They can't use their religion to justify hurting another person, but they themselves can say "no, I won't do that". That trumps PA laws. You'll see. It's all coming down the legal pipeline of clarity.

Sure- any person can refuse to obey the law.

Of course there are consequences- just as Paul told Christians there would be for refusing to obey God's appointed authorities

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.
But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
Well at least you're here saying you believe lesbians, gays and trannies are ridiculous, problematic drama queens. Next time paint a sign and march in a parade. You feel strongly enough to post about it here. Why not where it will actually make a difference?

How wonderfully ironic coming from the drama queen who spends her life online attacking gays- and attacks gay freedom parades without ever getting within 50 miles of one.

You feel strongly enough to post thread after thread after thread trying to get people to hate Gay Americans- the gay freedom day parade is coming to San Francisco- bring your sign and come protest the parade- or march in the parade telling Gays what you think......
Don't worry...the Courts have a little ironing to do on the bumps they created by not examining the etiology more closely of who it was they were writing new rights for to add to the Constitution. That clarity will come with NC vs the fed and the 13 states vs the fed...

Why worry? The Courts have consistently ignored everything- ever delusional claim- you have made.

Gay couples in love can marry in all 50 states- bigots like you are more and more marginalized- life is good.
Your position is quite plain. You want bakers to have a right to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex marriage, but compell them by law to do so for all others. Even if they don't want to do so. You have to bake a cake for a Jewish wedding or an interfaith marriage regardless of your beleifs. Funny how those deeply held religious beliefs don't matter to hypocrites. Shut up and bake the wedding cake...unless it is for homos. lol

The problem is not just doing an act to aid another religion, as most Christian denominations no longer take issue with that.

The problem is that many denominations consider any act of aiding, abetting orcontributing to an immoral act to also be a sin.

So baking a cake for a philanderer is not a problem, but making a room reservation for him so he can meet up with his mistress is a problem.

I have worked with people I knew to be adulterers, philanderers, people engaged in fornication of various kinds, etc, and that is not a problem unless they ask or tell me to do something that aids them in their sinful activity.

Then the only acceptable answer is 'No'.

I cant help you dont grasp that distinction, but that doesnt make it any less real for practicing Christians.

No- really doesn't make any sense. So you think a Christian would be required by his religion to refuse to accept a room reservation if he suspected that adultery may occur in the room?

Certainly that is not happening much any more.

I don't know how any Christian could claim to have a problem with baking a cake for a gay wedding- and not also have a problem with baking a cake for Donald Trump's third wedding.
How wonderfully ironic coming from the drama queen who spends her life online attacking gays- and attacks gay freedom parades without ever getting within 50 miles of one.

You feel strongly enough to post thread after thread after thread trying to get people to hate Gay Americans- the gay freedom day parade is coming to San Francisco- bring your sign and come protest the parade- or march in the parade telling Gays what you think......

You missed the point I was making to Ashtara completely, as well as the point of this thread. And that is: that "LBGT" is a fanatical cult. And those even within its ranks who dare to criticize it, will meet with violence. As you well know. You prescribe that detractors should go to ground zero (San Francisco) and protest the values of the cult of LGBT as it parades its illegal burlesque show down public streets with children walking by. Yet we all know what you meant by that: "I dare you to voice your protests against the Church of LGBT: you will come to know violence at that point".

And that was my point. Thanks for making it for me. :clap2:
Save your imagination, where are all these gays being meet with violence at the hands of other gays for daring to criticize them?
Save your imagination, where are all these gays being meet with violence at the hands of other gays for daring to criticize them?
Anne Heche merely decided to marry a man instead of have sex with a woman trying to look like a man and wearing a strapon. For that heresy the Church of LGBT made her name synonymous with "traitor". To "Anne Heche" means for a lipstick lesbian to realize she's always been seeking a man in her masculine butch partner and to leave her for the real goods. It's not a term of endearment within the LGBT cult.
Save your imagination, where are all these gays being meet with violence at the hands of other gays for daring to criticize them?
Anne Heche merely decided to marry a man instead of have sex with a woman trying to look like a man and wearing a strapon. For that heresy the Church of LGBT made her name synonymous with "traitor". To "Anne Heche" means for a lipstick lesbian to realize she's always been seeking a man in her masculine butch partner and to leave her for the real goods. It's not a term of endearment within the LGBT cult.

Remember when Heche was met with all that violence at the hands of others gays? Yeah, I don't either.

Where are all these gays violently attacking other gays for daring to criticize them? Again, your imagination isn't evidence.
Where are all these gays violently attacking other gays for daring to criticize them? Again, your imagination isn't evidence.

I guess if the violence is psychological...or financial in the case of Dolce & Gabbana, "it doesn't count". Right?

Remember when Dolce & Gabbana voiced their protest to gay marriage because they had strong feelings that children need both a mother and father in marriage, like they each had? And then the LGBT "non-violent" financial-destruction arm of the cult came out in full force and demanded a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana products...until the two meekly came forward and retracted their real opinions (lied publicly to appease your cult and give a false impression from within). How quickly you forget.
How wonderfully ironic coming from the drama queen who spends her life online attacking gays- and attacks gay freedom parades without ever getting within 50 miles of one.

You feel strongly enough to post thread after thread after thread trying to get people to hate Gay Americans- the gay freedom day parade is coming to San Francisco- bring your sign and come protest the parade- or march in the parade telling Gays what you think......

You missed the point

No- I didn't miss that this is just another one of your anti-gay threads.

And that you spend your days railing against homosexuals and complaining about things you know nothing about.
Where are all these gays violently attacking other gays for daring to criticize them? Again, your imagination isn't evidence.

I guess if the violence is psychological...or financial in the case of Dolce & Gabbana, "it doesn't count". Right?

Remember when Dolce & Gabbana voiced their protest to gay marriage because they had strong feelings that children need both a mother and father in marriage, like they each had? And then the LGBT "non-violent" financial-destruction arm of the cult came out in full force and demanded a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana products...until the two meekly came forward and retracted their real opinions (lied publicly to appease your cult and give a false impression from within). How quickly you forget.

So- a boycott is 'gays violently attacking other gays'?

I want to hear your comment about all of the 'violent attack against gays' by Christians then-
Southern Baptists boycott Disney for being too Gay friendly
Million Moms boycott target to attempt to get gay spokesperson in ads fired.

Dozens and dozens examples of Christians 'violently' attacking people- including gays- for being too gay friendly.
I want to hear your comment about all of the 'violent attack against gays' by Christians then-
Southern Baptists boycott Disney for being too Gay friendly
Million Moms boycott target to attempt to get gay spokesperson in ads fired.

Dozens and dozens examples of Christians 'violently' attacking people- including gays- for being too gay friendly.

The people boycotting Target are against what they did. I'm talking about the Church of LGBT purging from within. See the OP of this thread if you have gone astray with your own tangents. Read it, carefully this time.. The OP is about the conflict ripping your cults supporters away. It's because the tranny thing pushed too far. Now the non-gay & gay supporters of the Church of LGBT are going to feel the wrath of the Church Fathers for daring to be heretics and having a differing opinion.
Where are all these gays violently attacking other gays for daring to criticize them? Again, your imagination isn't evidence.

I guess if the violence is psychological...or financial in the case of Dolce & Gabbana, "it doesn't count". Right?

Remember when Dolce & Gabbana voiced their protest to gay marriage because they had strong feelings that children need both a mother and father in marriage, like they each had? And then the LGBT "non-violent" financial-destruction arm of the cult came out in full force and demanded a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana products...until the two meekly came forward and retracted their real opinions (lied publicly to appease your cult and give a false impression from within). How quickly you forget.

Oh, I see. If you completely change the definition of the word violence and use the one from your imagination then gays are totally committing violent acts aganist other gays. lol.

Using your moronic logic, you are committing violence aganist Target by supporting a boycott.
You missed the point I was making to Ashtara completely, as well as the point of this thread. And that is: that "LBGT" is a fanatical cult. And those even within its ranks who dare to criticize it, will meet with violence. As you well know. You prescribe that detractors should go to ground zero (San Francisco) and protest the values of the cult of LGBT as it parades its illegal burlesque show down public streets with children walking by. Yet we all know what you meant by that: "I dare you to voice your protests against the Church of LGBT: you will come to know violence at that point".

LOL_ you are as ignorant as you are delusional.

There are always nut cases like you waving anti-gay signs at the Gay Pride Parade- they are laughed at and then ignored.

See, unlike you- I have actually been to the Pride Parade in San Francisco, so I know what actually happens there. Unlike you, I don't have to rely upon the voices in my head.

And there are no 'children walking by'- there are children who are brought to the parade by their parents- there are children in the parade.

Nobody accidentally walks by the Pride Parade- you can't get close without a serious effort to fight through the crowd of spectators who are enjoying one of the two best parades in SF(the other is Carnival)

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