Do You Support LGBT Or Not?

I would voice my opposition to the transgender nonsense...

  • Even in a room packed with gays and lesbians.

  • Selectively, making sure I wasn't in mixed company.

  • Transgender isn't nonsense! It's a real, factual thing.

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I want to hear your comment about all of the 'violent attack against gays' by Christians then-
Southern Baptists boycott Disney for being too Gay friendly
Million Moms boycott target to attempt to get gay spokesperson in ads fired.

Dozens and dozens examples of Christians 'violently' attacking people- including gays- for being too gay friendly.

The people boycotting Target are against what they did. I'm talking about the Church of LGBT.

You are talking about your double standard.

To you a boycott is 'violence' when done by 'gays'- but is not violence when done by Christians to attack gays.

Pure hypocrisy.
I have actually been to the Pride Parade in San Francisco, so I know what actually happens there. Unlike you, I don't have to rely upon the voices in my head.

And there are no 'children walking by'- there are children who are brought to the parade by their parents- there are children in the parade.

Are they before or after the dry-humping queens, the S&M float or the assless chaps float? Or maybe they're being placed in front of the NAMBLA float (or on it)?
I want to hear your comment about all of the 'violent attack against gays' by Christians then-
Southern Baptists boycott Disney for being too Gay friendly
Million Moms boycott target to attempt to get gay spokesperson in ads fired.

Dozens and dozens examples of Christians 'violently' attacking people- including gays- for being too gay friendly.

The people boycotting Target are against what they did. I'm talking about the Church of LGBT purging from within. See the OP of this thread if you have gone astray with your own tangents. Read it, carefully this time.. The OP is about the conflict ripping your cults supporters away. It's because the tranny thing pushed too far. Now the non-gay & gay supporters of the Church of LGBT are going to feel the wrath of the Church Fathers for daring to be heretics and having a differing opinion.

Apparently boycotts are only violence when it comes to gays, but not so much when it is a boycott you support. At this point you're twisting more then Chubby Checker.

Do you any examples of actual violence that gays are committing on other gays for daring to criticize them? At this point all you have is Heche was called a 'traitor' and a boycott of D&G. :lol:
Well for one, we have an a example of gays violating children, to which Syriusly just claimed she was eyewitness to. Exposing children to public nudity and burlesque in a parade who's main theme is "sexuality" is a violation against children. So, there's that...
Still no example of gays committing violence against other gays for daring to criticize them? Not surprising in the least. Perhaps you can dig up your Roof, Mecer, and, Jones threads where you pretend they are homos made murderers. lol
I have actually been to the Pride Parade in San Francisco, so I know what actually happens there. Unlike you, I don't have to rely upon the voices in my head.

And there are no 'children walking by'- there are children who are brought to the parade by their parents- there are children in the parade.

Are they before or after the dry-humping queens, the S&M float or the assless chaps float? Or maybe they're being placed in front of the NAMBLA float (or on it)?

Like I said- you have never attended a Gay Pride Parade- the voices in your head lie to you.

I have attended probably oh 7 Pride parades over the years- most recently last summer when we specifically went because of the Obergefell decision.

I have never seen a NAMBLA float. Sorry to disappoint. The assless chaps? Yes- tell me which is from the Pride Parade and which is not.....?


The difference between you and the Pride Parade(and the Carnival Parade) is that these parades are a celebration of life- and you celebrate only hate.
Well for one, we have an a example of gays violating children, to which Syriusly just claimed she was eyewitness to. Exposing children to public nudity and burlesque in a parade who's main theme is "sexuality" is a violation against children. So, there's that...

Stop listening to the voices in your head.

No 'children' are violated in Pride Parades- there is some skin being shown- but children are not injured by seeing bare skin
I've learned to live with it and accept that some people wish to live a different life from my own. It is called freedom.
But should a boy who says he feels like a girl be "free" to shower with your (perhaps hypothetical) daughter in the girl's locker room?
Well at least you're here saying you believe lesbians, gays and trannies are ridiculous, problematic drama queens. Next time paint a sign and march in a parade. You feel strongly enough to post about it here. Why not where it will actually make a difference?

You are twisting my words. Some of them are overly dramatic, yes, but not all of them. What I was saying is that their problems are their own problems, not mine. I am bisexual, but I am not affiliated with any "LGBT community" or "movement".

I've learned to live with it and accept that some people wish to live a different life from my own. It is called freedom.
But should a boy who says he feels like a girl be "free" to shower with your (perhaps hypothetical) daughter in the girl's locker room?
Exactly. When the rubber meets the road, the "live and let live" crowd gets a little squirmy in their seats.. Then all of a sudden it's an issue. ChrisL is in this category. She's all about gays and lesbians but draws a firm line where trannies are concerned, on all fronts. She doesn't hold back. She calls them crazy, mental cases etc. etc. Yet I keep reminding her that folks who support insanity are .. (fill in the blank)? And then I remind her that the moniker is LGBT, inclusive.
I really don't understand why lesbians and gays hitched their wagon to the transgender crowd, and what the Queer thing means. They are chalk and cheese to me. Anyone know why? Was it just to create a louder noise? A bigger group? More lobbying power? Or because enough people in these groups feel a genuine affinity toward each other and a shared sense of purpose? I'd be interested to know.
Religion is a behavior- and marriage is a behavior- both are rights. Driving is a behavior and is not a right.

Business's have to follow the law- regardless of whether their own behavior is a right or not- and Christians don't get special exemptions from the law.

Yes they do. It's called the 1st Amendment. They can refuse to participate. They can't make others do illegal things. They can't use their religion to justify hurting another person, but they themselves can say "no, I won't do that". That trumps PA laws. You'll see. It's all coming down the legal pipeline of clarity.

Sure- any person can refuse to obey the law.

Of course there are consequences- just as Paul told Christians there would be for refusing to obey God's appointed authorities

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.
But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

The problem of course is that in these examples of Christians being coerced by the government in participating in the execution of a homosexual 'marriage' it is the state itself that is wrong. When the state commands us to do what is wrong we take our punishment and refuse to do it anyway. That is what Christians had to go through for nearly two centuries before the Romans got their heads on right.

What this will induce is a Christian underground that will solidify us and make us as impenetrable as the Russian mafia if it does not end soon. You cannot defeat the church by throwing us in jail or killing us. Ironically warm social acceptance is the strongest weapon and homosexuals and other perverts these days cannot do that with Christians. It just isnt in their psychology any more.
No- really doesn't make any sense. So you think a Christian would be required by his religion to refuse to accept a room reservation if he suspected that adultery may occur in the room?

Certainly that is not happening much any more.

I don't know how any Christian could claim to have a problem with baking a cake for a gay wedding- and not also have a problem with baking a cake for Donald Trump's third wedding.
That a Christian should not aid or abet another person in committing a sin has long been the teaching of most denominations, like 80% of them and has always been.

Businesses that catered to the 'sin crowd' had Jews, Muslims and Episcopalians for that very purpose in most places to do the abetting thing.
I really don't understand why lesbians and gays hitched their wagon to the transgender crowd, and what the Queer thing means. They are chalk and cheese to me. Anyone know why? Was it just to create a louder noise? A bigger group? More lobbying power? Or because enough people in these groups feel a genuine affinity toward each other and a shared sense of purpose? I'd be interested to know.
Political alliances make strange bed fellows, so to speak.
I really don't understand why lesbians and gays hitched their wagon to the transgender crowd, and what the Queer thing means. They are chalk and cheese to me. Anyone know why? Was it just to create a louder noise? A bigger group? More lobbying power? Or because enough people in these groups feel a genuine affinity toward each other and a shared sense of purpose? I'd be interested to know.

Just watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It is the blueprint of everything the political steamroller "LGBT" is today. They are literally living out the agenda of that film. It's genre is a cult film. And that term couldn't be more accurate in every sense. Long story short, gays and lesbians hitched up with "sweet transvestites" (trannies' beginning form) because they all revolve around destroying the Brads and Janets of the world. Near as I can tell, deeply subconsciously, these folks are manifesting the wounds of early childhood abuse, buried deep. And what they are, again, long story short, is jealous of people who weren't damaged sexually as children. Misery loves company. That type of thing. And/or they want to punish the normal world, turn it into themselves so they can finally...FINALLY feel normal again... After all, it's much easier to fit into a world just like yourself than to do the excruciating work of facing childhood sexual assault wounds.

They know what they do isn't normal, isn't what they should be doing. And one hint of that is that they themselves are still subconsciously striving for normalcy in that the majority of gay pairs have a feminine and a masculine compliment. So they know. They know. But because of early damage and habituated behavior therefrom, they can't/won't see the elephant in the living room. So the problem "is everyone else for hating them". Really, they hate/reject themselves (literal manifest in gender dysphoria); and this is why they bring that false accusation of others up constantly.

Their issues are SCREAMING from the rooftops. Just watch a pride parade and see the "help me! I need help!" acting-out. Back in the day an average psychologist could spot this from a mile away. So, back in the day the gays went to APA conventions, knocked over display booths and siezed the microphone. They generally disrupted and bullied their way into controlling the APA and having themselves removed from the DSM. Yet their behaviors still keep screaming "we belong on the DSM!!" That's what happens when you let the lunatics take over the asylum...

The common thread between them all is "we were damaged and abused as children and instead of changing ourselves to feel normal again, because that's blackout memories we don't want to face, we require that the world change instead."
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show isn't a documentary, dip shit.

What happened to all those gays committing violence aganist others gays for daring to criticize them that you were gassing on about? I shouldn't be too shocked that you were making up bullshit again.
You're willing to turn a blind eye. Those that are not willing are forced nevertheless by the law. It appears some religious freedoms are more equal than others.

You mean like the Church of LGBT being more equal than the polygamist branch of LDS? Which sexual arrangement can marry and which can't still? And how again does the 14th legitimize that situation? Be specific and try not to fall back on ad hominems.
You're willing to turn a blind eye. Those that are not willing are forced nevertheless by the law. It appears some religious freedoms are more equal than others.

You mean like the Church of LGBT being more equal than the polygamist branch of LDS? Which sexual arrangement can marry and which can't still? And how again does the 14th legitimize that situation? Be specific and try not to fall back on ad hominems.

Being gay isn't a church. Swiftly ending your moronic argument in five words.

Find any gays committing violence against other gays for daring to speak out yet? lol

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