Do you support our tax dollars going to Israel & Ukraine?

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  • Yes to both

  • Yes to Israel but not Ukraine

  • Yes to Ukraine but not Israel

  • No to both

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For most average Americans....

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After the government prioritizes some money to those AMERICANS who have lost millions and millions in the flooding that's been occurring in the last few weeks.

When all these farmers have recovered some of their lives and livelihoods, and after we have cleaned up a few more of AMERICA's problems then we can talk about the needs of other countries.

So helping them fight a few hundred terrorists is worth risking a world wide conflict and causing us continued inflation?
Reelecting old Joe would put the world at risk for a world wide conflict. Israel is our most trusted and possibly our only ally in the Mid East. Ukraine is a crooked little former Russian satellite that's going to lose no matter how much tax dollars we pour into it. Lefties fool themselves into thinking they can run a symbolic shooting war with Russia by pouring American tax dollars into the crooked little regime. That puts us more in danger of a world wide conflict than preserving Israel's right to exist.
Yes to both

Beats the old days when we sent our troops half way around the world to fight others battles

After the government prioritizes some money to those AMERICANS who have lost millions and millions in the flooding that's been occurring in the last few weeks.

When all these farmers have recovered some of their lives and livelihoods, and after we have cleaned up a few more of AMERICA's problems then we can talk about the needs of other countries.

Idaho Water Department is right now demanding that farmers on 500k acres stop using their well water to water their crops.

Everything the government touches gets fucked up.

Democrats = proxy warriors

Soon Ukraine will be out of Ukrainians to feed the meat grinder. Will support NATO troops moving in?
I like proxy wars compared to the wars we were pulled into in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan

Let them do the fighting
I like proxy wars compared to the wars we were pulled into in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan

Let them do the fighting
In those wars we were opposing serious global adversaries. Ukraine is at war with Russia, a very serious adversary.

Israel is opposing a well armed terror militia, they do not need US aid to deal with them.

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