Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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What makes you dumb enough to think the military wouldn't uphold their oath to the Constitution over you milk chocolate dear leader, hell most of them can't stand the sob.

I've been in the military and they aren't going to agree with you.

Right, I'm retired military and I think they would, what part of the country do you think the majority of our military come from. It ain't NYC.

You believe the military will support an idiot trying to kill liberals or change this government? That's totally crazy. If I wanted to know where the military came from, I'd look it up like this:

Now, can you explain why so many people in the Navy come from North Carolina?
I don't give a shit about the person and only the post. When right-wingers are going to neg me for not having the same opinion as they do and troll threads instead of discuss the issues, then they get negged back. I oppose the ideology and it isn't hard to find 20 bad posts. There could be some kind of clock allowing the next round of negs to begin at a certain time of day. Maybe the settings involve having at least 20 others before you can neg the person again, so if a person is negged at a certain time, it's possible negs could be available within 24 hours to do it again. Regardless, it's something the admins should deal with by setting up the system right to prevent it from happening. I'm sure they can change the time parameters for the rep. It's stupid to expect people to watch over 20 people per day that they negged and make sure they don't neg them again in 48 hours.

Are you saying you want to be nannied so you can opt out of taking personal responsibility for your decisions?
Did you fail Kindergarten where you were taught how to tell time?

it's something the Government should deal with by setting up the system right to prevent it from happening...
by closing that mythical "gun show loop hole", I'm sure.

Nannied? Are you just a fool, only a fool and nothing but a fool?

What about it takes time to deal with shit so just set the system up to prevent someone from giving negs within 48 hours. Switch the amount of rep to 40 and set the time to 48 hours instead of 24. Problem solved and no one has to do anything.
I've already told you how and you know damned well it would work. I'd even make them renew registrations on shotguns.

So it would require every gun to be registered then, right?

You failed to bring that up in your previous posts.

Gun registration is a no go. You dont need to be registered to practice free speech, or your freedom of travel, or your right to a trial by jury.

Go an hero yourself.

See this is why I think we should go the route of a Gun Owners license. If they are going to have a list. I want it to be just a general list of people licensed to own a gun, not a list of what fucking guns I OWN lol.

I'm not interested in the guns you own. I'm interesting in the person who doesn't have the guns he owned and I want to know what happened to the guns.
A spin off of the other thread where I have asked numerous times and not a single right winger has answered, is if you support the gun show loophole.

For those that may not know, under current federal law if you wish to purchases a firearm, you have to be run in a background check to make sure you are not a felon, been convicted of a violent crime, been in a mental institution, etc,..before they give the go ahead to sell that person a weapon. However under the "gun show loophole", there are not background checks at all.

That's right, absoutly nothing. A violent thug fresh out of the penitentiary, a terrorist, or a nutcases ready to commit the next sandy hook could go down to their local gun show, or find a classified ad selling a firearm and they could purchase deadly weapons, with no questions asked.

Selling a firearm to a felon is already illegal, even if you are NOT a federal firearms dealer.

and what is the difference between a craiglist ad and some guy arranging a street buy for you?

More restrictions on legal gunowners, and no effect on the illegal gun trade.

You can't sell a house or a car to just anyone without filling out the proper paperwork and registering it with government agencies. You even need to carry insurance with both. The same rules should apply to gun-ownership. You should have to pass a written test and demonstrate you are able to handle a gun in order to obtain a gun license.
A felon can be someone who committed a non-violent crime. Once they pay their debt to society, do they still have a right to defend themselves? I say yes.

And who will decide which people are not mentally capable of being responsible with a weapon? Clearly, there are sociopaths and psychopaths who are dangerous no matter what. Other people might have other mental illnesses, like a fear of heights or flying. Should they be denied the right to protect themselves?

Thing is, the criminals will always find a way to obtain weapons, like they always have. Crazy people hellbent on harming others will always find a way to do that.

When people are clearly dangerous, such as diagnosed psychopaths or those convicted of violent crimes, then don't allow them to legally purchase a weapon. Not that it will stop them from illegally purchasing a weapon.

The worst thing we could do is stop law abiding people from purchasing them. It's a right we have and it's a dangerous world.

How is any proposal stopping a law abiding citizen from purchasing a gun? If we had good laws, the world wouldn't be such a dangerous place.
A spin off of the other thread where I have asked numerous times and not a single right winger has answered, is if you support the gun show loophole.

For those that may not know, under current federal law if you wish to purchases a firearm, you have to be run in a background check to make sure you are not a felon, been convicted of a violent crime, been in a mental institution, etc,..before they give the go ahead to sell that person a weapon. However under the "gun show loophole", there are not background checks at all.

That's right, absoutly nothing. A violent thug fresh out of the penitentiary, a terrorist, or a nutcases ready to commit the next sandy hook could go down to their local gun show, or find a classified ad selling a firearm and they could purchase deadly weapons, with no questions asked.

Selling a firearm to a felon is already illegal, even if you are NOT a federal firearms dealer.

and what is the difference between a craiglist ad and some guy arranging a street buy for you?

More restrictions on legal gunowners, and no effect on the illegal gun trade.

You can't sell a house or a car to just anyone without filling out the proper paperwork and registering it with government agencies. You even need to carry insurance with both. The same rules should apply to gun-ownership. You should have to pass a written test and demonstrate you are able to handle a gun in order to obtain a gun license.
Wrong. Owning a car is a privilege, owning a firearm is a right.
There is no gun show ‘loophole.’

If one purchases a firearm from a licensed dealer at gun show, a background check is completed, just as if the firearm was purchased at the dealer’s shop.

Federal law allows residents of the same state to conduct an intrastate transaction absent a background check, as such a check is utterly unfeasible in the context of a private sale.

And should such a private sale be conducted at a gun show, no background check is conducted in accordance with the law; that the sale occurs at a gun show venue is coincidental and irrelevant, hence no ‘loophole.’

There certainly is a gun show ‘loophole’, because it was written into the 'law' that you reference. The 'loophole' was a concession to gun lobbyists to pass the legislation. It is a textbook example of the corrosive influence of special interests whose agenda is not the well being and safety of We, the People. Their agenda is selling guns. PERIOD. The more guns the better, irregardless of WHO the buyer is. That is not in the best interest of the citizens of our nation.

If you can't discern this fact, you need to do some research or search your conscience.

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.
Edmund Burke
Selling a firearm to a felon is already illegal, even if you are NOT a federal firearms dealer.

and what is the difference between a craiglist ad and some guy arranging a street buy for you?

More restrictions on legal gunowners, and no effect on the illegal gun trade.

You can't sell a house or a car to just anyone without filling out the proper paperwork and registering it with government agencies. You even need to carry insurance with both. The same rules should apply to gun-ownership. You should have to pass a written test and demonstrate you are able to handle a gun in order to obtain a gun license.
Wrong. Owning a car is a privilege, owning a firearm is a right.
That doesn't mean proper precautions shouldn't be taken.
You can't sell a house or a car to just anyone without filling out the proper paperwork and registering it with government agencies. You even need to carry insurance with both. The same rules should apply to gun-ownership. You should have to pass a written test and demonstrate you are able to handle a gun in order to obtain a gun license.
Wrong. Owning a car is a privilege, owning a firearm is a right.
That doesn't mean proper precautions shouldn't be taken.

Yep they have said that in the past

OK, then it should be easy for you to explain how it is a false dichotomy?

So, you don't believe anyone should have to have a background check to buy guns?
Easy...I said that background checks are idiotic and ineffective (which they are) and you launched off into the all-too-typical progressive/socialist/commie douchebag "why have any laws at all?....ANARCHY!" rant...That's a textbook false dichotomy.

And your idiotic and completely ineffective background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective, so, yes, they should be ended altogether.

Then let's check a textbook...

false dichotomy


false dichotomy (plural false dichotomies)

(logical fallacy) A situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available.

Now, ask the butler where you went wrong Jethro.
Exactly...Your idiotic, ineffective and fascistic way or "why have any laws at all?...ANARCHY!"

Somebody is wrong here and ain't me, dumb fuck.

P.S....Your idiotic and completely ineffective background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective, so, yes, they should be ended altogether.
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I want to ask a question here of the people pushing the "Gun Show Loophole" stuff.

Just how many people do you think shows up at the average Gun Show as a Private seller instead of a Licensed Vender?

What do you think the Ratio is? 1:1? 1:20? 20:1?

At today's gunshow, as I said earlier, there was 4 rooms of venders. Each room had at least 10 Licensed Venders.

The area for the "Private Sales" was a single row of benches, no tables, about 10 feet long.

That's it.

What prevents a private vender buying a gun at a gun show and reselling it without a background check and don't tell me the law stops it?

Why didn't you answer the question I asked?

Just how many of these "Private Sellers" do you think show up at gun shows? What's the ratio to Licensed Dealers?

And to answer your question.. Unless the person had a CCW/CCP, they would be waiting the full three business days before they were able to get the gun, which would be Thursday.

And yes, if he was buying the gun to resell it, that would be considered a "Straw Purchase" which is illegal.

Are you trying to say that your gun laws you want pushed don't work?

Hell, we've been saying that for years.
Background checks aren't hurting your privacy and if you really value your privacy that much, don't buy a gun! It's as simple as that.

Restrictions on abortions don't violate anyone's rights either. If you don't want the restrictions, don't get an abortion.

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Don't you people have a forum on abortion or threads somewhere? Why don't you go there and speak your mind?

Typical Left Wing Response.. You are all too willing to discuss restricting rights you don't like, but don't even mention restricting rights that you do.
We want laws for society and not for you. If don't like it, move!

How about if you are so scared of lawful gun owners, YOU move to some place that regulates them like you want them?

Hell I'm sure we can get a drive going to buy you a one way plane ticket.

I'm not scared of you fucking fools and those laws will be coming to America, because they make sense and we don't want all those unnecessary homicides by gun.

But what will you do when the "unnecessary homicides" are by Knife, Club, Rope, or Fist?
How about if you are so scared of lawful gun owners, YOU move to some place that regulates them like you want them?

Hell I'm sure we can get a drive going to buy you a one way plane ticket.

I'm not scared of you fucking fools and those laws will be coming to America, because they make sense and we don't want all those unnecessary homicides by gun.

But what will you do when the "unnecessary homicides" are by Knife, Club, Rope, or Fist?

or still by gun, because criminals do not obey the law?
Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Not sure. How heavy is it? Can't be too heavy if it has a hole in it.

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