Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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That's a great rule, like they just can't set the parameters to not allow it. I guess changing that 24 hours to 48 is too hard to figure out.

It is 48, although some can't even wait 24, I heard of that recently.

They told me about it and I stayed away for what I thought was 48 hours, but somehow the 6:18 was changed to 9:18 around the time I negged my 14th. I don't know if it was a time zone thing or what and I informed the admin about it.

My policy was to just neg the post and it isn't hard to find them, but you can't neg within 24 hours, because the setting prevent it. You are told to spread some rep around, so why can't they just change the 24 to 48 and either keep it at 20 reps or increase it to 40? Then no one could break the rule. It took me two and a half hours trying to find who to give 20 negs by using the person instead of the post. I'm glad they turned it off, because the PMs were a pain in the ass. I only did it because I gave my word.

Is this how you take responsibility for your actions? Blame others? Blame the rules?
You can't understand the simple rep system how could you even begin to understand the legal system or that there is no such thing as a "gun show loop hole" no matter how you wish there was?

Thank God you don't own a gun!
No worries, your pipe dreams will never come to pass, if I thought it would I'd be organizing the militia instead of playing with you.

You're militia really has a chance against the Air Force or one Abrams tank. You people are a joke. What makes a man grow up and think he's big and bad enough to take on our military? The military will make sure a tyrant never gains power, so why are you idiots worried about it?

What makes you dumb enough to think the military wouldn't uphold their oath to the Constitution over you milk chocolate dear leader, hell most of them can't stand the sob.

I've been in the military and they aren't going to agree with you.
I did a thread on the word "W" (Dubya) one time and it meant "without" as meaning has nothing to offer worth reading. That doesn't mean you can't post here...just that your posts are completely and utterly meaningless!

There's a category of posters that you, Truthmatters, rdean and a few others belong to. It's called "Wasted Energy"!

The posts are useless to a gun nut who believes they are right about the 2nd meaning infringed like an infraction and it just doesn't mean that. This isn't like the civil rights days where you rights were violated. The 2nd Amendment only means you can't disarm the populace and that's why I don't confuse you and say public. It's the general public they are talking about when they say people and that doesn't mean person. A person can be disarmed without violating a constititutional right.

Consider Zimmerman! The cop took his gun as soon as he found him. It's only reasonable to surrender a firearm when you are a suspect in an investigation. When Zimmerman was released, he had death threats against him, but was forbidden to have a gun. He wasn't prosecuted or a convicted felon, but no one claimed his constitutional rights were violated. You people need to get your heads out of your asses.

He is under indictment, if he is acquitted his firearm will be returned to him.

Did you correct the idiot claiming only felons and the mentally ill can be disarmed?
They told me about it and I stayed away for what I thought was 48 hours, but somehow the 6:18 was changed to 9:18 around the time I negged my 14th. I don't know if it was a time zone thing or what and I informed the admin about it.

My policy was to just neg the post and it isn't hard to find them, but you can't neg within 24 hours, because the setting prevent it. You are told to spread some rep around, so why can't they just change the 24 to 48 and either keep it at 20 reps or increase it to 40? Then no one could break the rule. It took me two and a half hours trying to find who to give 20 negs by using the person instead of the post. I'm glad they turned it off, because the PMs were a pain in the ass. I only did it because I gave my word.

I'm not going to say by who but I was negged twice in less than 24 hours in a period that ended yesterday, so yes it can be done. Like I say in my sig, I have never negged anyone who didn't neg me first. I don't need the negative energy (pun intended). I'd rather spar with words than get childish.

I don't give a shit about the person and only the post. When right-wingers are going to neg me for not having the same opinion as they do and troll threads instead of discuss the issues, then they get negged back. I oppose the ideology and it isn't hard to find 20 bad posts. There could be some kind of clock allowing the next round of negs to begin at a certain time of day. Maybe the settings involve having at least 20 others before you can neg the person again, so if a person is negged at a certain time, it's possible negs could be available within 24 hours to do it again. Regardless, it's something the admins should deal with by setting up the system right to prevent it from happening. I'm sure they can change the time parameters for the rep. It's stupid to expect people to watch over 20 people per day that they negged and make sure they don't neg them again in 48 hours.

You seemed to enjoy negging me and I never did it first. But you one of only about four that I've ever negged, two of the four I didn't return the last one I got from them because it would have been against the terms of service. That's all I got to say about it.
You're militia really has a chance against the Air Force or one Abrams tank. You people are a joke. What makes a man grow up and think he's big and bad enough to take on our military? The military will make sure a tyrant never gains power, so why are you idiots worried about it?

What makes you dumb enough to think the military wouldn't uphold their oath to the Constitution over you milk chocolate dear leader, hell most of them can't stand the sob.

I've been in the military and they aren't going to agree with you.

Right, I'm retired military and I think they would, what part of the country do you think the majority of our military come from. It ain't NYC.
I don't give a shit about the person and only the post. When right-wingers are going to neg me for not having the same opinion as they do and troll threads instead of discuss the issues, then they get negged back. I oppose the ideology and it isn't hard to find 20 bad posts. There could be some kind of clock allowing the next round of negs to begin at a certain time of day. Maybe the settings involve having at least 20 others before you can neg the person again, so if a person is negged at a certain time, it's possible negs could be available within 24 hours to do it again. Regardless, it's something the admins should deal with by setting up the system right to prevent it from happening. I'm sure they can change the time parameters for the rep. It's stupid to expect people to watch over 20 people per day that they negged and make sure they don't neg them again in 48 hours.

Are you saying you want to be nannied so you can opt out of taking personal responsibility for your decisions?
Did you fail Kindergarten where you were taught how to tell time?

it's something the Government should deal with by setting up the system right to prevent it from happening...
by closing that mythical "gun show loop hole", I'm sure.
The posts are useless to a gun nut who believes they are right about the 2nd meaning infringed like an infraction and it just doesn't mean that. This isn't like the civil rights days where you rights were violated. The 2nd Amendment only means you can't disarm the populace and that's why I don't confuse you and say public. It's the general public they are talking about when they say people and that doesn't mean person. A person can be disarmed without violating a constititutional right.

Consider Zimmerman! The cop took his gun as soon as he found him. It's only reasonable to surrender a firearm when you are a suspect in an investigation. When Zimmerman was released, he had death threats against him, but was forbidden to have a gun. He wasn't prosecuted or a convicted felon, but no one claimed his constitutional rights were violated. You people need to get your heads out of your asses.

He is under indictment, if he is acquitted his firearm will be returned to him.

Did you correct the idiot claiming only felons and the mentally ill can be disarmed?

Only they can have their rights revoked. Thats different form them being suspended by a court while charges are pending.
What a stupid comment. There shouldn't be conditions attached to a Constitutional right. Would you like to have to undergo a background check before you could voice your opinion?

The only constitutional right is that the populace won't be disarmed. You had to bring a gun of a certain quality to be in the militia, so they have had gun laws since the beginning. They weren't given their choice of the weapons they could bring.

It's really simple dealing with your kind. Get caught breaking the gun laws and see if you have a gun in jail to protect your ass! I want strict gun control laws in America and our present gun control laws are what's going to make it happen. The laws are so lax that another disaster is just a matter of time. See if the Judge buys your bullshit when it's time for sentencing!

You claim there were laws telling the militia what type of gun to buy? Seriously? Do you understand that at the period of history you are expounding there was nothing that you would recognize as a manufacturing base? In fact, at the time, to manufacture something actually meant that it was made by hand.

It would have been impossible for a law that required militia members to buy a certain weapon to be enforced. They were actually smarter back then, so no one would have written such a ridiculous law.

What is with idiots like you? The world isn't all about your limited understanding, nor is it based on just what you know. I've read problems encountered in training those militia. One of the big problems was supplying shot to various kinds of rifles requiring different shot. Having uniform weapons prevented problems with getting the right shot in the heat of battle. Another major problem was a bayonet. The weapons were very lethal at short ranges, but slow to fire, requiring the rifles to be equipped with a bayonet, so the troops could just keep advancing until they could use their bayonets. There was basically three kinds of forces in those battles. You have your cannon, your cavalry and your infantry riflemen. If your riflemen weren't equipped with bayonets they can't stand against a cavalry charge, that can swoop in quickly against them after they fire and are reloading. With a bayonet the rifle can serve as a pike preventing a cavalry charge. When the lines of infantry approached to the point of hand to hand combat, the bayonet came in much more handy than using a rifle as a club. If a line ran in retreat, they exposed their backside to the enemy and again were subject to a cavalry charge or being shot in the back.

Uniform weapons allowed a militia to have all kinds of advantages. Besides consistent shot and bayonets, identical weapons allowed damaged weapons to exchange parts. The line rifles were different than sharpshooter rifles designed to snipe and pick off officers often on horseback. A well regulated militia required having all the components of their modern army, but the line soldier was needed in sufficient numbers to command the field of battle and avoid being flanked.

Men of a certain age were required to train with the militia and provide their own weapons. That meant they had to work and pay for a specific weapon and gear. That's why there was so much disagreement over allowing religious exemptions in Congress and they finally just remove all that wording in the 2nd Amendment and allowed the states to decide what to do about it. The dispute was over the fairness issue, because there was a significant expense involved in serving in a militia. Some thought the person getting a religious exemption should pay and it was pointed out that such payments were the same as participation to certain religious sects. Congress couldn't come to a consensus about what to do so they dropped it and allowed the states to figure it out.

We were manufacturing rifles then and were manufacturing rifles long before the revolutionary war. What the hell do you think Daniel Boone was using?


The longrifle developed on the American frontier in south eastern Pennsylvania, in the early 1700's. It continued to be developed technically and artistically until it passed out of fashion in the 19th century. Strong pockets of longrifle use and manufacture continued in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and North Carolina well into the 20th century as a practical and efficient firearm for those rural segments of the nation. Longrifles could be made entirely by hand and hand-operated tooling, in a frontier setting.

.....By the 1750s it was common to see frontiersmen carrying the new and distinctive style of rifle.

Source: Long rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I want to ask a question here of the people pushing the "Gun Show Loophole" stuff.

Just how many people do you think shows up at the average Gun Show as a Private seller instead of a Licensed Vender?

What do you think the Ratio is? 1:1? 1:20? 20:1?

At today's gunshow, as I said earlier, there was 4 rooms of venders. Each room had at least 10 Licensed Venders.

The area for the "Private Sales" was a single row of benches, no tables, about 10 feet long.

That's it.

What prevents a private vender buying a gun at a gun show and reselling it without a background check and don't tell me the law stops it?

Why not tell you that? You expect us to believe that the laws you support will stop it.

How many times do I have to tell you I don't give a fuck what you believe? You're a gun nut, shouldn't that explain it all?
Restrictions on abortions don't violate anyone's rights either. If you don't want the restrictions, don't get an abortion.

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Don't you people have a forum on abortion or threads somewhere? Why don't you go there and speak your mind?

Let me try to answer that in a way you will actually comprehend.


The simple fact is that I am free to say whatever I want, wherever I want. I know that bothers you, and you will work to take away that once you take away the guns.

I just won't let you take away the guns.

I like
Tell me exactly how banning scary black guns and 30 round mags is going to prevent the next nut from shooting up a school.

Be specific. Tell me one thing you can do today that will prevent a school shooting 3 months in the future.

Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

It's not us "gun nuts" that are shooting up schools. Yearly checks of my legal weapons will serve no useful purpose other than to turn me into a felon when I refuse to comply.
You have a lot of balls sitting there calling us idiots.

When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem.

Your suggestions are not a solution. You would succeed in making more criminals, but you wouldn't save one single school kid.

I asked you to provide a solution that would actually save a life in some random school 3 months forward. Instead you propose more restrictions and responsibilities for people who are not going to stuff their pockets with 30 round mags and walk into a grammar school.

I gave you one simple task and you can't do that. Answer my question or concede that you have no idea what to do other than disarm Conservatives.

Gun nuts do shoot up schools, do you think only pacifists do it?

Fuck your task and you with it! How many times do you gun nuts have to be told, we don't care what you think or what you want? You can either follow the law or pay the consequences, if ever caught. You've helped so many criminals, you might as well join them. You never have been on the side of law and order, so what else is new?
Restrictions on abortions don't violate anyone's rights either. If you don't want the restrictions, don't get an abortion.

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Don't you people have a forum on abortion or threads somewhere? Why don't you go there and speak your mind?

Let me try to answer that in a way you will actually comprehend.


The simple fact is that I am free to say whatever I want, wherever I want. I know that bothers you, and you will work to take away that once you take away the guns.

I just won't let you take away the guns.

Say what you want, fool, but I'm not discussing abortion on a thread about gun control. You're an idiot if you think society can't ban assault weapons.
It is an INFRINGMENT, and will not make the world ANY safer. It will just get us closer to becoming government run lemmings, a state you seem to love.

Gun rights should only be lost for a felony or a judge related mental defect ruling. Anything else is banning by small cuts, and you know it.

I did a thread on the word infringed and it meant destroyed in those days. Broken in the sense of shattering a cup on the floor. It doesn't mean making gun control laws are infringing your rights. They aren't your rights, they are the right to not have the populace disarmed, period. That doesn't mean you can't disarm an individual.

Care to link to the thread so I can mock you properly? The practice of using infringe to mean encroach, which is how we use it today, actually predates the Declaration of Independence.

infringe (v.) mid-15c., enfrangen, "to violate," from Latin infringere "to damage, break off, break, bruise," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + frangere "to break" (see fraction). Meaning of "encroach" first recorded c.1760. Related: Infringed; infringing.

Online Etymology Dictionary

You don't have a clue what infringe means because you have never looked it up in a contemporary dictionary of that time or understood the Latin, which was it's root. When a modern dictionary tells you a word has an obsolete meaning, you don't look for a modern meaning to explain what was meant in the past. You have windbagged all these posts to express your stupid ideas. Why is a fool like you telling people you don't know about abortion and assault weapons and what weapons really means to you instead of what they are saying, Windbag? You don't have a clue of what my position is on abortion or assault weapons, so why waste the posts like you do? You are just a fool running his fool mouth about all kinds of things you don't understand and you usually have some kind of conspiracy theme incorporated in your point of view, like all those scientists and governments lying about warmer temperatures.
CT already had most of those laws, how that work out. Do you have a learning disability, I wouldn't want to be picking on the handicapped.

CT had a situation involving someone who was mentally ill getting a weapon, but generally that isn't the case for homicide by gun. CT just woke people up to the violence that has been plaguing America, so you learn to deal with it for a change. If the people want to make laws to protect society and those laws are deemed constitutional by the courts, we aren't going to put up with idiots of the right-wing threatening this country with violence. We aren't going to play games with you. You get out of line and we're going to take your ass down. You don't have to live in this country and you don't have to live. We aren't going to put up with right-wing scum telling us how we have to live and if you think that's unfair that's just too bad.

Baby boy, you didn't answer my question. And if you were really worried about gun violence you would be going after the people that are committing it, so don't sit there and lie your ass off. I'm beginning to think you are learning disabled.

It's been explained to all you idiots that controlling the guns on the city streets will stop most gun violence and having ballistics tests on file will make a person not want to use that gun. Unregistered firearms will leave America. It's more than going after a criminal, it's making it so someone doesn't become a criminal. Maybe the gun nuts can take their place and we can get rid of your raunchy hides.
And how does a national mandatory background check system stop it?

I've already told you how and you know damned well it would work. I'd even make them renew registrations on shotguns.

So it would require every gun to be registered then, right?

You failed to bring that up in your previous posts.

Gun registration is a no go. You dont need to be registered to practice free speech, or your freedom of travel, or your right to a trial by jury.

Go an hero yourself.

See this is why I think we should go the route of a Gun Owners license. If they are going to have a list. I want it to be just a general list of people licensed to own a gun, not a list of what fucking guns I OWN lol.
Yes, proposing things that do nothing to prevent crime and everything to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens bothers me.

I dont think you meant to write it that way... PIYF.

Do nothing is what you gun nuts stand for and we know that doesn't work.

I saw the figure that 92% of Americans support universal background checks, but none of you gun nuts support it and now neither does Wayne LaPierre. He is on record supporting it in the past, so why the change? What makes you think that 8% of our people are going to have control over our laws? Do you think the criminals want universal background checks? Gun nuts are part of the problem and they won't be part of the solution. You can find a group on the internet, but you aren't going to find many in society, so you have no power like your fantasies claim.

It's easy to poll bumper sticker bull like "Universal Background Check", how many do you think would support it if you told them what would be required to accomplish that? You fucking commies are always great on slogans and very short on details. And it works on sheep like you.

How many are going to be buying a gun and how long does it take to have a background check done? The odds are they will buy a gun in a gun store and have a background check done without a problem. I think most of them will say if they had to have a background check, then so should everybody else. Only a few gun nuts and criminals don't want background checks.
Damn you flatter yourself, I would never refer to you as anything close to rational, were you only referring to yourself when you used the plural term people? I wasn't referring to you at all.

You have a minority point of view that is irrational, so of course, all those rational people are irrational to you. In your little world, you are right and everyone else is wrong. I would say you flatter yourself. It's the old everyone is crazy, but you and no wonder you worry about your guns.

So far you're the only person I've talked to that agrees with you, so you might reconsider who is in the minority.

This is a political forum and not society. The people in this forum didn't elect the president by the way they voted. There are people who like my ideas and they believe it will make a difference. If I went to a liberal forum they would approve of those types of policies. Many gun owners would like the protection such laws would bring.
A felon can be someone who committed a non-violent crime. Once they pay their debt to society, do they still have a right to defend themselves? I say yes.

And who will decide which people are not mentally capable of being responsible with a weapon? Clearly, there are sociopaths and psychopaths who are dangerous no matter what. Other people might have other mental illnesses, like a fear of heights or flying. Should they be denied the right to protect themselves?

Thing is, the criminals will always find a way to obtain weapons, like they always have. Crazy people hellbent on harming others will always find a way to do that.

When people are clearly dangerous, such as diagnosed psychopaths or those convicted of violent crimes, then don't allow them to legally purchase a weapon. Not that it will stop them from illegally purchasing a weapon.

The worst thing we could do is stop law abiding people from purchasing them. It's a right we have and it's a dangerous world.
It is 48, although some can't even wait 24, I heard of that recently.

They told me about it and I stayed away for what I thought was 48 hours, but somehow the 6:18 was changed to 9:18 around the time I negged my 14th. I don't know if it was a time zone thing or what and I informed the admin about it.

My policy was to just neg the post and it isn't hard to find them, but you can't neg within 24 hours, because the setting prevent it. You are told to spread some rep around, so why can't they just change the 24 to 48 and either keep it at 20 reps or increase it to 40? Then no one could break the rule. It took me two and a half hours trying to find who to give 20 negs by using the person instead of the post. I'm glad they turned it off, because the PMs were a pain in the ass. I only did it because I gave my word.

Is this how you take responsibility for your actions? Blame others? Blame the rules?
You can't understand the simple rep system how could you even begin to understand the legal system or that there is no such thing as a "gun show loop hole" no matter how you wish there was?

Thank God you don't own a gun!

Suck a lemon, if your mouth can find the time!

I never saw the rules, so what responsibility? I simply pointed out another way to do the same thing and not have to be bothered by someone breaking the rules, because the rules can't be broken.

I know it's strange to you, but it's called: using your mind.
The one who has NFI what hes sputtering about is you, you braying jackass....And I damn sure know what a false dichotomy is.

Oh, and your idiotic background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective...Just to stay on topic so I don't get a spanking from Li'l Bro.

OK, then it should be easy for you to explain how it is a false dichotomy?

So, you don't believe anyone should have to have a background check to buy guns?
Easy...I said that background checks are idiotic and ineffective (which they are) and you launched off into the all-too-typical progressive/socialist/commie douchebag "why have any laws at all?....ANARCHY!" rant...That's a textbook false dichotomy.

And your idiotic and completely ineffective background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective, so, yes, they should be ended altogether.

Then let's check a textbook...

false dichotomy


false dichotomy (plural false dichotomies)

(logical fallacy) A situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available.

Now, ask the butler where you went wrong Jethro.

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