Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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It's not oppressive to make a gun owner show up once a year to prove he still has his weapons and allowing him to live in a safer world. It's oppressive when someone gets caught violating the law and gets their ass burnt for doing it. I support losing gun rights if the person is caught with an unregistered weapon and prosecuting the person for a weapons offense with more severe penalties from that point on.

It is an INFRINGMENT, and will not make the world ANY safer. It will just get us closer to becoming government run lemmings, a state you seem to love.

Gun rights should only be lost for a felony or a judge related mental defect ruling. Anything else is banning by small cuts, and you know it.

I did a thread on the word infringed and it meant destroyed in those days. Broken in the sense of shattering a cup on the floor. It doesn't mean making gun control laws are infringing your rights. They aren't your rights, they are the right to not have the populace disarmed, period. That doesn't mean you can't disarm an individual.

Who tells you these things? Infringe means the same thing today that it meant then.

Go back to school.
Tell me exactly how banning scary black guns and 30 round mags is going to prevent the next nut from shooting up a school.

Be specific. Tell me one thing you can do today that will prevent a school shooting 3 months in the future.

Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

Your solution wont do crap to prevent anything and you know it, or you dont because you lack the cognative function to figure it out.

Then it should bother you, should it!
Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

Your solution wont do crap to prevent anything and you know it, or you dont because you lack the cognative function to figure it out.

Then it should bother you, should it!

Yes, proposing things that do nothing to prevent crime and everything to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens bothers me.

I dont think you meant to write it that way... PIYF.
The government keeping closer tabs on people won't do a damned thing to prevent these atrocities. All it will do is tighten the cinch on personal liberty until the next fiasco. They they'll use that as an excuse to tighten the cinch a little more.

Liberals soundly reject thie idea of guarding children to keep them safe, unless, of course, they are the children of liberals.

Why shouldn't children in public schools be afforded the same protection as those in elite private schools?

What tabs are the government keeping on people? They are keeping tabs on guns. People aren't going to want to use a gun in a crime with a ballistics test on file.

If your paranoia is bothering you that bad, get help from a mental health professional, but be careful he doesn't take your guns!
Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

Your dear leader is the only one acting irresponsibly, gun prosecutions are way down. And by rational people you mean the lemming easily swayed by the MSM that lack the ability to get the facts for themselves, right?

I don't watch TV, so your bullshit MSM argument is your fabrication. I got my facts by reading the personal letters of the Founders.

You're just a lying ass gun nut.

Damn you flatter yourself, I would never refer to you as anything close to rational, were you only referring to yourself when you used the plural term people? I wasn't referring to you at all.
Which would imply he wasnt smart enough to read forum rules and tried to neg someone twice to quickly.

Either way it is a good indicator of his post quality.

That's a great rule, like they just can't set the parameters to not allow it. I guess changing that 24 hours to 48 is too hard to figure out.

It is 48, although some can't even wait 24, I heard of that recently.

They told me about it and I stayed away for what I thought was 48 hours, but somehow the 6:18 was changed to 9:18 around the time I negged my 14th. I don't know if it was a time zone thing or what and I informed the admin about it.

My policy was to just neg the post and it isn't hard to find them, but you can't neg within 24 hours, because the setting prevent it. You are told to spread some rep around, so why can't they just change the 24 to 48 and either keep it at 20 reps or increase it to 40? Then no one could break the rule. It took me two and a half hours trying to find who to give 20 negs by using the person instead of the post. I'm glad they turned it off, because the PMs were a pain in the ass. I only did it because I gave my word.
It is an INFRINGMENT, and will not make the world ANY safer. It will just get us closer to becoming government run lemmings, a state you seem to love.

Gun rights should only be lost for a felony or a judge related mental defect ruling. Anything else is banning by small cuts, and you know it.

I did a thread on the word infringed and it meant destroyed in those days. Broken in the sense of shattering a cup on the floor. It doesn't mean making gun control laws are infringing your rights. They aren't your rights, they are the right to not have the populace disarmed, period. That doesn't mean you can't disarm an individual.

Thats quite a strech...... and you can disarm an individual, ONLY after a conviction for a felony or a judge mandated mental commitment. What you are proposing is prior restraints on ownership, which is infringment, no matter what cup related definition you make up.

also if you go to the root french word, it is "break, or weaken"

1525–35; < Latin infringere to break, weaken, equivalent to in- in-2 + -fringere, combining form of frangere to break

Bullshit! You can disarm someone when they are just charged with a crime.

Face it, you don't know the law or the Constitution!
Screw you I only have to renew my CHL every 5 years. I've owned gun for 50 years and not one of them have hurt anyone. Why don't you put you energy in to law enforcement and leave everyone else alone. Criminal ain't going to register shit.

We want laws for society and not for you. If don't like it, move!

No worries, your pipe dreams will never come to pass, if I thought it would I'd be organizing the militia instead of playing with you.

You're militia really has a chance against the Air Force or one Abrams tank. You people are a joke. What makes a man grow up and think he's big and bad enough to take on our military? The military will make sure a tyrant never gains power, so why are you idiots worried about it?
Screw you I only have to renew my CHL every 5 years. I've owned gun for 50 years and not one of them have hurt anyone. Why don't you put you energy in to law enforcement and leave everyone else alone. Criminal ain't going to register shit.

We want laws for society and not for you. If don't like it, move!

How about if you are so scared of lawful gun owners, YOU move to some place that regulates them like you want them?

Hell I'm sure we can get a drive going to buy you a one way plane ticket.

I'm not scared of you fucking fools and those laws will be coming to America, because they make sense and we don't want all those unnecessary homicides by gun.
That's a great rule, like they just can't set the parameters to not allow it. I guess changing that 24 hours to 48 is too hard to figure out.

It is 48, although some can't even wait 24, I heard of that recently.

They told me about it and I stayed away for what I thought was 48 hours, but somehow the 6:18 was changed to 9:18 around the time I negged my 14th. I don't know if it was a time zone thing or what and I informed the admin about it.

My policy was to just neg the post and it isn't hard to find them, but you can't neg within 24 hours, because the setting prevent it. You are told to spread some rep around, so why can't they just change the 24 to 48 and either keep it at 20 reps or increase it to 40? Then no one could break the rule. It took me two and a half hours trying to find who to give 20 negs by using the person instead of the post. I'm glad they turned it off, because the PMs were a pain in the ass. I only did it because I gave my word.

I'm not going to say by who but I was negged twice in less than 24 hours in a period that ended yesterday, so yes it can be done. Like I say in my sig, I have never negged anyone who didn't neg me first. I don't need the negative energy (pun intended). I'd rather spar with words than get childish.
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We want laws for society and not for you. If don't like it, move!

No worries, your pipe dreams will never come to pass, if I thought it would I'd be organizing the militia instead of playing with you.

You're militia really has a chance against the Air Force or one Abrams tank. You people are a joke. What makes a man grow up and think he's big and bad enough to take on our military? The military will make sure a tyrant never gains power, so why are you idiots worried about it?

What makes you dumb enough to think the military wouldn't uphold their oath to the Constitution over you milk chocolate dear leader, hell most of them can't stand the sob.
It is an INFRINGMENT, and will not make the world ANY safer. It will just get us closer to becoming government run lemmings, a state you seem to love.

Gun rights should only be lost for a felony or a judge related mental defect ruling. Anything else is banning by small cuts, and you know it.

I did a thread on the word infringed and it meant destroyed in those days. Broken in the sense of shattering a cup on the floor. It doesn't mean making gun control laws are infringing your rights. They aren't your rights, they are the right to not have the populace disarmed, period. That doesn't mean you can't disarm an individual.
I did a thread on the word "W" (Dubya) one time and it meant "without" as meaning has nothing to offer worth reading. That doesn't mean you can't post here...just that your posts are completely and utterly meaningless!

There's a category of posters that you, Truthmatters, rdean and a few others belong to. It's called "Wasted Energy"!

The posts are useless to a gun nut who believes they are right about the 2nd meaning infringed like an infraction and it just doesn't mean that. This isn't like the civil rights days where you rights were violated. The 2nd Amendment only means you can't disarm the populace and that's why I don't confuse you and say public. It's the general public they are talking about when they say people and that doesn't mean person. A person can be disarmed without violating a constititutional right.

Consider Zimmerman! The cop took his gun as soon as he found him. It's only reasonable to surrender a firearm when you are a suspect in an investigation. When Zimmerman was released, he had death threats against him, but was forbidden to have a gun. He wasn't prosecuted or a convicted felon, but no one claimed his constitutional rights were violated. You people need to get your heads out of your asses.
I did a thread on the word infringed and it meant destroyed in those days. Broken in the sense of shattering a cup on the floor. It doesn't mean making gun control laws are infringing your rights. They aren't your rights, they are the right to not have the populace disarmed, period. That doesn't mean you can't disarm an individual.
I did a thread on the word "W" (Dubya) one time and it meant "without" as meaning has nothing to offer worth reading. That doesn't mean you can't post here...just that your posts are completely and utterly meaningless!

There's a category of posters that you, Truthmatters, rdean and a few others belong to. It's called "Wasted Energy"!

The posts are useless to a gun nut who believes they are right about the 2nd meaning infringed like an infraction and it just doesn't mean that. This isn't like the civil rights days where you rights were violated. The 2nd Amendment only means you can't disarm the populace and that's why I don't confuse you and say public. It's the general public they are talking about when they say people and that doesn't mean person. A person can be disarmed without violating a constititutional right.

Consider Zimmerman! The cop took his gun as soon as he found him. It's only reasonable to surrender a firearm when you are a suspect in an investigation. When Zimmerman was released, he had death threats against him, but was forbidden to have a gun. He wasn't prosecuted or a convicted felon, but no one claimed his constitutional rights were violated. You people need to get your heads out of your asses.

He is under indictment, if he is acquitted his firearm will be returned to him.
Background checks aren't hurting your privacy and if you really value your privacy that much, don't buy a gun! It's as simple as that.
What a stupid comment. There shouldn't be conditions attached to a Constitutional right. Would you like to have to undergo a background check before you could voice your opinion?

The only constitutional right is that the populace won't be disarmed. You had to bring a gun of a certain quality to be in the militia, so they have had gun laws since the beginning. They weren't given their choice of the weapons they could bring.

It's really simple dealing with your kind. Get caught breaking the gun laws and see if you have a gun in jail to protect your ass! I want strict gun control laws in America and our present gun control laws are what's going to make it happen. The laws are so lax that another disaster is just a matter of time. See if the Judge buys your bullshit when it's time for sentencing!

You claim there were laws telling the militia what type of gun to buy? Seriously? Do you understand that at the period of history you are expounding there was nothing that you would recognize as a manufacturing base? In fact, at the time, to manufacture something actually meant that it was made by hand.

It would have been impossible for a law that required militia members to buy a certain weapon to be enforced. They were actually smarter back then, so no one would have written such a ridiculous law.
I want to ask a question here of the people pushing the "Gun Show Loophole" stuff.

Just how many people do you think shows up at the average Gun Show as a Private seller instead of a Licensed Vender?

What do you think the Ratio is? 1:1? 1:20? 20:1?

At today's gunshow, as I said earlier, there was 4 rooms of venders. Each room had at least 10 Licensed Venders.

The area for the "Private Sales" was a single row of benches, no tables, about 10 feet long.

That's it.

What prevents a private vender buying a gun at a gun show and reselling it without a background check and don't tell me the law stops it?

Why not tell you that? You expect us to believe that the laws you support will stop it.
The only constitutional right is that the populace won't be disarmed. You had to bring a gun of a certain quality to be in the militia, so they have had gun laws since the beginning. They weren't given their choice of the weapons they could bring.

It's really simple dealing with your kind. Get caught breaking the gun laws and see if you have a gun in jail to protect your ass! I want strict gun control laws in America and our present gun control laws are what's going to make it happen. The laws are so lax that another disaster is just a matter of time. See if the Judge buys your bullshit when it's time for sentencing!
Tell me exactly how banning scary black guns and 30 round mags is going to prevent the next nut from shooting up a school.

Be specific. Tell me one thing you can do today that will prevent a school shooting 3 months in the future.

Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

It's not us "gun nuts" that are shooting up schools. Yearly checks of my legal weapons will serve no useful purpose other than to turn me into a felon when I refuse to comply.
You have a lot of balls sitting there calling us idiots.

When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem.

Your suggestions are not a solution. You would succeed in making more criminals, but you wouldn't save one single school kid.

I asked you to provide a solution that would actually save a life in some random school 3 months forward. Instead you propose more restrictions and responsibilities for people who are not going to stuff their pockets with 30 round mags and walk into a grammar school.

I gave you one simple task and you can't do that. Answer my question or concede that you have no idea what to do other than disarm Conservatives.
Background checks aren't hurting your privacy and if you really value your privacy that much, don't buy a gun! It's as simple as that.

Restrictions on abortions don't violate anyone's rights either. If you don't want the restrictions, don't get an abortion.

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Don't you people have a forum on abortion or threads somewhere? Why don't you go there and speak your mind?

Let me try to answer that in a way you will actually comprehend.


The simple fact is that I am free to say whatever I want, wherever I want. I know that bothers you, and you will work to take away that once you take away the guns.

I just won't let you take away the guns.
There will be no need, this dips pipe dreams will never be realized. Congress especially the senate don't want this fight. I just like giving the baby boy a hard time.

Congress will make a few changes and some states will make major changes. As time goes by more disasters from our gun laws will happen. Cities and states will notice how gun laws prevent killings and they will change their gun laws. The Republican Party will continue to decline and so will the influence of the NRA. The issue of gun control isn't going to go away.

And ther changes made by the state so far (NY) is unconsitutional. Whatever happened to equal protection under the law?

I haven't seen any unconstitutional changes in NY law, but I'm sure a gun nut has, because they don't know what is constitutional and they can't learn. That's why they fashion themselves are revolutionaries and play out their childhood fantasies of being a hero. They are too stupid to do proper research and realize the whole thing involves them taking written words and putting their own meaning into those words, instead of what the people writing those words and the people voting to support those words meant. It's no different than someone speaking to you and you telling them what they meant according to what you choose to believe they said. The person insists they meant this and you keep insisting they meant that, as if you controlled what another person meant. It's all the product of a reprobate mind.
There is no gun show ‘loophole.’

If one purchases a firearm from a licensed dealer at gun show, a background check is completed, just as if the firearm was purchased at the dealer’s shop.

Federal law allows residents of the same state to conduct an intrastate transaction absent a background check, as such a check is utterly unfeasible in the context of a private sale.

And should such a private sale be conducted at a gun show, no background check is conducted in accordance with the law; that the sale occurs at a gun show venue is coincidental and irrelevant, hence no ‘loophole.’

By God I think he's got it. Too bad that ignorant little boy Dubya never will.

When you can sell a weapon without a background check, it's a loophole.

You want background checks on people who buy knives? And some people think I should compromise with you.
The only constitutional right is that the populace won't be disarmed. You had to bring a gun of a certain quality to be in the militia, so they have had gun laws since the beginning. They weren't given their choice of the weapons they could bring.

It's really simple dealing with your kind. Get caught breaking the gun laws and see if you have a gun in jail to protect your ass! I want strict gun control laws in America and our present gun control laws are what's going to make it happen. The laws are so lax that another disaster is just a matter of time. See if the Judge buys your bullshit when it's time for sentencing!
Tell me exactly how banning scary black guns and 30 round mags is going to prevent the next nut from shooting up a school.

Be specific. Tell me one thing you can do today that will prevent a school shooting 3 months in the future.

Assault weapons are the weapon of choice for shooting it out with the cops, which seldom happens. Handguns are what's generally used in homicides and rifles aren't. I don't think assault weapons are good for home defense, but they are fun to shoot at firing ranges or where you have a lot of land to shoot them safely. I never thought an assault weapons ban was a good idea, but limits on magazine size are in some places, maybe nationally. The smart way is to make these Title II weapons instead of a ban, but I believe weapons need a yearly check and ballistics test to make sure they aren't being trafficked to the wrong people.

It's you gun nuts caught up on Sandy Hook and you just can't figure out the American people have had enough of the gun violence your bullshit laws allow. Your bullshit ways don't work on rational thinking people.

I keep telling you idiots that when you behave so irresponsibly and try to keep everything as is, the people of this country are going to stick it up your ass and you do deserve it. When you can't be part of the solution, then you have made yourself part of the problem. Don't be surprised when people with less experience with guns make laws that show you no consideration. You didn't show them any consideration, so why should you get it. Our present laws will allow another disaster and it's just a matter of time.

Assault weapons like these?


The simple truth is that most police who end up in shootouts are going up against people with handguns. The reason for that is pretty obvious to anyone who thinks about it.

By the way, why are the police worried about the fact that Dorner has a .50 caliber rifle if assault weapons are the scariest things on the planet?

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