Do you take any Anti-Anxiety Drugs?

I don't know, it just makes me feel like it's impossible to get my body up out of the bed. I guess it relaxes the muscles so much that it kills your strength.

But this was a long time ago and I took a bit more than the suggested dosage.

Why would you want to with muscle relaxers? :lol:

Because I was young, and it was a pill? :dunno:


I never took more than recommended, I was too chicken. :lol:
But I did drink while taking valium, and hyrdros, probably not a good idea. I went bowling when drinking and on valium, I think I scored a 45. :lol: It is hard to throw a bowling ball when your arms feel like jello.
Why would you want to with muscle relaxers? :lol:

Because I was young, and it was a pill? :dunno:


I never took more than recommended, I was too chicken. :lol:
But I did drink while taking valium, and hyrdros, probably not a good idea. I went bowling when drinking and on valium, I think I scored a 45. :lol: It is hard to throw a bowling ball when your arms feel like jello.
I actually did it when I was in the Air Force.

That's where I first was introduced to pills. I think my first percocet ever was during Basic training. Some of the recruits got scripts, and this one kid was a huge nerd and really didn't like taking them so I bummed one from him one day in basic and I fell in love with it after that and would bug him about hooking me up with one all the time :lol:

Some of the problems I had with drugs in my past originated from when I was in the service. I was also introduced to ecstasy there too.
I take anti-depressants. They have made a huge difference in my life for the better and I am thankful for that. I have been diagnosed with "major depression - recurrent." My childhood was nothing but a war zone and I had a terribly poor excuse of a mother. "Depression" never entered my mind - it was "normal" for me.

When I had a breakdown some years ago - it was major. My personality split (what used to be called "Multiple Personality Disorder" is now called "Dissociate Personality Disorder.") I would not wish that experience on anyone - believe me when I say these "multiple personality" persons on talk shows, etc. are a joke. That "break" was ultimately the best thing that ever happened to me.

I "knew" it when it happened - and God knows my cat knew something was up - her hair stood on end and she ran like hell away from me for a week or so. The idea is that you and your doctor try to "merge" the two. I had a terribly depressed "person" on the one side and a happy, hopeful, sunny "person" on the other. I wasn't about to "merge" anything. I told my doctor to forget about it and work on the new sunny person - I felt it was who I might have been if I had had different circumstances. So that's what we worked on.

I take Celexa, Welbutrin (generics) and Trazodone. They are non-addictive and they keep me from going into deep depression. I sometimes get a little "down" but not into major depression. Celexa is one drug you don't want to go without for many days - when you start taking it again you will get sick as a dog - heaving, puking, heaving beyond the "dry heaves" - not pretty.

I've always been a "non-drug" person - have never tried marijuana or any other illegal drug - but I am thankful as hell to have my anti-depressants.
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I take anti-depressants. They have made a huge difference in my life for the better and I am thankful for that. I have been diagnosed with "major depression - recurrent." My childhood was nothing but a war zone and I had a terribly poor excuse of a mother. "Depression" never entered my mind - it was "normal" for me.

When I had a breakdown some years ago - it was major. My personality split (what used to be called "Multiple Personality Disorder" is now called "Dissociate Personality Disorder.") I would not wish that experience on anyone - believe me when I say these "multiple personality" persons on talk shows, etc. are a joke. That "break" was ultimately the best thing that ever happened to me.

I "knew" it when it happened - and God knows my cat knew something was up - her hair stood on end and she ran like hell away from me for a week or so. The idea is that you and your doctor try to "merge" the two. I had a terribly depressed "person" on the one side and a happy, hopeful, sunny "person" on the other. I wasn't about to "merge" anything. I told my doctor to forget about it and work on the new sunny person - I felt it was who I might have been if I had had different circumstances. So that's what we worked on.

I take Celexa, Welbutrin (generics) and Trazodone. They are non-addictive and they keep me from going into deep depression. I sometimes get a little "down" but not into major depression. Celexa is one drug you don't want to go without for many days - when you start taking it again you will get sick as a dog - heaving, puking, heaving beyond the "dry heaves" - not pretty.

I've always been a "non-drug" person - have never tried marijuana or any other illegal drug - but I am thankful as hell to have my anti-depressants.

Wow, thanks for sharing Granny!

I'm so glad you got the help you needed. Sometimes meds do help people, like in your situation.

But, I feel sometimes others use it as a crutch to avoid 'real life' issues, instead of dealing wtih them, they just take a 'happy pill' or such.
I don't even take advil.
I do however take a whole concoction of vitamins
I take anti-depressants. They have made a huge difference in my life for the better and I am thankful for that. I have been diagnosed with "major depression - recurrent." My childhood was nothing but a war zone and I had a terribly poor excuse of a mother. "Depression" never entered my mind - it was "normal" for me.

When I had a breakdown some years ago - it was major. My personality split (what used to be called "Multiple Personality Disorder" is now called "Dissociate Personality Disorder.") I would not wish that experience on anyone - believe me when I say these "multiple personality" persons on talk shows, etc. are a joke. That "break" was ultimately the best thing that ever happened to me.

I "knew" it when it happened - and God knows my cat knew something was up - her hair stood on end and she ran like hell away from me for a week or so. The idea is that you and your doctor try to "merge" the two. I had a terribly depressed "person" on the one side and a happy, hopeful, sunny "person" on the other. I wasn't about to "merge" anything. I told my doctor to forget about it and work on the new sunny person - I felt it was who I might have been if I had had different circumstances. So that's what we worked on.

I take Celexa, Welbutrin (generics) and Trazodone. They are non-addictive and they keep me from going into deep depression. I sometimes get a little "down" but not into major depression. Celexa is one drug you don't want to go without for many days - when you start taking it again you will get sick as a dog - heaving, puking, heaving beyond the "dry heaves" - not pretty.

I've always been a "non-drug" person - have never tried marijuana or any other illegal drug - but I am thankful as hell to have my anti-depressants.

Wow, thanks for sharing Granny!

I'm so glad you got the help you needed. Sometimes meds do help people, like in your situation.

But, I feel sometimes others use it as a crutch to avoid 'real life' issues, instead of dealing wtih them, they just take a 'happy pill' or such.

Thanks - best money I ever spent - still spend.
In my party days I took xanax to ease the come down from coke.

I know people who just abuse xanax straight, and I don't get it. The shit knocks me out cold.

Weirdly enough, Xanax doesn't affect me in any way. Even in a large dose (1 mg). It's strange how different drugs affect different people. I can see why benzos get a bad rap, but I've never felt sedation, euphoria, or any of the other addictive side effects of a benzo.
Because I was young, and it was a pill? :dunno:


I never took more than recommended, I was too chicken. :lol:
But I did drink while taking valium, and hyrdros, probably not a good idea. I went bowling when drinking and on valium, I think I scored a 45. :lol: It is hard to throw a bowling ball when your arms feel like jello.
I actually did it when I was in the Air Force.

That's where I first was introduced to pills. I think my first percocet ever was during Basic training. Some of the recruits got scripts, and this one kid was a huge nerd and really didn't like taking them so I bummed one from him one day in basic and I fell in love with it after that and would bug him about hooking me up with one all the time :lol:

Some of the problems I had with drugs in my past originated from when I was in the service. I was also introduced to ecstasy there too.

when were you in?
In my party days I took xanax to ease the come down from coke.

I know people who just abuse xanax straight, and I don't get it. The shit knocks me out cold.

Weirdly enough, Xanax doesn't affect me in any way. Even in a large dose (1 mg). It's strange how different drugs affect different people. I can see why benzos get a bad rap, but I've never felt sedation, euphoria, or any of the other addictive side effects of a benzo.

maybe you need them. ;)
I took adderall once, and it didn't effect me, I felt pretty calm. I always figured it is because I am ADD.

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