Do you think a President should govern by polls?

You, nit wit, brought it up. jwoodie, please.

This may be difficult for you to grasp, but what I "brought up" is the exaggerated importance that you Demwits place on polls in evaluating Presidential policies.

P.S. Complete sentences are a necessary prelude to rational discussion.
polls are just one form of information, best information is gathered from many places, with conflicting views, and from the mouths of, this way you can balance the points of view, the known facts and maybe get just a little closer to the truth.
You, nit wit, brought it up. jwoodie, please.

This may be difficult for you to grasp, but what I "brought up" is the exaggerated importance that you Demwits place on polls in evaluating Presidential policies.

P.S. Complete sentences are a necessary prelude to rational discussion.
I am no more a Dem than you are an American patriot. You are a scoundrel who brings up polls that helps him and decries polls that hurt Trump. You exaggerate your ability to discuss these issues. And your grasp of semantics and diction and syntax seems to slip your grasp, but, hey, keep trying.
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You are a scoundrel who brings up polls that helps him and decries polls that hurt Trump. You exaggerate your ability to discuss these issues. And your grasp of semantics and diction and syntax seems to slip your grasp, but, hey, keep trying.

1. Can you cite where I brought up "polls that helps him?"

2. My ability to discuss issues is self evident and does not require exaggeration.

3, Your use of the plural noun "polls" with the singular verb "helps" is grammatically incorrect.
Maybe presidents should govern according to the RWnut method:

Stick to the polls when the RW'ers like the polls, ignore them when the RW'ers don't.
When the ACA was slightly under water in the polls pending its passage, RW'ers really really really believed the polls mattered.

When the GOP was filibustering the background check bill, supported by 90% of Americans, RW'ers really really really believed the polls didn't matter.

Case closed.
You are a scoundrel who brings up polls that help him and decries polls that hurt Trump. You exaggerate your ability to discuss these issues. And your grasp of semantics and diction and syntax seems to slip your grasp, but, hey, keep trying.

1. Can you cite where I brought up "polls that helps him?"

2. My ability to discuss issues is self evident and does not require exaggeration.

3, Your use of the plural noun "polls" with the singular verb "helps" is grammatically incorrect.
1. That is a well known common fact, so, no, you don't get "just once more."

2. Your lack of ability to discuss these matters consistently and correctly is, of course, self evident.

3. The verbal error is meaningless, because you understand the semantics and context. Your unique ability enables you to write often a grammatically sound sentence the meaning of which is lost on the reader, as well as you, apparently.

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