Do you think Al Gore will run for president for 2016?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
Why or why not? Speculation about this is going around

He's big on global warming and environmental care and was pro gay-marriage before Hillary. Seems more progressive in general than Hillary and more comfortable taking progressive stances before focus group testing gives the okay unlike Hillary
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No. Because his ego couldn't handle losing another presidential election. Plus, it would be a huge pay cut.
No, but I betcha Mitten will.

I wish. Doubt it though. He's more socially conservative and foreign policy conservative than Rand Paul and more electable than Cruz but so much of the GOP voting base ignores that while giving passes to other candidates they prefer by ignoring issues they raise against Romney
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No, but I betcha Mitten will.

I wish. Doubt it though. He's more socially conservative and foreign policy conservative than Rand Paul and more electable than Cruz but so much of the GOP voting base ignores that while giving passes to other candidates they prefer by ignoring issues they raise against Romney

How does anyone know where Mitt Romney stands on anything?

He will say anything to anybody if he thinks that's what they want to hear.
Why or why not? Speculation about this is going around

He's big on global warming and environmental care and was pro gay-marriage before Hillary. Seems more progressive in general than Hillary and more comfortable taking progressive stances before focus group testing gives the okay unlike Hillary

Where is this speculation "going around"?
Why or why not? Speculation about this is going around

He's big on global warming and environmental care and was pro gay-marriage before Hillary. Seems more progressive in general than Hillary and more comfortable taking progressive stances before focus group testing gives the okay unlike Hillary

Where is this speculation "going around"?

Recently he didn't shoot down the prospect of running again in 2016 when he was asked about running and MSNBC did a story discussing the pros and cons of him running again and his strengths over Hillary in response to Mark Halperin's Twitter onslaught stating that Gore is the best person for challenging Hillary

No, but I betcha Mitten will.

I wish. Doubt it though. He's more socially conservative and foreign policy conservative than Rand Paul and more electable than Cruz but so much of the GOP voting base ignores that while giving passes to other candidates they prefer by ignoring issues they raise against Romney

How does anyone know where Mitt Romney stands on anything?

He will say anything to anybody if he thinks that's what they want to hear.

Rand Paul is the exact same way. In a span of three months Rand Paul went from saying conservatives need to back off social stances to saying conservatives need to be more hardcore on their beliefs after that recent Tea Party victory over Cantor. If Mitt had ever said that, it would have been the end to him and NOBODY is calling Rand Paul out on his blatant flip-flopping on social issues. Open your eyes. The flip-flopping argument against Mitt is widely exaggerated and all politicians are caught in flip-flopping "gotcha" moments

And being unelectable was a major criticism against Mitt while many of the GOP base like to pretend Cruz IS electable. You tell me what swing states Cruz would carry in a general election. Exactly as I said: so much of the GOP voting base give passes to their candidate on concerns they crucify Romney with
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There would have to be several deaths and extinction level scandals before Gore ever ran for President again.

Clinton, Biden, Warren, and six or seven Democratic Governors. Mysterious plane crashes, assassinations, aneurysms, vanishings, an affair with a gay illegal alien exposed.

Extraterrestrial visitors, psychics, healing magnetic bracelets, the Kenyan birth certificate, and Heidi Montag's breasts would all have to be real.

That's what I think of the odds of a Gore 2016 campaign.
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He's divorced and someone accused him of groping. Only Republicans can get past those issues.
Gore made some big mistakes in 2000 - mostly picking Joe Lieberman as his VP running mate.
Why or why not? Speculation about this is going around

He's big on global warming and environmental care and was pro gay-marriage before Hillary. Seems more progressive in general than Hillary and more comfortable taking progressive stances before focus group testing gives the okay unlike Hillary

No he's making to much money selling the global warming stuff.
Oh, I hope Gore runs! It would be highly amusing to watch the Hildebeest battle Algore!
The flip-flopping argument against Mitt is widely exaggerated and all politicians are caught in flip-flopping "gotcha" moments ...

... And being unelectable was a major criticism against Mitt

I have to disagree 100% with both of these statements.

1) I saw and heard Mitt's flip-flopping myself. It's not some media-generated mirage.

2) Being "the only one who can beat Obama" was about the only thing that got him the GOP nomination.


  • $Al-Gore-Oracle-32831.jpg
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More than anything else, the Republican witch hunts against President Clinton and Hillary were Al Gore's biggest obstacles. Without those, Gore could have easily won - even dragging Lieberman behind him.

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