Do you think Biden will start World War Three?

If Putin decides to use nukes then it is PUTIN starting WW3. For God’s sakes, quit blaming anyone but Putin for his genocidal behavior.
Read the Wolfowitz Doctrine and get back to us on how the US didn't manufacture this entire lunatic run up to World War III.
If Biden and his Globlalists thugs, NATO included, also his Leftwing puppeteers, continue on the same path as today.....yes, WW3 will be imminent.
This has NOTHING to do with the left, which opposes this genocidal madness.

But otherwise, you're correct.
Short of putting troops on the battlefield, the US had done everything that can be done to provoke an outright war with Russia. Bizarro World continues.

I'm just thankful that Trump's election in 2016 delayed this madness for 4 years.

The Swamp wanted to do this in 2018 under Hillary.
They pretend not to see the connection. Putin helps Trump with the election in 2016. Trump becomes Putins puppet, and Trump wants favors from Zelensky in order to defend itself, but needs to get dirt on Biden first to win the 2020 election. Trump is impeached over the illegal scheme, Biden gets elected, and that was enough for Putin. In other words, the two of them conspired to try and get Trump elected for another term, but when that didn't work, and Democracy prevailed, now it's Bidens fault for winning a free and fair election because Putin decided to invade. This is straight out of a fascist dictator playbook.
^ Lunatic conspiracy theory of the century.
Your reverse logic isn't going to work. You know that right?
One of the biggest liberal/Democratic fears about Trump's election was he could bring the US to nuclear war, but it's that very same anti-Trump faction that's now attacking anyone calling to avoid this outcome, even saying it's a risk worth taking.

Can’t fix stupid.
They refuse to read/understand the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
I doubt they know anything about it or that the very same neocons responsible for the many failed murderous interventions since 9/11 are in charge of the Biden administration.
Did you hear what Biden said when asked what he would do if Putin invaded? He said it depends. He was wishy washy. Biden saw weakness.
Biden made it clear that there would be severe costs. Look, there are severe costs.

Trump never said anything mean to Putin. That’s weakness.
Biden made it clear that there would be severe costs. Look, there are severe costs.

Trump never said anything mean to Putin. That’s weakness.
There was basically peace. Now we are paying for most of NATO as the Europeans enjoy protection money, they demand from us.
No. The President, with bipartisan congressional support and that of the American People, uniting and leading a coalition of advanced, democracies in resolute defense of a sovereign nation under unprovoked assault by Trump's "savvy genius" honorably upholds principle - far preferable to the quisling kowtowing by which some would debase America by a policy of appeasement.
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The Cry Baby Loser, in a petty snit, withheld vital military aid to President Zelinski:

It betokened a craven, defeatist policy that could not be allowed to continue. The Mar-a-Lago Lard Ass affirmed his preference for the KGB thug to the intelligence services of the Untied States. That clearly emboldened the brutal war criminal.

There was basically peace. Now we are paying for most of NATO as the Europeans enjoy protection money, they demand from us.
We could have peace now if we let Russia take over Ukraine which is what Trump would have done.
There is something that must be understood. The people who believe the conspiracy theory that voters put Biden in the Whitehouse with real votes do not just want to move on and make things better. They want to destroy you. They want the government to surveil you with your credit cards and the IRS to harass you with armed agents.

These people hate you and want you to suffer because they have been rabidly infected with Washington propaganda. They are under the same mass psychosis that Germany's fascism came from or the October Revolution in Russia. They are opposed to the notion that the people should control the government. They believe that elites should decide how you live. In other words they reject everything America was built on. They are convinced that the founders made a mistake with US democracy under a republic. Diversity, equity, and inclusion is exactly the opposite of what it says.

They do not oppose Russia, they want to replace it. This is why a nuclear war is on the table. They believe they can win it and Biden has no idea what is really going on.
You believe nothing.
Yes! One must believe what the establishment says in order to believe ANYTHING. You aren’t allowed to believe outside establishment thought.

Orwell lives in you.
What would happen if Putin decided to us tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine? Would Nato and the US respond in kind? Putin has been moving nuclear capable bombers to airfields in range of Ukraine. While this is being written off by US media and Washington as just scare tactics, how much faith should the American people have in the competence of the Biden Administration not to start World War Three? Once the first nuclear ordinance is deployed in Ukraine it will be like a match touched to a fuse. If Putin decides the fate of Ukraine with nuclear bombers the US will face a standoff that could spell the end of the civilized world.

EXPLAINER: How real are Putin's nuclear threats in Ukraine?

If Biden's bizarre administration pushes Putin into the use of nuclear weapons it will put the US between a rock and hard place. The US will then have to choose beween providing nukes to Ukraine and starting WW3 or backing down in the eyes of the world.

Putin invaded Ukraine and has made nuclear threats. Take him at his word.

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