Do you think Democrats will become more or less abusive after Republicans win Congress?

I think Democrats are shaking in their boots. Pay back is going to be a bitch.
Isn’t that what I said? The payback thing is a little over-the -top, though. Sounds like the Mafia putting a hit on a squealer to cover up their crimes. But when you run a criminal WH, it proves the old saying that fish stinks from the head.
Sadly. That’s the reason we lose elections - we don’t stoop to the nasty tricks and deceit the Dems do.
Well, the precedent has been set to have 'select committees' only Republicans won't have to make up evidence.
Isn’t that what I said? The payback thing is a little over-the -top, though. Sounds like the Mafia putting a hit on a squealer to cover up their crimes. But when you run a criminal WH, it proves the old saying that fish stinks from the head.
Indeed the Biden WH does stink from the head. DC is like the Mafia when Democrats are in power.
I've got about an hour before Succos and then I'm out until Tuesday night.
Enjoy. I haven’t quite got to that point yet, but I will go SheminI Atzeret and Simchas Torah. Also one day during the week to have a bissel to eat in the Sukkah.

(Sorry folks for the digression.)
Enjoy. I haven’t quite got to that point yet, but I will go SheminI Atzeret and Simchas Torah. Also one day during the week to have a bissel to eat in the Sukkah.

(Sorry folks for the digression.)
The main mitzvah is that a man must sleep in the succah.
Eating is not the mitzvah but a nice adventure.
They will become more aggressive. That is their style. They will insiste on repunks compromising...something the left NEVER does. Antifa/blm/marxist riots will start again...but not till spring. It's getting too cold right now.

Oh wait..>>let me clarify...there will be some unrest after the election...but that is for shopping purposes mostly although it will be said it is grass roots america protesting the election. It is leftist astroturfed.
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They will become more aggressive. That is their style. They will insiste on repunks compromising...something the left NEVER does. Antifa/blm/marxist riots will start again...but not till spring. It's getting too cold right now.
YUP! Summer is optimal "camp-out"~"autonomous zones"; "Protests" = RIOTS!
I think many Americans are wondering how abusive the Republicans would be, if they once again held both houses and the presidency. Considering all the MAGA nutcases out there, it’s a real concern.

No. It isn't a concern at all.

I'm sure many will say they are abusive for going after all the people who have nose diced this country the past 2 years. And they will be right to do it.

Besides unless you don't pay attention the past 2 years, especially the past year the Republicans have been the ones wanting things to be calmer, condemned calls of violence, tried to get rid of a lot of the anger floating around, not created division and so on.

Pretty much the only people that have been abusive towards Americans and America are the Democrats.
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.
More abusive than ever.
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.
Democrats are deranged Nazis yes, but they aren't remotely leftist.

Conservatives must abandon this lunatic fantasy.
How is that needing a pat on the back? We are discussing whether Democrats still have it within them to pivot, ALA Bill Clinton, when voters reject their agenda, or whether they will double down.
There is no pivot.

They are deranged totalitarian Bizarro conservatives who DESPISE the left.
It's safe to say they'll play the victim regardless of what happens.
Yup. Look at them now. They control most of the state legislatures, the courts, they are working on creating a one party system through gerrymandering and voter suppression,and soon likely they will have the House and they still squeal like pigs about how everyone persecutes them. Aren’t all the book bannings, anti-free speech laws, big government attacks on transgender medical care and a woman’s right to her own body enough for them? Probably not….their last two presidents failed to win the popular vote, and were hugely unpopular, most of their culture war legislative attempts have not won broad appeal. They will continue to play the victim card. If the economy weren’t crap right now their legislative gains would probably be moderate.
What happens if republicans don't get the majority? Are all the losers going to hire Cyber Ninjas?

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