Do you think Democrats will become more or less abusive after Republicans win Congress?

What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those theyperceive to be enemies.
Do you realize that you are describing the current demented LEFT?
What's with the constant PROJECTION from you people?
From here on out, until they are finally eradicated as a hate group by law, which they are, Democrats will get worse and worse.
Thread 'It's time for a divorce.'

That's what I've been proposing in a manner of a political revolution so to speak. Not a violent sort of effort, something codified by law and conducted through legislation among the states. The fact is that the democrook political mafia is a criminal syndicate. I has ceased to be a political party that most of the country no longer can tolerate. Plus the fact that the republicrats are token opposition at best and will have to be dragged kicking and screaming away from the trough of corruption.

Our federal government is infested with global collectivist sociopaths. These people need to be replaced, and in many cases simply fired because their jobs are redundant, obsolete or simply malignant to freedom.
What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those theyperceive to be enemies.
Authoritarianism? Then you promote the democrook criminal syndicate? Do you do any inward reflection at all? I won't deny there aren't people to the right of you that have the same issues, but you can't possibly look in the mirror and tell yourself that the DNC agenda is to advance individual liberty.
Wait, wait, wait, I thought that democrats are busy rigging elections. Wouldn't that mean they're destined to win the senate, the house and the white house by a ridiculous margin like last time? Oh wait, that didn't happen, but you know what I mean :laugh:
We’re prepared for that now, and they won’t get away with it twice. We will have a plumber on call in case they want to send all the Republican observers out of the room because a toilet is leaking on the other side of the building, and then resume with the manipulated ballots without them watching,
What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those theyperceive to be enemies.
OMG…..the irony.
Do you realize that you are describing the current demented LEFT?
What's with the constant PROJECTION from you people?
I can’t believe how self-deluded these liberals are. Anyone who doesn’t adhere to the liberal narrative is shunned, mocked, insulted, you name it. It is especially bad for the Jews and blacks who have woken up and switched to Republican.
I can’t believe how self-deluded these liberals are. Anyone who doesn’t adhere to the liberal narrative is shunned, mocked, insulted, you name it. It is especially bad for the Jews and blacks who have woken up and switched to Republican.

Republicans would never do anything like that:


Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney.
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.

Q: What have you Republicans learned after losing the House, the Presidency and finally the Senate in Trump's last two years?

A: NOTHING, except to deny any election result you don't like.

...but now you want to open your mouth about learning stuff? That supposedly when you lose it's because you did something very wrong.
What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those they perceive to be enemies.
Yeah, this isn't a one-off. That does make it worse.

Clearly many do want to be "led" by a specific authoritarian figure. And yet these are the same people who scream FREEDOM with such passion.

That's a dichotomy that just doesn't make sense. But it works for the authoritarians.
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.

Every time democrats lose the loudmouthed Progressives claim that the only reason they lost is because they aren't left enough, even as Progressives had a hard time in the primaries and are losing ground. This will eventually lead to a fracture of the party where the socialists will branch off from the more moderates, leaving a smaller Democratic party and a small minority Progressive party. But, neither of these two sides will reject the left agenda. They will just say that they need to get our their vote more and that Republicans suppressed votes. And, the border? LOL. As usual, they will say publicly that they are not for open borders while both of their arms are filled with goody bags for everyone who can make it across. Spending? Democrats never talk about taxing more to pay down the debt. They want to tax more so that for every new dollar they get in revenue, they can spend two.
They are already weaponizing in case repunks win house and senate. Dems play dirty, they never compromise. The only time they talk compromise with big innocent eyes and smooth talking booshit is when they are in the minority. And they don't mean they will compromise...they want the right to compromise....and stupid repunks and rinos will do it.

It's the template. Look to world history and the rise of ultra-nationalist authoritarian regimes. So now it's happening here. Here? There are just no words for this.

So I often wonder: Did the citizens in those cases really understand what they were supporting early on? Maybe this really is what they want.
You mean an actual AMERICA FIRST agenda? Count me in. Oh, FU and the rest of the Communist Left.
I think many Americans are wondering how abusive the Republicans would be, if they once again held both houses and the presidency. Considering all the MAGA nutcases out there, it’s a real concern.
Gee, Konradv...sounds like someone's worried about the OTHER SIDE acting like you liberals have acted recently! Don't worry, Little Buddy...we're not going to send the FBI to your house like this Administration loves to do! We'll just be going after the people who were behind that under Biden!
What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those theyperceive to be enemies.
The 600 political prisoners in Nancy Pelosi's gulag had their rights STOLEN from them.

None of them gave up their rights voluntarily.

Hey - I don't care HOW you want to verbalize, these fucking thieves are going down. They're leaving town, either by conceding the vote or in tar and feathers. Their choice.

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