Do you think Democrats will become more or less abusive after Republicans win Congress?

Yup. Look at them now. They control most of the state legislatures, the courts, they are working on creating a one party system through gerrymandering and voter suppression,and soon likely they will have the House and they still squeal like pigs about how everyone persecutes them. Aren’t all the book bannings, anti-free speech laws, big government attacks on transgender medical care and a woman’s right to her own body enough for them? Probably not….their last two presidents failed to win the popular vote, and were hugely unpopular, most of their culture war legislative attempts have not won broad appeal. They will continue to play the victim card. If the economy weren’t crap right now their legislative gains would probably be moderate.
We will be looking at far right extremist fascist rule. And then they will complain as the protests start.
How is that needing a pat on the back? We are discussing whether Democrats still have it within them to pivot, ALA Bill Clinton, when voters reject their agenda, or whether they will double down.
As long as this current leadership is in place, my view is the De.s have backed themselves into a corner from which they can not emerge without a whole bunch of tumult.

If the leadership stays in place, look for doubling down of the stupidity

If the leadership changes, maybe there's a chance for some return to sanity.
Yup. Look at them now. They control most of the state legislatures, the courts, they are working on creating a one party system through gerrymandering and voter suppression,and soon likely they will have the House and they still squeal like pigs about how everyone persecutes them. Aren’t all the book bannings, anti-free speech laws, big government attacks on transgender medical care and a woman’s right to her own body enough for them? Probably not….their last two presidents failed to win the popular vote, and were hugely unpopular, most of their culture war legislative attempts have not won broad appeal. They will continue to play the victim card. If the economy weren’t crap right now their legislative gains would probably be moderate.
But that's the whole point. The economy IS crap. And the Dem leadership thinks we care more about legal pot and tranny rights than we do about disposable income and feeding our families.

Well, the Dems are about to get a heads up. Their priorities are all wrong and America will let them know
You don’t think the Republicans will be out for revenge? The party should probably be decertified as a legitimate political entity. Either that or force them to register as agents for whatever party Putin is the leader of.

Yeah, you like totally don't sound like a fascist at all.

How could they possibly be more abusive?
Easy. Their outrage and desperation will be earthshaking. They will stop at nothing. Nothing is more dangerous than a scared, desperate animal, nothing.

They will make this look like an evening bible study.


Democrats no longer control their own party. The far-left is in control and they see this period in time as only chance for decades to take control of our country. They will become even more determined and will not move one inch toward the center.
We will be looking at far right extremist fascist rule. And then they will complain as the protests start.
No doubt. The far-left will launch "mostly peaceful" demonstrations as they did in 2020.

Yup. Look at them now. They control most of the state legislatures, the courts, they are working on creating a one party system through gerrymandering and voter suppression,and soon likely they will have the House and they still squeal like pigs about how everyone persecutes them. Aren’t all the book bannings, anti-free speech laws, big government attacks on transgender medical care and a woman’s right to her own body enough for them? Probably not….their last two presidents failed to win the popular vote, and were hugely unpopular, most of their culture war legislative attempts have not won broad appeal. They will continue to play the victim card. If the economy weren’t crap right now their legislative gains would probably be moderate.
It's the template. Look to world history and the rise of ultra-nationalist authoritarian regimes. So now it's happening here. Here? There are just no words for this.

So I often wonder: Did the citizens in those cases really understand what they were supporting early on? Maybe this really is what they want.
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Easy. Their outrage and desperation will be earthshaking. They will stop at nothing. Nothing is more dangerous than a scared, desperate animal, nothing.

They will make this look like an evening bible study.


Democrats no longer control their own party. The far-left is in control and they see this period in time as only chance for decades to take control of our country. They will become even more determined and will not move one inch toward the center.
Exactly right.

The Democratic party leadership has lost control.

Somehow, in some way, they're doing the bidding of some very fucked up NaziCommieCrats.

And BIG TECH IS HELPING THEM, which is a pretty big clue as to where the boneheaded stupidity is coming from.

If these fucking idiots think they're going to coerce us into lying down for their bullshit they have another thing coming entirely.
It's the template. Look to world history and the rise of authoritarian regimes. So now it's happening here. Here? There are just no words for this.

So I often wonder: Did the people in those cases really understand what they were supporting early on?
Yes, the Democrats are out of control. Their lust for power and authoritarian rule is THEIR template, and the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies like YOU continue to PROJECT YOUR sickness on your perceived enemy.
We will be looking at far right extremist fascist rule. And then they will complain as the protests start.
Fascist rule is a stretch. There will be less concern for this though as it seems blue areas consume themselves.
Yes, the Democrats are out of control. Their lust for power and authoritarian rule is THEIR template, and the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies like YOU continue to PROJECT YOUR sickness on your perceived enemy.
There is no question it's the DEMOCRATS bringing this crap to the table.

The Republicans ain't doin it. Only the Democraps
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.
Their power to abuse will be completely watered down. I suppose the GOP will then be faced with the choice to forgive them or abuse them back for the next 6-10 years, but something tells me the GOP isnt going to be very forgiving. :laugh:
Their power to abuse will be completely watered down. I suppose the GOP will then be faced with the choice to forgive them or abuse them back for the next 6-10 years, but something tells me the GOP isnt going to be very forgiving. :laugh:
The GOP will investigate the hell out of the Democratic party FINANCIAL structure or I'll never vote for another rightie as long as I live.

All my Congress critters and Senators have heard this demand. They're listening. Trust me, they're listening
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.
Option 2. Without question
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.

Wait, wait, wait, I thought that democrats are busy rigging elections. Wouldn't that mean they're destined to win the senate, the house and the white house by a ridiculous margin like last time? Oh wait, that didn't happen, but you know what I mean :laugh:
Wait, wait, wait, I thought that democrats are busy rigging elections. Wouldn't that mean they're destined to win the senate, the house and the white house by a ridiculous margin like last time? Oh wait, that didn't happen, but you know what I mean :laugh:
The Dems are fucked if they try to cheat again.

They're fucked ANYWAY, but cheating will earn them pain.

This time we're waiting for their clever little asses. There won't be any more mysterious midnight closures in the counting facilities. We'll be there WITH lawyers. No one's going to take any bullshit from "election officials".
It's the template. Look to world history and the rise of ultra-nationalist authoritarian regimes. So now it's happening here. Here? There are just no words for this.

So I often wonder: Did the citizens in those cases really understand what they were supporting early on? Maybe this really is what they want.
What is scary is this is a shift world wide. Authoritarianism offers a certain sense of security and stability that democratic systems don't. Some people are willing to give up their rights to be the "in group" of such a system and exact vengeance on those theyperceive to be enemies.

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