Do you think Democrats will become more or less abusive after Republicans win Congress?

The 600 political prisoners in Nancy Pelosi's gulag had their rights STOLEN from them.

None of them gave up their rights voluntarily.

Hey - I don't care HOW you want to verbalize, these fucking thieves are going down. They're leaving town, either by conceding the vote or in tar and feathers. Their choice.
No they didn’t. When you commit a crime you rights. No one asks you if you want to or not. Aside from that, just drop the sillyness about gulag and political prisoners or maybe you should extend that to those charged and imprisoned over the Floyd riots. But you won’t.
No they didn’t. When you commit a crime you rights. No one asks you if you want to or not. Aside from that, just drop the sillyness about gulag and political prisoners or maybe you should extend that to those charged and imprisoned over the Floyd riots. But you won’t.

Don't bullshit us.

There were over 40 THOUSAND criminal participants in the George Floyd riots.

The DEMOCRATS enabled AND encouraged their criminal behavior, then bailed out the few who were arrested, then refused to file charges against the rest.
There are two ways this can play out. First, let’s agree that while the Senate can go either way, it’s pretty definite the Rs will take the House and thus Dems will lose control of Congress. There are two possible ways for Democrats to respond. Which do you think is more likely?

1) They will accept that Americans rejected their far-left agenda, and will move more to the center, as Bill Clinton did. They will cooperate in securing the border, stop the unneeded spending that exacerbates inflation, and curtail all the transgender, CRT, and other social nonsense.

2) They will be enraged that their attempt to “transform” America into a more socialist country has been interrupted - again - and the demonization of those who voted Republican will ramp up even more.

I don't believe that it is definite. Ultimately turnout will be the key. If the turnout is high, Republicans are in trouble. Democrats won 2 of 3 special house races and flipped 2 House seats. The common denominator was a heavier than expected turnout.
If that’s what happens, then 2024 for Trump (if he runs) is a lock. If you and I can see it, are Dems really that stupid that they can’t? Because that is what will happen if voters express their discontent and Dems ride roughshod over them anyway.

And I agree….the 2024 races are even more positive for Republicans. (Haven’t looked at the 2026 map yet.)

You must be drinking heavily. Trump has no chance of being elected.
The Democrats have sold their souls, there is no returning to a sane American political party.

It is Republicans who have sold their soul to the devil. Republicans worship fascism. They are the ones who are insane. If Republicans win, our very democracy is in peril.
I think many Americans are wondering how abusive the Republicans would be, if they once again held both houses and the presidency. Considering all the MAGA nutcases out there, it’s a real concern.
The small gains Republicans are set to make in Congress this year will most likely result in better chances for them Democrat ticket in 2024.

We have 2 more years of congressional gridlock ahead of us.
Republicans won't get anything done and by 2024 voters will have had enough.

And Cons won't be able to blame Pelosi and Biden anymore.
The small gains Republicans are set to make in Congress this year will most likely result in better chances for them Democrat ticket in 2024.

We have 2 more years of congressional gridlock ahead of us.
Republicans won't get anything done and by 2024 voters will have had enough.

And Cons won't be able to blame Pelosi and Biden anymore.

The Republicans can cause plenty of harm. They could hold raising the debt limit hostage to their radical demands. This would cause a serious recession and maybe a depression. They could shut the government down. Biden should not surrender and let them do what they do and refuse to sign onto their radical agenda.
Democrats are deranged Nazis yes, but they aren't remotely leftist.

Conservatives must abandon this lunatic fantasy.

It is Republicans who are deranged Nazis. They want to suppress the right to vote, free speech rights, women's rights and other rights. There are no conservatives, only Nazis.
Don't bullshit us.

There were over 40 THOUSAND criminal participants in the George Floyd riots.

The DEMOCRATS enabled AND encouraged their criminal behavior, then bailed out the few who were arrested, then refused to file charges against the rest.
You mean all those Democrat and Biden flags flying at the BLM protests? :heehee:
As long as this current leadership is in place, my view is the De.s have backed themselves into a corner from which they can not emerge without a whole bunch of tumult.

If the leadership stays in place, look for doubling down of the stupidity

If the leadership changes, maybe there's a chance for some return to sanity.

With Republicans, there is only insanity.
Easy. Their outrage and desperation will be earthshaking. They will stop at nothing. Nothing is more dangerous than a scared, desperate animal, nothing.

They will make this look like an evening bible study.


Democrats no longer control their own party. The far-left is in control and they see this period in time as only chance for decades to take control of our country. They will become even more determined and will not move one inch toward the center.

You are describing the Republican Party. The Republican Party is the party of fascism. You are the animals.
Yes, the Democrats are out of control. Their lust for power and authoritarian rule is THEIR template, and the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies like YOU continue to PROJECT YOUR sickness on your perceived enemy.

Republicans keep accusing others of what they are trying to do. Republicans will do anything to gain and keep power. They want to establish authoritarian rule because they know how unpopular their agenda is. You are the unthinking members of the cult of Trump.
Republicans keep accusing others of what they are trying to do. Republicans will do anything to gain and keep power. They want to establish authoritarian rule because they know how unpopular their agenda is. You are the unthinking members of the cult of Trump.
Great, more PROJECTION.
Thanks for the demonstration!
The small gains Republicans are set to make in Congress this year will most likely result in better chances for them Democrat ticket in 2024.

Small gains ?


The Dems will get trounced.

I've been predicting SIXTY seats ever since I got here.

And both Houses of Congress for the righties.

Whether they'll do anything with them is a different question, but that's the way public sentiment rolls these days

We have 2 more years of congressional gridlock ahead of us.
Republicans won't get anything done and by 2024 voters will have had enough.

You may be surprised.

Republicans may grow some nads.

Stranger things have happened.

And Cons won't be able to blame Pelosi and Biden anymore.

Biden is too old and senile to be blamed for anything. I'd feel sorry for the guy except he's probably living his fantasy.

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