Do you think Democrats will take the House in 2018?

Who will have a majority in the House after the 2018 midterms?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 41 69.5%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 18 30.5%

  • Total voters
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.

2 things

1 - Trump is not really unpopular, and certainly not as much as the media would have you believe.
2 - the map is very favorable towards republicans and has been for the better part of a decade

republicans made a concerted and successful effort to grab power in State Legislatures before the last census

so when districts were drawn; republicans had much more influence

also; one of the most important measures of "popularity" for a president is the small business confidence index

that number is higher than it has been since the early 1980's

the real signs point towards republican gains in the Senate & holding court in the House

and if things stay as they are now; Trump is very likely to win a 2nd term

Good point I forgot about that the Republicans gerrymandered districts ..the Democrats going to have a hard time winning the house
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.

They can possibly win the Senate by a slim majority, the House? Not a chance.

Say what..look at this map 24 Democrats are up for election compared to just 8 Republicans..

Tell me what states you think a Democrat will win in a red state for Senate

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I said "possibly".
obummer lost WAAAAY more than the average, so if trump just loses the average number he'll be doing way better than obummer.

True.....Obama had that "terrible handicap" of being a bit too dark skinned for most right wingers.
The Democrats cannot win on Trump's alleged unpopularity. They must win on their own popularity, and outside of a couple of select clubs, they have none.

Should the econ perform as widely predicted, they will sink entirely.

If they cannot pick up seats in the mid terms, they deserve to lose.
obummer lost WAAAAY more than the average, so if trump just loses the average number he'll be doing way better than obummer.

True.....Obama had that "terrible handicap" of being a bit too dark skinned for most right wingers.
Skin color has nothing to do with most peoples hate for our previous president. A pure socialist agenda has a lot to do with it. He never had Americas best intrest in mind.
He never had Americas best intrest in mind.

well, because morons you.....STILL think that he was born in Kenya like Hannity and Trump have claimed, correct?

Does Obama extension of Bush tax cuts make him an all-out "socialist"?
Hard to say Trumps unpopularity didn't help the Democrats on election night with taking back the House or Senate historically when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they don't do so very long Obama and the Democrats didn't after the 2008 election the same could happen to Trump and the Republicans this year the other thing I will point out is traditional political thinking has not really worked on Trump so far so anything is possible for this years midterms.
America has seen Republican rule and don't like it. I think the 2018 elections will be a referendum on impeachment and the country will say impeach the scum bag!
Depends whether Mueller moves on the Orange Clown before then...
Move on what charge? Are you still on Russian collusion?

We are close to having Comey, Clinton and Mueller indicted. This investigation was borne out of a democrat scam that makes Watergate nothing. This was truly a coup attempt. Somebody is going to hang.
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.
Trump is digging a mass grave for the GOP. They are all falling in, one by one. By the 201election, they won't have a chance. They are losing the votes of independents, minorities, women. And the base has lost 10% of its voters favorable to Trump. I'm laughing all the way to the voting booth.
you were in 2016...then I started laughing and you screaming at the sky
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.

The vote will be a referendum on the Republican Party and in particular the total lack of transparency by the R Leaders in the H. of Rep., the Senate and the White House. There should be no doubt in the mind of anyone who pays attention that McConnell and Ryan each engaged in Misfeasance and Non-feasance in the last years of the Obama Administration and during Trump's first year in office.

It will also tell us if the United States can survive as a House Divided.

The abject hate expressed by those above for Democrats and liberal leaning Americans is what prevents civil dialogue and discussions on solutions to problems.
Lack of transparency? you mean the Obama years of nothing but secrecy and hidden agendas........Trump should keep negotiation in public meetings.......then we don't get the made up shithole comments stuff.....which is the only way people would vote for you, your policies suck....just look at California
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.
Democrats made up this lie about shitholes so they wouldn't have to pass a DACA bill. Everyone had hope last week and now they have none......that is why Dick Durbin made up the lie. The media made it all possible.
Republicans, according to the media, lied about their support for repealing Obamacare. Instead they removed the mandate thru the tax cut bill effectively cutting it off at the knees.
So on one hand you have Democrats backing down from their promises and Republicans finding another way to fulfill their promise.
Who do you think will come out smelling like a rose in this?
They did, but whats funny is it looks like the dem base still wants it passed....Sorry Durbin your tricks didn't work.......make the the wall
The Democrats cannot win on Trump's alleged unpopularity. They must win on their own popularity, and outside of a couple of select clubs, they have none.

Should the econ perform as widely predicted, they will sink entirely.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

yeah min wage increase, makes things worse...just ask Seattle.....and Trump is getting wage increases by cutting taxes
In this thread, we discuss the likelihood that Donald Trump's unpopularity will help Democrats win a majority in 2018, in the House of Representatives. Thanks.
I think the demicrats will win the popular vote! All the polls say so!

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