Do you think most of the current Admin is going to Hell (you know.. in the End, that is)?

I'm not the one who felt compelled to talk about Trump in a thread about Biden. You were.

It'd odd how these simple facts seem to elude you maniacal true believers.
Didn't mean to hurt your Trumpster feelings, Dogmaphile.
Yeh, for me.. well, looking at the WH and the whole bidum admin...

This would make you believe in eternal punishment if nothing else does.


I mean, you have liars and baby killers and election stealers

Where do they go when they die (if unrepentant... and it doesn't look like anyone's repenting. That would require leaving the Feed Trough)

Slayer, the thrash metal band that is, said it best when they sang, "On and on, South of Heaven."
Do you enjoy your belief that evil liberals will burn in hell forever?
It's our knowledge that the wrath of God will punish the atheists and sinners immediately after death. However, they won't be tossed into the Lake of Fire until everyone is judged on Judgement Day.

What's interesting I learned recently is that the believers won't be able to see those being punished. Yet, the atheists and sinners will be able to see what happens to the believers in heaven. That sounds like great circumstance from the infinite wisdom of God.

Hell is what the liberal elite have brought upon the little people.

The "betters" will know no inconvenience.

Just you.

Fitting, though, as the majority allegedly chose it for themselves.
Where do they go when they die
Many who have underwent near death experiences relate that a spiritual being of light show them a review of their entire life--not just from their own perspective but from the perspective of the people whose lives they touched. One person noted it was like a 360 degree view point of how they lived and the effect it had on others.

In his life review, do you think this administration expects to see cold, hungry people struggling to make ends meet? I am betting they expect respectful kudos as they are given credit for saving the planet's ecosystems. Kudos, even for bringing about socialism which they seem to feel is a better deal, not for them, but for the middle and lower classes. They don't expect to see middle and lower class depression and hopelessness--they expect to see a nation of poor people grateful that government is taking care of them to the extend they are, telling them how to live.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have enough concern about my own 360 degree review to speculate much about what others will face.
It's our knowledge that the wrath of God will punish the atheists and sinners immediately after death. However, they won't be tossed into the Lake of Fire until everyone is judged on Judgement Day.

What's interesting I learned recently is that the believers won't be able to see those being punished. Yet, the atheists and sinners will be able to see what happens to the believers in heaven. That sounds like great circumstance from the infinite wisdom of God.
You're a complete nut job.
You're a complete nut job.
Not if it's true... Of course, it's true. It's God's warning. Some win and some lose.

God is pretty stupid if the universe actually operates as described in the Bible. I will tell that to Peter's face before I'm ejected into hell.
your problem

I'm not going there. Too bad u don't love yourelf more
I don't know if they are going to hell, but they sure are working hard to create a living one for the rest of us.
4 sure... that's why, as said, this admin would make a JW believe in eternal Hell... a silver lining of the admin maybe
Yup. Puts damned smile on my face every time. But I don't think the Devil will let them in. He has standards you know.

well, I'm not smiling or laughing... forever is a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time. I pray they repent.. but again, we don't see much of that, do we?

kinda odd when u think of it... how .. I mean, Do they never wake up in the morning and say... ya know..Self (as they look in the mirror) I'm tired of being this awful, hideouss person who thinks its OK to murder the helpless unborn... steal elections... I don't have to be this way...

never happens... I guess when u think you are God, you just know you cannot do any wrong and so there's nothingg to repent of

well, I'm not smiling or laughing... forever is a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time. I pray they repent.. but again, we don't see much of that, do we?

kinda odd when u think of it... how .. I mean, Do they never wake up in the morning and say... ya know..Self (as they look in the mirror) I'm tired of being this awful, hideouss person who thinks its OK to murder the helpless unborn... steal elections... I don't have to be this way...

never happens... I guess when u think you are God, you just know you cannot do any wrong and so there's nothingg to repent of
God wouldn't do something so barbaric as making a person suffer for eternity simply for not recognizing him.
we might already be in hell or purgatory this world does seem the wicked opposite of God's world in Heaven. :dunno:
God wouldn't do something so barbaric as making a person suffer for eternity simply for not recognizing him.

but people do choose Hell... Of course if they knew how bad it was, they wouldn't... but they lie to themselves.. and of course all liars end up in the Lake of God's Wrath as some of us cal it


We are already there, so how would they go there if we are there already?
because the Hell of the next realm is 1000 times worse... at least for residents therein

Right now the good have to suffer along with the bad because of the acts of thebad...

won't always be thecase... can't be.. God is just

Hell is what the liberal elite have brought upon the little people.

The "betters" will know no inconvenience.

Just you.

Fitting, though, as the majority allegedly chose it for themselves.
chose what? Hell?

if that is what you say, I 100% agree.. One saint who said she had been taken to Hell said Most people there didn't believe in Hell.

pelosi should, as a "catholic" believe in Hell... but the devil seems to have lied to her and she believed the lie.. that she wouldn't go there... Instead of murdering babies, she champions women's reproductive rights...

She will soon know how those 2 are one and the same... assuming she doesn't, on some level, already...
because the Hell of the next realm is 1000 times worse... at least for residents therein

Right now the good have to suffer along with the bad because of the acts of thebad...

won't always be thecase... can't be.. God is just
Father has forsaken you and those that judge others because it is not your right to judge…

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