Do You Think Obama has Read the Entire Stimulus Package?

Typical Jillian. She makes an ass of herself and then neg reps me for daring to comment on it.

Equally like her is to resort to the "get out of the way and let the smart people work" without actually addressing the issue. It's not about what's happening, what has happened, or anything else. It's about just accepting what those who are the elite want to lay out for us.

That would be the "smart", city dwelling libs, in this case.

You'll see her on other threads promoting the intelligence of limiting family sizes, and how the more children are in a household, the less value they have, and vehemently defending the intelligence of encouraging poor women to get pregnant, first of all..then abort.

Just ignore her... I don't think anyone even reads what she posts...
don't you wish the damn Democrats would just vote this shit through and stop whining about it?

Good point. We should probably just let the Dems trash the country. That might be the best way to get real conservatives back into power in 2010.

dunno if Obama read it.

Do you think Baby Bush read anything besides My Pet Goat?

Despite not voting for him, I was truly hoping that Obama would help get things on the right track again. Now, I'm starting to see that this guy is in way over his head. While Bush was a terrible speaker, he knew what he was doing, and had good reason for many of the things he did. Not all of those things ended up being the right moves, but he wasn't nearly as lost as it is beginning to look like Obama is.

I'm still willing to give Obama some time, but right now, things are not looking good for him or us.

dunno if Obama read it.

Do you think Baby Bush read anything besides My Pet Goat?

Despite not voting for him, I was truly hoping that Obama would help get things on the right track again. Now, I'm starting to see that this guy is in way over his head. While Bush was a terrible speaker, he knew what he was doing, and had good reason for many of the things he did. Not all of those things ended up being the right moves, but he wasn't nearly as lost as it is beginning to look like Obama is.

I'm still willing to give Obama some time, but right now, things are not looking good for him or us.

An ever-increasing number agree with you...

Washington Times - 'Doom' talk scored as 'not presidential'
don't you wish the damn Democrats would just vote this shit through and stop whining about it?

Good point. We should probably just let the Dems trash the country. That might be the best way to get real conservatives back into power in 2010.

you cannot stop them, they are bound and determined. That's why they voted for a man with close ties to anarchists, terrorists and Anti American dreck. notice he and his wife weren't proud of their country.. sure they are going to destroy it.. No skin off thier noses. if you don't love something and are not proud of it you will do very little to protect it.

The Wash times?!?!?!?! lol....

you haven't a clue... it's so really sad that you're so very out of touch. now...reality:


This chart tracks the initial Gallup approval and disapproval ratings following the inaugurations of newly-elected presidents since Eisenhower; Truman, Johnson, and Ford, who took over following the death or resignation of their predecessors, are excluded.

The green and red lines represent the time trends established prior to this year (that is, they don't include the Obama data point). While newly-elected presidents tend always to begin their terms with fairly high approval metrics, this has been decreasingly true in recent years, perhaps a reflection of increased partisanship. Obama's initial approval rating, indeed, is the highest of any president since Kennedy. His initial disapproval rating, meanwhile, is about half that of his two most recent predecessors, although higher than that of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, and G.H.W. Bush, all of whom began with disapproval in the single digits.

Whether Obama's approval ratings qualify as ordinary or extraordinary depend on the point of comparison. It is not particularly surprising that Obama's approval significantly exceeds that of Bill Clinton, who won a three-way election with only about 43 percent of the popular vote, or George W. Bush, who won in the most controversial fashion imaginable after the Bush v. Gore decision.

In comparison with Ronald Reagan, however, Obama's approval is quite a bit more impressive. Indeed, it is hard to mount a credible argument that Reagan began his term with more political capital than Obama Politics Done Right: Obama: More Political Capital Than Reagan?

And a little more reality:

Obama Has Upper Hand in Stimulus Fight February 9, 2009
President Obama receives a 67% approval rating for his handling of the government’s efforts to pass an economic stimulus bill, compared to 31% for the Republicans in Congress. A majority of Americans (51%) agree that passing such a bill is critically important to improving the nation’s economy.

Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management
Despite not voting for him, I was truly hoping that Obama would help get things on the right track again. Now, I'm starting to see that this guy is in way over his head. While Bush was a terrible speaker, he knew what he was doing, and had good reason for many of the things he did. Not all of those things ended up being the right moves, but he wasn't nearly as lost as it is beginning to look like Obama is.

I'm still willing to give Obama some time, but right now, things are not looking good for him or us.

I disagree with you. He's been president for two weeks. He's had some bumps, but you know.... it's only two weeks. most presidents don't get judged til after 100 days. I think his decisions are better than we've seen in eight years. That's a huge start. If he can figure out how to kick congress into line, i think he'll do just fine. personally, i think nancy pelosi is a huge problem. At some point, that will become apparent.

I think we'll do just fine. But I also think it's time for the obstructionists on the right to stop advancing the same failed agenda of the past admin. Somewhere along the line, they decided they were only relevant as an impediment. That needs to change... because that part of the republican party truly does want failure.

What Obama needs to learn is that against all of his basic instincts, he cannot be all things to all people and he's going to have to find the ground he stands on. That includes starting to act like a man who got 365 electoral votes. He isn't going to win over the deadenders and he needs to stop even trying.
Typical Jillian. She makes an ass of herself and then neg reps me for daring to comment on it.

Equally like her is to resort to the "get out of the way and let the smart people work" without actually addressing the issue. It's not about what's happening, what has happened, or anything else. It's about just accepting what those who are the elite want to lay out for us.

That would be the "smart", city dwelling libs, in this case.

You'll see her on other threads promoting the intelligence of limiting family sizes, and how the more children are in a household, the less value they have, and vehemently defending the intelligence of encouraging poor women to get pregnant, first of all..then abort.

says one of the stupidest people on G-d's green earth..... *yawn*

and no, means smart... as in not like you or the other deadenders who've been wrong for eight years.

you tried... you failed... now get out of the way.

real simple.

and whatever "point" you *think* you're making... you're not. you're ranting. I don't respond to ranting imbeciles.

now go back to your beer and ring dings.

but feel free to try to make yet another thread be about :cuckoo:-
NO!! Now he's out to campaign us into buying it. What a nimrod. He outta put on his listening ears and hear what the people are saying.

That is his arrogance - and this isn't even his bill per say, but Pelosi and Reid's bill.

Obama shows himself and an increasingly weak and uncertain individual, despite his outward attempts to project confidence.

A leader who fears failure as much as he, will inevitably destroy himself - as did Nixon.



nice photoshopping of Obamas mouth onto Nixons face.

Nixon belongs to you remember?

Now also Nixon was caught red handed lying and cheating.

Obama has done nothing wrong has he?

Why dont you go back to your handlers and tell them this attempt to whip up the lies is failing flat out?
Obama doesn't seem to have any friends except criminals, and we're early on in the game.
I'm sure he read it.

Now he should veto it.

Do you remember what happened when Hoover tried to half ass a recovery?

The Rs have made this god awful mess and have again failed to recognise how to get us out of it.

History is repeteting and the American people are not going to follow the bankrupt ideas of the people who made this mess in the first place. Same as last time.
NO!! Now he's out to campaign us into buying it. What a nimrod. He outta put on his listening ears and hear what the people are saying.

That is his arrogance - and this isn't even his bill per say, but Pelosi and Reid's bill.

Obama shows himself and an increasingly weak and uncertain individual, despite his outward attempts to project confidence.

A leader who fears failure as much as he, will inevitably destroy himself - as did Nixon.



nice photoshopping of Obamas mouth onto Nixons face.


Yes, it was rather clever...

nice photoshopping of Obamas mouth onto Nixons face.

Nixon belongs to you remember?

Now also Nixon was caught red handed lying and cheating.

Obama has done nothing wrong has he?

Why dont you go back to your handlers and tell them this attempt to whip up the lies is failing flat out?

A crook is a crook, no matter what their party affiliation.

I don't believe anyone accused O-man of anything other than not listening. You'd think with those ears, it wouldn't be so hard.
I'm sure he read it.

Now he should veto it.

yeah...they have to get rid of the tax cuts shoved in there by people who then didn't vote for it.

but he won't veto it... even though there shouldn't be any tax cuts.

even daddy bush knew it was voodoo economics.

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