Do you think political correctness is a reason why America's population is screwed up


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Every day there are more articles revolving about racism allegations, gender inequality, discrimination of one sort or another.

Every time someone feels wronged, it immediately MUST be racially motivated. I think we as a people are more divided than a nation about to have a civil war. Personally I think we're all neurotic, creating issues where there are none because it's easier to claim you're discriminated against than to consider personal accountability.
When the modern "political correctness" started (early 1990s) the world was not better than it is now.
Every day there are more articles revolving about racism allegations, gender inequality, discrimination of one sort or another.

Every time someone feels wronged, it immediately MUST be racially motivated. I think we as a people are more divided than a nation about to have a civil war. Personally I think we're all neurotic, creating issues where there are none because it's easier to claim you're discriminated against than to consider personal accountability.
You think we're more divided than a nation that's about to have a civil war? Maybe you should talk to someone who was alive during their own nation's civil war. :cool:
Things were actually much worse during the 1970's. I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam War, Watergate, the gasoline shortage, the Iran hostage crisis. The nightmare didn't end until Reagan got elected.
Things were actually much worse during the 1970's. I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam War, Watergate, the gasoline shortage, the Iran hostage crisis. The nightmare didn't end until Reagan got elected.

Right, tell me how things look once you wake up......
Do you think political correctness is a reason why America's population is screwed up

No the problem stems from screwing up children's minds from birth by teaching them to believe in any type of irrational nonsense under the guise of religion before they learn the difference between what is true or false and what is possible or impossible and forcing them to believe in what makes no sense with threats of real and imaginary violence and to regard any doubt or rational thought that might arise in their own mind as a demonic attack from the devil himself.making them incapable of rational thought or behavior and establishing a state of cognitive dissonance from which many never recover effectively subjugating the entire population through confusion and creating a false need for government to save the day by convincing the deluded that the only solution is to hire police and build prisons to protect the people from the predictable carnage directly caused by this unholy union between unrestrained religious abuse of children sanctioned by the state which primes them perfectly by the time they are adults to be abused for the rest of their lives by both church and state.

If peoples minds were not rendered useless from birth they would be perfectly capable of governing themselves, crime would disappear, poverty would vanish and there would be no need for taxes to support an enormous government or religious institution whose only aim is to perpetuate itself by deliberately sucking the life out of its own people.
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Things were actually much worse during the 1970's. I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam War, Watergate, the gasoline shortage, the Iran hostage crisis. The nightmare didn't end until Reagan got elected.

The nightmare BEGAN when Reagan was elected. I am old enough to remember when America had a robust middle class.

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