Do you think the current generation is equipped to clean up after our grandparents?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
It's been bothering me for a few years. On one hand, it's completely on us and our little brothers and sisters to clean up our culture and planet after our Boomer grandparents finish wiping their asses with them and to begin the long process of reconstruction. On the other hand, the drop out generation they refused to parent or give a damn about was the exact same one charged with training us for the task. We're utterly disunified. We're largely stuck in the failed hedonism and ideologies of the past. Almost none of us have even experienced a stable family or well rounded education. Will we fail like our parents? Will our own children have a better chance?
You all can't even clean your own butts. the ones you need to clean after is that nasty party you all support. Progressive/dem party...good damn luck
You all can't even clean your own butts. the ones you need to clean after is that nasty party you all support. Progressive/dem party...good damn luck
You all can't even clean your own butts. the ones you need to clean after is that nasty party you all support. Progressive/dem party...good damn luck
"Progressive" policies have caused about as much of the damage as unregulated capitalism. Here's hoping we can abandon the ideology and partisan politics of the previous age.
You can start by cleaning this up

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Why are “liberals” or “progressives” great fans of big government? (I put the words in scare quotes because it seems to me that these people are, objectively speaking, illiberal and regressive.) There are, I suggest, four reasons.

Liberals feel the need to repair the damage their moral values have done in the last half-century or so. When I speak of damage, I am thinking above all of the breakdown of the married two-parent family, a breakdown — caused largely by the liberal-promoted sexual revolution — that has inflicted immeasurable damage on fatherless boys and girls.

This breakdown is greatest among our poorer social classes — and has contributed of course to their poverty. And it is greatest of all among poor African-Americans: in black ghettos the married two-parent family has virtually disappeared. But to reverse this breakdown, to begin a return to the married two-parent family, liberals would have to proclaim that there is something seriously wrong with the ethic of sexual freedom that they have been promoting since the middle of the last century.

But to proclaim that would be unthinkable. To ask a liberal to renounce the ideal of sexual freedom would be like asking a Muslim to renounce his belief in Muhammad. So instead the liberal/progressive proclaims that we need bigger and better government welfare programs. We need more generous welfare payments, we need more day care for working single mothers; we need universal pre-K public education, and so on. In sum, we need the state to become the father to father-less children and the husband to husband-less moms.

ALL of it here:
They Heart Big Brother The American Spectator
I'm a pre groomer grandpa and my grandkids are doing kids are doing's all the choices you make and the advice you choose to act on...

Amen. so are mine. but I taught them to stand on their own two feet
It's been bothering me for a few years. On one hand, it's completely on us and our little brothers and sisters to clean up our culture and planet after our Boomer grandparents finish wiping their asses with them and to begin the long process of reconstruction. On the other hand, the drop out generation they refused to parent or give a damn about was the exact same one charged with training us for the task. We're utterly disunified. We're largely stuck in the failed hedonism and ideologies of the past. Almost none of us have even experienced a stable family or well rounded education. Will we fail like our parents? Will our own children have a better chance?
Probably it will be better once the homophobes die off and the war mongers lose their political sway. After that point the budget can be spent on mining asteroids rather than dropping bombs.

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