The Intentional Destruction of our Civilization: Have you noticed? Do you care?

Back in the 1960s the male to female ratio was 1 male to every 6 women. That was because the wars had decimated the male population. So the pretty girls always seemed to get the man while the bitter females had to work for themselves and be depressed. So of course those bitter ones would talk real bad about the girls who got to stay home, raise a family enjoy living a long life. But those bitters they couldnt have that life, so started calling the homemakers, worthless because they just stayed home making their men happy. So those same bitters started pushing for the castration of men, by having men, no longer wearing boxers but briefs that pulled the scrotum up against the body killing 50% of the sperm that makes males men. Also feeding men Soy, (estrogen which is female hormone) were introduced into the diets of men, thus we see the pussy progressive pajama boy, who would pull out a phone and video a woman being raped, instead of preventing the rape from happening.

Pictures are worth a thousand words..

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You are out of your mind if you think the ratio was 6 to 1 women. What a load of crap, there's plenty of stupid machismo along with it getting dumber and dumber.....
I was there to and you are so wrong. Economically for whites the 50s were great, we had no competition everyone else is economies were destroyed in world war II..... ALL PEOPLE have never had better than we do now despite too many people too much inequality and not enough upward mobility thanks to Republicans. The major problem as we are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training and Great infrastructure and vacations for a change. And the end of your garbage propaganda machine with a return to debate being mandatory.... The amount of hate based on misinformation in the GOP is ridiculous.
So there are other better places to live (if one isn't happy here).
Back in the 1960s the male to female ratio was 1 male to every 6 women. That was because the wars had decimated the male population. So the pretty girls always seemed to get the man while the bitter females had to work for themselves and be depressed. So of course those bitter ones would talk real bad about the girls who got to stay home, raise a family enjoy living a long life. But those bitters they couldnt have that life, so started calling the homemakers, worthless because they just stayed home making their men happy. So those same bitters started pushing for the castration of men, by having men, no longer wearing boxers but briefs that pulled the scrotum up against the body killing 50% of the sperm that makes males men. Also feeding men Soy, (estrogen which is female hormone) were introduced into the diets of men, thus we see the pussy progressive pajama boy, who would pull out a phone and video a woman being raped, instead of preventing the rape from happening.

Pictures are worth a thousand words..

View attachment 592726
When I got into my teens I had to switch to briefs. The downward pull of my scrotum was too painful and I needed better support. Boxers provide no support for yer junk. The Army (ironic to your picture) issued boxers but gave those who were like me the choice to wear briefs.

Briefs don't affect one's ability to father children (I've fathered a few). Briefs are really just a comfortable jockstrap. :)
A few short generations ago, it was common knowledge that the ideal family life centered around a (a) working father who provided the financial support, and (b) a nurturing mother who kept the household together and, most importantly, managed the nurturing of the children - which were plentiful. The uncomfortable fact remains that households that maintain that structure still produce the most well-rounded, happiest, and most successful children. No other family structure is its equal, AND there is no other family objective that is more important than this. "We" pay lip service to this fact by mouthing platitudes like, "Our children are the future," and "Children are our most important asset," but in every meaningful way we relegate child nurturing to a task of secondary importance in our culture. Indeed, our female children are indoctrinated (I will not say "taught") to believe that being a "housewife" is equivalent to "being a failure." Kids are taught the same thing in school, with subtle putdowns like, "What does your mommy DO?" As though raising children and running a household were DOING NOTHING. But this is a LIE.

It is also said that, "It is no longer possible to live on a single income." This is something between a lie and a self-fulfilling, self-destructive prophecy. While it's true that we experienced a recession and a rude introduction to the World Economy in the 70's that killed hundreds of thousands of good-paying middle class jobs - mainly manufacturing jobs - and forcing many women into the workplace, the introduction of tens of millions of working moms into the workforce did more to depress wages overall than any other economic development. Maybe that's why there are fewer good, middle-class jobs around for our Dads.

While no one was looking, these second incomes converted scores of nice-to-haves into must-haves, did they not? Do we all need big houses in the suburbs? Does every child need its own bedroom? Do we need several televisions in the house, and all of the electronic bullshit that mesmerizes our children ALL DAY LONG(!)? Do we need to take an opulent vacation every year? Do we really need two or three thirty-thousand-dollar cars in every household (which would not be necessary if Mom did not work)? Do we really need the closets and closets full of clothing and shoes that we eventually donate to charity because the house is simply not big enough to contain them?

What is the expected result of essentially turning over the nurturing of our children to The State? We complain that they are being indoctrinated into a Leftist dream world of bullshit, but isn't that entirely predictable?

Our culture teaches as a matter of faith that "alternative" lifestyles are just as good, if not superior to, the traditional family structure described above, and statistical evidence that denies that propaganda is suppressed. When assessing these alternative households to others, they always compare it to the household where the father is a convict or a drug addict - never to the norm. "Heather has two mommies," sounds almost tolerable, but what if it's Johnnie? Is it OK for him to have two Mommies? What a fucked up existence that would be.

While it is off the radar screen to many Americans (and you will never see this in scripted television), we still have tens of millions of families that continue the traditional paradigm. The dads go to work every day, year after year, and the moms are always there to send the kids off to school every day and be there when they get home, help with their homework, volunteer with the PTA (and the Church), and so on. Some of these families are even working class. Somehow they survive in modest homes, with one car, multiple kids in a single bedroom, and moms who are doing what we all pretend to value as the most import function in our society: nurturing the next generation.

And our culture treats such people - especially the wives/mothers - with disgust. Why is that?
Dude your rant is about 65 years too late. Thanks Boomer.
When I got into my teens I had to switch to briefs. The downward pull of my scrotum was too painful and I needed better support. Boxers provide no support for yer junk. The Army (ironic to your picture) issued boxers but gave those who were like me the choice to wear briefs.

Briefs don't affect one's ability to father children (I've fathered a few). Briefs are really just a comfortable jockstrap. :)
How Men's Underwear Choices May Impact Sperm Health
Sperm cells are sensitive to rises in temperature. In fact, they are so sensitive to heat that your own body heat is a problem. Have you ever wondered why the testicles sit outside of the body? Considering how important the testicles are for reproduction of the species, having them in a vulnerable position seems risky from an evolutionary perspective.
There is a reason why animals have slung low balls. Since the 1960s and generation upon generation, once men who would face a Panzer tank with a M1 Garand, now those pussy pajama boys look towards their next Latte.

So there are other better places to live (if one isn't happy here).
Each s***and die. We're going to fix this country if it's the last thing we do, it is our country duh. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron hater Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP and Rupert Murdoch and internet crazies. And it is basically impossible to move to other countries unless you are major rich. They have tough immigration policies.... And They worry they'll get ugly American Republican idiots...
Each s***and die. We're going to fix this country if it's the last thing we do, it is our country duh. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron hater Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP and Rupert Murdoch and internet crazies. And it is basically impossible to move to other countries unless you are major rich. They have tough immigration policies.... And They worry they'll get ugly American Republican idiots...
Dude, chill. America needs more people like me if it's going to be fixed. :)

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