Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Better question.. Has there EVER been a scandal on the scale of "The War On Drugs"?

How can you be against the Drug War and come on here for hours a day and profess your unwavering love and affection for Obama?

He'll happily crush state's rights so he can arrest more and more non-violent drug using americans.
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

thanks for repeating the rightwingnut conspiracy theory of the day.

and for proving my point.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


Either you are uniformed or a damned liar. "Fast and Furious" was not started under Bush. Based on your posts on this subject, I choose damned liar.

The tactic was developed under the Bush term.

then the local guys re employed it when asked to stop the gun flow.

The tactic was developed under Bush with the cooperation of the Mexican government. Obama developed a new program and decided to keep it a secret from the Mexican government. Can you explain that?
It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.

Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration?? It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that?? Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine. It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D

Nice try. Holder murdered hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. Shame on you for defending him. I'll ask you the same thing i asked the other Democratic Party Bootlickers. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you that would make you defend this awful travesty? Why such worship?

I don't worship anybody. And your outrage and those of your pals is so phony. Save it for someone that believes you.

I am a democrat because they care about people a lot more than republicans. Plain and simple. Should I expand further?? What for?? It would fall on deaf ears.
Uncensored in my opinion I believe jillian is a lawyer.

I don't. She doesn't demonstrate legal thinking. The lawyers I know are detail oriented. Granted they are mostly tax and HR attorneys. But the fact that the job requires knowledge of statutes and precedence, and compliance with the letter of codified law, leads to an analytical mind that is geared toward absolute adherence to protocol. Jillian exhibits none of that, plus she can't construct an English sentence to save her life.

The problem she is facing is that she is allowing her politics to override her better judgement. It happens we are all human.

My (very low) opinion of Jillian is that partisan concerns are the sum total of her judgement.

Noe the facts are obama and holder are covering up what they know about Fast and the furious.
My opinion about that is someone mentioned gun control and using fast and the furious to get it in those memos and that's what obama is hiding.

Again, I don't believe Jillian has any sort of intellectual curiosity. I see no evidence that she has any interest in the facts of the case and seeks only to promote her party.
honestly, honey... if people were actually engaging in reasonable discussion on this issue, i'm always happy to participiate on that level.


Happy? You're not even capable.

but when faced with rightwingnut hackery, i treat people the way they deserve to be treated and respond to them in terms they can understand.

You're a fraud, an intellectual lightweight with no ability to debate or discuss anything.

The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

It was indeed deception. Obama assured Jim brady's spouse that he was "working under the radar"...

Guess people forgot about this in regard to F&F?

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

Go back now to 2009 before he was sworn in?

CNSNews: Obama Made Pre-Inaugural ‘Pledge’ on Stopping Guns to Mexico; Holder, Napolitano Worked Issue From First Month

Heritage: President Obama’s Fast and Furious Scandal Grows
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

thanks for repeating the rightwingnut conspiracy theory of the day.

and for proving my point.


Jillian it's not a conspiracy theory/ it's a major cover up. This is not going to be pushed to the back like the birth certificate was.
What are the odds of me going back through your posts and finding a typo?

About 100% chance, why?

Wanna take a bet?

Sure, I'll bet you'll find plenty of typos in my posts.

BTW, my 10 year old son plays rep soccer. He is a goal keeper. He has many heroes, one being the Italian goalkeeper. Care to guess the name of that goalkeeper....then tell me I don't know how to spell the name (minus a vowel)

You're asking about an Italian soccer player?

How the hell would I know?

PS: You obviously skipped my post on the general perception of those that pick on typos...

Once a psycho always a psycho I guess...

You have to understand Gump, respect is earned, which is why I have none for you. Ditto for your backwards little friend, Jillian.
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

It was indeed deception. Obama assured Jim brady's spouse that he was "working under the radar"...

Guess people forgot about this in regard to F&F?

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

Go back now to 2009 before he was sworn in?

CNSNews: Obama Made Pre-Inaugural ‘Pledge’ on Stopping Guns to Mexico; Holder, Napolitano Worked Issue From First Month

Heritage: President Obama’s Fast and Furious Scandal Grows

Indeed I forgot about working under the radar.
I have mentioned the bolded part at least twice in this thread....

With all due respect, Doc...that's rather convoluted thinking. If I shot someone and you shot them I less guilty because YOUR bullet would have resulted in death even if mine wasn't there? Come on...

I agree with a point.

With rare exception on this thread, you are thinking about what went on. The whole plank of this argument is that Agent Terry died as a DIRECT result of this program. Make no mistake, people seem to be saying, without F&F Agent Terry would still be alive.

Let's forget the FACT that ballistics say that a gun from F&F cannot be connected to him yet.

Let's pretend for one iota that F&F didn't exist and it never happened and ask yourself this question. Let us say the operation Terry was involved with had gone ahead anyway. And let us say he would have run into these thugs anyway. Would they have or have not been armed? I think they would have. That makes F&F moot IMO. No matter what the situation they would have been armed.

Thus me thinking this is just partisan hackery....

I've never made the claim that Brian Terry died BECAUSE of Fast & Furious, Doc...Terry's death is what made ATF agents go to Chuck Grassley and blow the whistle on what the Holder DOJ was doing with this program. The bullet recovered from Terry's body was so damaged that they couldn't determine what gun it came from. It may have very well been from one of the two Fast & Furious weapons recovered from that crime may very well NOT have been from either.

The problem with Fast & Furious isn't that a gun used from that program killed a US border agent. It isn't that other Fast & Furious guns were used to kill Mexican nationals. The problem with Fast & Furious is that the people in charge of that program thought that flooding Mexico with weapons would make it easier for them to obtain the gun control legislation that they desired here in the US and they were willing to put innocent people's lives at risk in order to make that happen. THAT is the problem with Fast & Furious. It's would be the same thing if I wanted tougher laws against selling I gave a bunch of drugs to dealers that I "knew" would be selling them on local playgrounds thinking THAT would get people upset enough to vote for my tougher drug laws. It's an "end justifies the means" approach that quite frankly I find appalling.
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The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

It was indeed deception. Obama assured Jim brady's spouse that he was "working under the radar"...

Guess people forgot about this in regard to F&F?

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

Go back now to 2009 before he was sworn in?

CNSNews: Obama Made Pre-Inaugural ‘Pledge’ on Stopping Guns to Mexico; Holder, Napolitano Worked Issue From First Month

Heritage: President Obama’s Fast and Furious Scandal Grows

Indeed I forgot about working under the radar.

Tells me he KNEW something...:eusa_whistle:
It was indeed deception. Obama assured Jim brady's spouse that he was "working under the radar"...

Guess people forgot about this in regard to F&F?

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

Go back now to 2009 before he was sworn in?

CNSNews: Obama Made Pre-Inaugural ‘Pledge’ on Stopping Guns to Mexico; Holder, Napolitano Worked Issue From First Month

Heritage: President Obama’s Fast and Furious Scandal Grows

Indeed I forgot about working under the radar.

Tells me he KNEW something...:eusa_whistle:

I raise you an executive privilege:badgrin:
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

thanks for repeating the rightwingnut conspiracy theory of the day.

and for proving my point.


Then how can you explain what F&F was doing? Operation Wide Receiver only sold about 400 guns and those guns were actually tracked and recovered. F&F sold 2,000 guns and wasn't even trying to track them.

I have no doubt that F&F was trying to create a crises to restrict 2nd Amendment rights. Holder has long been an opponent of gun rights. I also suspect that the Obama knew about it by the time he made his "working on something under the radar" comment. That makes sense as to why DoJ is stonewalling over turning over the documents to Congress.

If it's revealed that he knew about a program designed to restrict one of our most basic Constitutional rights, he's toast for sure.

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