Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I'm surprised by the Obamabot excuses given in this case.

They applauded the idea of arming terrorists in Libya, why not applaud the idea of arming terrorists in Mexico?

If you're going to put party over country, at least be consistent with your excuses.
I'm surprised by the Obamabot excuses given in this case.

They applauded the idea of arming terrorists in Libya, why not applaud the idea of arming terrorists in Mexico?

If you're going to put party over country, at least be consistent with your excuses.

Only a few of those terrorist have killed Americans. Most of those terrorist kill other Mexicans, that's why
The Mexican gangs have plenty of guns from the US without F+F, dupes- thanks to Pub policy. At least F+F resulted in arrests and convictions. More than 40k have been killed since 2006, and the ATF chief has said neither the Bush or Obama administrations were kept in the loop. Change the channel.
So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.

Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.

How many drug lords, or even higher ups in the food chain, were arrested as a result of Fast and Furious again?

Hint, less than 1.
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


Did you know that the Justice Department actually retracted the letter where they said that Mukasey knew about gun walking? Why subpoena someone who the government has cleared of any involvement in something that you are investigating? Do you honestly think Holder would pass up a chance to involve anyone he could from the Bush administration in this in order to deflect the investigation from himself? The fact that he tried to do that in the first place proves he isn't above that tactic.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

What about Operation Wide Receiver? Bush placed 450 guns into the hands of drug dealers. Those guns were never recovered. God only knows what crimes they have been used in for the past 6 years.

I think it's a very interesting question.
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


You do know that Holder retracted that statement about Mukasey?

If you don't care for the source, the original letters can be linked to from site:

Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious |

...According to Grassley's memo, Justice said that Holder "inadvertently" made the charge against Mukasey in a hearing.

Here is the full text of the Grassley memo:

To: Reporters and Editors

Re: Second retraction of Fast and Furious Assertions

Da: Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Justice Department has retracted a second statement made to the Senate Judiciary Committee. During a hearing last week, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that his predecessor, then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey, had been briefed about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver. Now, the Department is retracting that statement and claiming Holder "inadvertently" made that claim to the Committee. The Department's letter failed to apologize to former Attorney General Mukasey for the false accusation. This is the second major retraction the Justice Department has made in the last seven months. In December 2011, the Department retracted its claim that the ATF had not allowed illegally purchased guns to be trafficked to Mexico. Sen. Chuck Grassley's letter and the Department's response can be viewed here-1.

In addition, the Justice Department released only one page of additional material prior to the Attorney General's meeting on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. It is a page of handwritten notes by a public affairs specialist for the Deputy Attorney General, which the Department says it "just recently discovered." The notes indicate that when Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein met with senior ATF officials on April 28, 2010, regarding the problem of gunwalking in Wide Receiver, the Deputy Attorney General's public affairs specialist also attended the meeting. These notes can be viewed here-2.

The notes indicate that Fast and Furious was also a topic discussed at the meeting, in addition to Wide Receiver. These notes further corroborate contemporaneous emails in 2010 that show Criminal Division Chief Lanny Breuer and Weinstein seemed to have been more concerned about the press implications of gunwalking than they were about making sure ATF ended the practice. (These emails can be viewed here-3.) The notes also undermine the claim that senior DOJ officials failed to "make the connection" between the gunwalking in Wide Receiver--which Breuer admitted to knowing about--and gunwalking in Fast and Furious. In fact, both cases were discussed by senior Department leadership and senior ATF leadership...
With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer

Jillian, a lawyer? Yeah, right. She may have watched a "Law & Order" rerun - but that's as close to the law as she will get.

should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.
Jillian is a hack, a partisan stooge. She posts what she does to further the aims of the party. Law has no bearing on what she posts, nor does she have an particular grasp of the law. She will say anything to protect and promote the democrats - that is the entire story.

Jillian is the only person I know in real life for real on this board. not only is she a lawyer, but she is a very successful one

How do you know when somebody loses an argument? look up the word ad hominem Uncensored. I always thought you a baffoon..but to advertise it on a messageboard, well, why not? Once a dumb motherfucker, always a dumb motherfucker...

She might be a successful lawyer, but she doesn't know anything about federal law. I know some very successful lawyers, most of them are smart enough to understand that their success in intellectual property does not translate into a working knowledge of criminal law in Texas. The one that didn't understand that once lost a bet to me.
actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

for the record, my objection is not to holder having to answer questions. when things go bad, they always have to get explained.

my objection is to issa, who promised an investigation a day, using something which should be bi-partisan to score political points and try to embarrass holder, who the right has had an issue with from day one.

i also have issues with them allowing a conspiracy theorist like the "break their windows not" blogger, to influence the actions of our political machine.

as for mukasey... if you have credible evidence that the bush admin stopped their program of "gun walking", then i would very much like to see it. but given that the program was the same, he should speak to it as well. bi-partisan actionl; bi-partisan investigation instead of opportunistic nonsense by issa and friends.

it is often true, even in our own domestic investigations, that criminal activity is allowed as a means to obtain evidence against bigger and bigger fish. i don't think this was any different.

I wonder what you would consider credible evidence, apparently a public withdrawal of the DOJ letter that argued that Mukasey approved of gun walking, and a follow up letter that admitted this was a "mistake," doesn't meet the bar for you. How about a Wiki link instead?

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In case my sarcasm was too subtle for you, that was an insult to your critical thinking skills.

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