Do you think the lefts new cultural standards are going to become the norm?

Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?
Define normal .
For starters we should be focusing on one's qualifications for jobs/positions not their skin tone, nationality or gender. We have taken the quota system and turned it on its head. While it may have started under the best of intentions we have bastardized it beyond recognition
And ones skin tone, nationality or gender shouldn't be highlighted before the qualifications are met for the job, but that's not fitting with their agenda's.
Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?
The conservatives lose every culture war. Every single one. As they die off, new progressives are born. It's academic.

But that doesn't stop the GOP frauds from making them think they stand a chance, haha. If not for this, the GOP wouldn't get 30% of the vote in any election.
Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?
The conservatives lose every culture war. Every single one. As they die off, new progressives are born. It's academic.

But that doesn't stop the GOP frauds from making them think they stand a chance, haha. If not for this, the GOP wouldn't get 30% of the vote in any election.

In what community, city, state or nation do you see an improvement for the citizenry as a whole as a direct result of progressive policy?
We aren’t interested in hearing about how your compartmentalized freak factions FEEL better inside.
In what community, city, state or nation do you see an improvement for the citizenry as a whole as a direct result of progressive policy?
All of them, thanks for asking. I know you really wish you could own a woman and a few black people, but progressives really upended that little plan.
Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?

Nope, and I have stated if I am going to be young again it better not be now because I hate today stupidity!
In what community, city, state or nation do you see an improvement for the citizenry as a whole as a direct result of progressive policy?
All of them, thanks for asking. I know you really wish you could own a woman and a few black people, but progressives really upended that little plan.

No, I doubt that any of us wish that but some of us wish those like you would stop telling those like what I can like, read or say!
For starters we should be focusing on one's qualifications for jobs/positions not their skin tone, nationality or gender. We have taken the quota system and turned it on its head. While it may have started under the best of intentions we have bastardized it beyond recognition

Um, okay. Then we also need to eliminate people who are hired because they are the owner's idiot nephew or the boss's drinking buddy or they are sleeping with a manager.

The problem is, white privilege is already affirmative action for white males.
In what community, city, state or nation do you see an improvement for the citizenry as a whole as a direct result of progressive policy?
All of them, thanks for asking. I know you really wish you could own a woman and a few black people, but progressives really upended that little plan.

Haha...because you say so huh?
No statistics, no facts, no links to these thriving and prosperous progressive communities, cities, states or nations?
For starters we should be focusing on one's qualifications for jobs/positions not their skin tone, nationality or gender. We have taken the quota system and turned it on its head. While it may have started under the best of intentions we have bastardized it beyond recognition

Um, okay. Then we also need to eliminate people who are hired because they are the owner's idiot nephew or the boss's drinking buddy or they are sleeping with a manager.

The problem is, white privilege is already affirmative action for white males.
None of what you just said has any damned thing to do with one's color. Try and do better. White priveledge is a Damned myth created by the left. If it was true by your thinking, and the above that you wrote is what has been the norm, then it's unbelievable how this nation became so modernized by having nothing but your stereotypes running it for hundreds of years. Feeling kind of stupid yet ? Well you should be.
Um, okay. Then we also need to eliminate people who are hired because they are the owner's idiot nephew or the boss's drinking buddy or they are sleeping with a manager.

The problem is, white privilege is already affirmative action for white males.

None of what you just said has any damned thing to do with one's color. Try and do better. White priveledge is a Damned myth created by the left. If it was true by your thinking, and the above that you wrote is what has been the norm, then it's unbelievable how this nation became so modernized by having nothing but your stereotypes running it for hundreds of years. Feeling kind of stupid yet ? Well you should be.

Are you a retard. Um, yeah, all those things have to do with race if the person giving out jobs are white to start with.

For instance, I worked at a company where they created a position of "scheduler", because someone figured out that I couldn't do both scheduling and buying. It was a violation of Sarbanes-Oxley if I could both buy the material and expend them in work orders. So they hired a guy who was the drinking buddy of the General manager. No qualifications for the job. Problem was, they had to eliminate a position in the purchasing department. Who got let go? The black lady. Of course, the guy was kind of useless, and I was still stuck doing a lot of his work and I got stuck with the black lady's work as well.

So. Yeah. White privilege is a thing. Deal with it.
Hilarious thread....

How many media and Hollywood types have lost their job because of past behavior?
Matt Lauer
Kevin Spacey
Charlie Rose
Al Franken
Michael Richards
Louis CK
the list goes on and on.
What about LeBron James, Stephen Jackson, DeSean Jackson, Mel Gibson, Ice Cube....anti semitism is allowed I guess....
Um, okay. Then we also need to eliminate people who are hired because they are the owner's idiot nephew or the boss's drinking buddy or they are sleeping with a manager.

The problem is, white privilege is already affirmative action for white males.

None of what you just said has any damned thing to do with one's color. Try and do better. White priveledge is a Damned myth created by the left. If it was true by your thinking, and the above that you wrote is what has been the norm, then it's unbelievable how this nation became so modernized by having nothing but your stereotypes running it for hundreds of years. Feeling kind of stupid yet ? Well you should be.

Are you a retard. Um, yeah, all those things have to do with race if the person giving out jobs are white to start with.

For instance, I worked at a company where they created a position of "scheduler", because someone figured out that I couldn't do both scheduling and buying. It was a violation of Sarbanes-Oxley if I could both buy the material and expend them in work orders. So they hired a guy who was the drinking buddy of the General manager. No qualifications for the job. Problem was, they had to eliminate a position in the purchasing department. Who got let go? The black lady. Of course, the guy was kind of useless, and I was still stuck doing a lot of his work and I got stuck with the black lady's work as well.

So. Yeah. White privilege is a thing. Deal with it.
One off example means there is white privilege? Do better
Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?

Do you think the lefts new cultural standards are going to become the norm?
In a word.....YES
To a point. At which point the charade of liberalism and 'wokeness' gets replaced by strict authoritarianism and rule by iron fist.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?
Recover? That's very subjective. Recover to a free state?
No, the current generations(s) will never recover. All current generations are lost. It will take at least 1000 years.
"Recovery" will be the absolute end of freedom and the onset of global subjugation and rule by a few.
It's actually been that way for most of humankinds existence.. Freedom was a novel concept. An "experiment (that failed)

All that was required for evil, twisted men to prevail was for men who called themselves "good" to do nothing
The amount of abject stupidity and ignorance today is exceeded only by the number of morons who believe they are not.
While it may have started under the best of intentions we have bastardized it beyond recognition
Going too far with the best of intentions is our national pastime. Followed closely by lowering standards when it helps us advance an agenda.

By trying to protect and help people who have been victimized, the Left has spent the last few generations lowering standards for those same people and then turning it into law.

What happens when we continually lower standards for people, over and over, year after year, generation after generation? I think the outcome is predictable. The question is whether we have to lower standards. Personally, I don't think we do. At least not any more.

And one more thing: Picking the winners and losers based on immutable characteristics will only create and increase resentments. That played a large part in getting Trump elected in 2016, it's still playing a large part, and the Left refuses to see that.
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Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?

If people are stupid enough to post dumb shit on the internet then they get what they get,
Nearly each day we hear about some high profile or media personality being canceled for something they said or did in their distant past. People having their lives turned upside down because of things they said or did as a teenager or young adult. You know, that point in ALL OUR LIVES where we say or do stupid shit in a rebellious manner as we all seek out our own individualism/identity. Something that the new left seem to find HIGHLY offensive (individualism)

Just imagine us if we were younger and the internet existed during our formative years.

Most of us were fully grown by the time the internet came around but what would happen if our identities and posts on USMB were exposed and connected to us as individuals?
Our online personas do not define who we are. For me they are a mere outlet to be snarky without the chance that anyone actually gets personally injured or offended. Yeah, I have some opinions that don't mesh with others. We all do. At some point the pendulum will swing back and YOU may wind up on the cancel block. Our individualism is what makes us a unique species. Seeking to destroy that will lead to our downfall.

Can we recover from this cancer that is currently consuming us?
The conservatives lose every culture war. Every single one. As they die off, new progressives are born. It's academic.

But that doesn't stop the GOP frauds from making them think they stand a chance, haha. If not for this, the GOP wouldn't get 30% of the vote in any election.

In what community, city, state or nation do you see an improvement for the citizenry as a whole as a direct result of progressive policy?
We aren’t interested in hearing about how your compartmentalized freak factions FEEL better inside.

Your point proven as always.
His weak non answer illustrates the Progs ignorance and self destructive stupidity.

Like you say, they have no meaningful answer because they are ruled by emotions, and those have all been commandeered and wholly owned by the Elites they worship, willfully or not.

It is exactly their utter ignorance that tyrants exploit.
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Hilarious thread....

How many media and Hollywood types have lost their job because of past behavior?
Matt Lauer
Kevin Spacey
Charlie Rose
Al Franken
Michael Richards
Louis CK
the list goes on and on.
Rob Lowe. :p
Miss America Vanessa Williams

Forum List
