Do you think U.S should donate food to N.Korea?

Sallow, at the time of the Korean war, 1951 to 1953, no one had ICBM's. The United States had the most nuclear devices and were just developing Hydrogen weapons. Russia had the nuke (tested in 1948), however the only delivery system they had were the bombers that were patterned after the B-29. Those bombers were copied piece-by-piece from B-29's damaged over Japan that took emergency landings in Russia. They were taken apart, copied and then a replica was manufactured in Russia. They knew about the US having a nuke and were secretly developing one themselves from information sent to them from inside the Manhattan project. Big Joe Stalin wasn't dumb. He knew that the 'west' was going to be his nemesis after the war because of eastern Europe so he needed an ace in the hole. If McArthur had used nukes during the Korean War, would Stalin have retaliated? He would have tried for sure.

As for North Korea, the food that we send is never identified as American foreign aid. So the question boils down to: Do we want to feed the North Koreans for just the sake of humanity, because we will never get the credit? Do you let hundreds of thousands, possibly millions die of starvation because of the complete and utter EVIL that rules them? AND we know from experience that North Korea will never agree to anything simply based upon whether they get food from us or not. So the 'gift' would be just for our benefit.

We KNOW who we are. We KNOW what is in our heart. We KNOW that we want nothing but good things for the Korean people and I don't think recognition is part of that. It would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen. If you can stand by and watch a man starve to death, then you have your answer. I cannot... YES, feed them.

Another question I have is, why is it the responsibilty of the US to feed the North Korean people? China is right there, how come the Chinese can't help them out? Like Swagger said, China is right there and could certainly do it easier than we could flying food over there.

Well, I am an Evengelical Christian. Yes, I am a conservative member of the Tea Party and I absolutely KNOW in my heart that the people in charge of North Korean are dangerous, bat-sh*t crazy, and literally two-thirds of what we give them will go to feed the very army they would use against us.

HG, you are a rational, logical, and well-thought young man and I really do understand the basics of your question. But if we give North Korea 100 bushels of wheat and one bushel, simply one bushel goes to feed that average Joe in North Korea, I'm good with that. Why do we have to do it? Because WE CAN HG. Remember what the wise man once said: "You will know them by their works." Even if no one knows, we will... and so will those select few in North Korea and it will make them crazy! So will God. And as Sallow says: It really is that simple.

Sometimes you have to do what is right regardless of the consequences...
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Sallow, at the time of the Korean war, 1951 to 1953, no one had ICBM's. The United States had the most nuclear devices and were just developing Hydrogen weapons. Russia had the nuke (tested in 1948), however the only delivery system they had were the bombers that were patterned after the B-29. Those bombers were copied piece-by-piece from B-29's damaged over Japan that took emergency landings in Russia. They were taken apart, copied and then a replica was manufactured in Russia. They knew about the US having a nuke and were secretly developing one themselves from information sent to them from inside the Manhattan project. Big Joe Stalin wasn't dumb. He knew that the 'west' was going to be his nemesis after the war because of eastern Europe so he needed an ace in the hole. If McArthur had used nukes during the Korean War, would Stalin have retaliated? He would have tried for sure.

As for North Korea, the food that we send is never identified as American foreign aid. So the question boils down to: Do we want to feed the North Koreans for just the sake of humanity, because we will never get the credit? Do you let hundreds of thousands, possibly millions die of starvation because of the complete and utter EVIL that rules them? AND we know from experience that North Korea will never agree to anything simply based upon whether they get food from us or not. So the 'gift' would be just for our benefit.

We KNOW who we are. We KNOW what is in our heart. We KNOW that we want nothing but good things for the Korean people and I don't think recognition is part of that. It would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen. If you can stand by and watch a man starve to death, then you have your answer. I cannot... YES, feed them.

Another question I have is, why is it the responsibilty of the US to feed the North Korean people? China is right there, how come the Chinese can't help them out? Like Swagger said, China is right there and could certainly do it easier than we could flying food over there.

Well, I am an Evengelical Christian. Yes, I am a conservative member of the Tea Party and I absolutely KNOW in my heart that the people in charge of North Korean are dangerous, bat-sh*t crazy, and literally two-thirds of what we give them will go to feed the very army they would use against us.

HG, you are a rational, logical, and well-thought young man and I really do understand the basics of your question. But if we give North Korea 100 bushels of wheat and one bushel, simply one bushel goes to feed that average Joe in North Korea, I'm good with that. Why do we have to do it? Because WE CAN HG. And as Sallow says: It really is that simple.

Sometimes you have to do what is right regardless of the consequences...

If North Korea was a down trodden barren country like some of the ones in Africa that don't have any standing government and don't pose any harm to anyone but themselves, I would be ok with sending them food. However, North Korea chooses to spend all its money and resources on their nuclear program and its Military, I think if North Korea wanted to feed its people it really could, but right now they are letting the international community feed its population while it diverts all its cash and resources towards its nukes and Military, thats just madness, we are basically getting hustled if we look at it like that.
Another question I have is, why is it the responsibilty of the US to feed the North Korean people? China is right there, how come the Chinese can't help them out? Like Swagger said, China is right there and could certainly do it easier than we could flying food over there.

Well, I am an Evengelical Christian. Yes, I am a conservative member of the Tea Party and I absolutely KNOW in my heart that the people in charge of North Korean are dangerous, bat-sh*t crazy, and literally two-thirds of what we give them will go to feed the very army they would use against us.

HG, you are a rational, logical, and well-thought young man and I really do understand the basics of your question. But if we give North Korea 100 bushels of wheat and one bushel, simply one bushel goes to feed that average Joe in North Korea, I'm good with that. Why do we have to do it? Because WE CAN HG. And as Sallow says: It really is that simple.

Sometimes you have to do what is right regardless of the consequences...

If North Korea was a down trodden barren country like some of the ones in Africa that don't have any standing government and don't pose any harm to anyone but themselves, I would be ok with sending them food. However, North Korea chooses to spend all its money and resources on their nuclear program and its Military, I think if North Korea wanted to feed its people it really could, but right now they are letting the international community feed its population while it diverts all its cash and resources towards its nukes and Military, thats just madness, we are basically getting hustled if we look at it like that.

You are right. Like I said them people in charge in the North are VERY dangerous and they are bat-sh*t crazy. I understand what you're saying and I KNOW in my heart that of 100 bushels we send them, at least 90 will feed the army.

But like those workers in Somolia who pay the warlords so they can help the starving. I just think you have to... You know, during harvest here in the midwest, you go by some grain elevators and you can see corn, wheat, sorghum and other grains piled up on the ground because there's so much of it, there's no place to put it. Most of it will rot before it can be put onto cars and sent to market.

Call me an old fool HG... If it was up to me, I couldn't say no.
Well, I am an Evengelical Christian. Yes, I am a conservative member of the Tea Party and I absolutely KNOW in my heart that the people in charge of North Korean are dangerous, bat-sh*t crazy, and literally two-thirds of what we give them will go to feed the very army they would use against us.

HG, you are a rational, logical, and well-thought young man and I really do understand the basics of your question. But if we give North Korea 100 bushels of wheat and one bushel, simply one bushel goes to feed that average Joe in North Korea, I'm good with that. Why do we have to do it? Because WE CAN HG. And as Sallow says: It really is that simple.

Sometimes you have to do what is right regardless of the consequences...

If North Korea was a down trodden barren country like some of the ones in Africa that don't have any standing government and don't pose any harm to anyone but themselves, I would be ok with sending them food. However, North Korea chooses to spend all its money and resources on their nuclear program and its Military, I think if North Korea wanted to feed its people it really could, but right now they are letting the international community feed its population while it diverts all its cash and resources towards its nukes and Military, thats just madness, we are basically getting hustled if we look at it like that.

You are right. Like I said them people in charge in the North are VERY dangerous and they are bat-sh*t crazy. I understand what you're saying and I KNOW in my heart that of 100 bushels we send them, at least 90 will feed the army.

But like those workers in Somolia who pay the warlords so they can help the starving. I just think you have to... You know, during harvest here in the midwest, you go by some grain elevators and you can see corn, wheat, sorghum and other grains piled up on the ground because there's so much of it, there's no place to put it. Most of it will rot before it can be put onto cars and sent to market.

Call me an old fool HG... If it was up to me, I couldn't say no.

The thing is we have hungry people right here in the US, unemployment is very high and people on food stamps are at record levels today. I would much rather our food and aid go to American people, by giving all this food and aid we are actually helping a rogue regime that is hostile to the US survive, and I cannot be ok with that. The North Koreans wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire. As far as Somalia goes that is a very sad situation but I don't think just giving them billions in food and aid is the answer either, I remember in 1992 we were in the exact same situation, fast forward 20 years later and there is another famine and now this one is even worse than the one before it, it just seems like these countries with starving people don't learn anything when the West just goes in there and feeds them, holds their hands and takes care of all their problems. We will be feeding the North Koreans forever unless something changes.
Really? As far as I can tell the USSR just wanted America to keep its nose out of their political and territorial interests. They weren't trying to aggressively assert their military might because they'd already proved themselves on countless occasions. N. Korea, on the the other hand, has been needlessly sabre rattling for decades, and in turn have spread widespread fear around the globe. I mean, at least NATO knew of Russia's intentions, and how to effectively counter them where necessary.

Are you really this obtuse in real life?

North Korea was the responsibility of the Soviets in the first place. They were arming them initially. They were taken aback by Kim's "independence" and knocked on their heels by the invasion. But there is basically no doubt that if ICBMs starting flying around..they would have joined in.

By that reasoning, they should feed them too.

We do and did.

What do you think the wheat embargo was all about?

What do you think coaxed the Soviet Union to de-construct?
No. I don't believe we should donate food to them, or most of the world. They can buy it from us. The more cats you feed, the more that come around.

Now, if we want to teach them fish...that's another thing.
No, I don't see why we are giving food and aid to a country that is hostile towards the US, the North Koreans are brain washed to think of Americans as their enemies.

But it's propaganda that comes with a kernel of truth. While America was in fact attacked by North Korea..the response was apeshit. The US pummeled North Korea without mercy. Some 4 million Koreans died in that war. Heck..Macarthur wanted to nuke the place. It wasn't until the Chinese invaded and pushed back..that hostilities ceased. Yeah..they are brain washed..and yeah..there are some reasons to hate America for North Koreans.

You're an anti-american idiot.
Russia would have started lobbing ICBMs. That's a fact. And no country in it's right mind was going to put up with another country that uses nukes to end wars.

Really? As far as I can tell the USSR just wanted America to keep its nose out of their political and territorial interests. They weren't trying to aggressively assert their military might because they'd already proved themselves on countless occasions. N. Korea, on the the other hand, has been needlessly sabre rattling for decades, and in turn have spread widespread fear around the globe. I mean, at least NATO knew of Russia's intentions, and how to effectively counter them where necessary.

Are you really this obtuse in real life?

North Korea was the responsibility of the Soviets in the first place. They were arming them initially. They were taken aback by Kim's "independence" and knocked on their heels by the invasion. But there is basically no doubt that if ICBMs starting flying around..they would have joined in.

The Soviets would NOT have committed to war on behalf of NK. They were not that fond of Kim Il-Sung.
Let China help them out.
They border one another. China more than has the means. They share the same idealogy. Sit this shit out.

China does give them loads of food aid. So does South Korea. So does Japan.
Let em' starve. It's a sucky thing to do but we can't save everyone. They'll just feed it to their standing army anyway.
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No we don't help our enemy's! We starve them economically no technology transfers nothing not one grain of rice. It isn't humanitarian to give aide to your enemy its stupid. If we deal with them harshly eventually they change or leave us alone and the world is a much better place for us.

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